Chapter 29

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As the night progressed, different drinks and food were served as everyone enjoyed themselves.

When the moon was already hanging high in the sky, guests started to leave after saying their polite goodbye to the hosts, some went home while others stayed the night.

Tom's trust on Harry was confirmed when the first let himself get drunk and be carried by Harry to his house.

Harry had a bit of a hard time leaving as the Malfoy family didn't quite like the ideas of a guest of them being taken, but as he had a higher status than them and Tom didn't seemed to mind, they let him go.

He didn't dare to apparate, fearing Tom might feel unwell, so Harry chose the good old way, driving.

He just had to transfigurate a relatively big tree into a car and set off into the road.

This way he felt safer and he can enjoy some time alone with Tom, even if the latter is resting against the window, too tired to care about using muggle things.

The journy back was calm, when Harry arrived close to home, the roads ended, so he had asked Tom if could handle apparate.

After being given the go ahead, Harry took them both inside and took Tom up to bath before being put in bed.

Although, he was pretty much being treat as a kid, Tom's mind was fuzzy and being gently handled like this felt nice, feeling the warm and care this man offered him.

When Harry had entered the car he had let down his disguise because he knew that those windows would not let anyone see in, so he was looking at his 20 or so years old version when he gets older on this timeline.

Tom was still a bit dazed after being left in the bedroom by Harry, he had just noticed Harry's changed.

He will turn out to be a handsome young man, with vibrant green eyes, raven black hair, high cheekbones, thin lips, all traces inherited  by blood.

"Here, drink this" Harry said after coming in, two vials in hand.

Tom grabbed one of the vials and sniffed it lightly, although he is under the influence of alcohol, it didn't stop him from conclude that it was a sober up potion.

He glut it down and let himself rest against the headboard of the bed, closing his eyes a bit as he feels the potions kicking in and clear up his mind.

"Better?" Harry asked after a few seconds.

Tom nodded before opening his eyes and carefully look at Harry.

"Is this how you looked like?" Tom was curious about it when he saw this.

Although, Tom didn't elaborate further, Harry still understood what he meant and answered.

"No, originally, I was shorter and thinner than I am. This is how am supposed to look in this timeline" Harry explained.

Indeed, it's true, due to the constant prohibition of food and lack of prober nutricion, Harry didn't grew past 1.64m and weithed only 35kg, practically being skin and bones for the age of 16.

But now, with a healthier food regime, work out and care, Harry would grow up to be 1.85m, with a generous amount of muscules with almost no fat.

"How did you look before, then?" Tom asked, again, curious as how he was.

Harry thought for a moment, before waving his hand a bit and slowly changed his appearance.

He shrank in both height and weight, his hair became messier and more dry, his crooked glasses appeared, hiding his dimmed green eyes, the scars of the past also emerged, but those were covered by the clothes.

Tom's eyes widden at great the contrast between the two.

"How did you end up like this?" he asked suprised.

Although, he also suffered from food deprivation and beatings, specially from so called exorcism, he didn't end up as bad as Harry was.

Difference between the two lies in their magic, while Harry was in constant fear of using it and receive a beating, Tom manadged to control it and use it to make his life easier.

"Magic hating guardians" was all the explanation Harry offered and it was enough for Tom to connect some dots "Alright, enough chat for the day, go to sleep" Harry said standing up from the bed, he leaned forward wanting to give a kiss on Tom's forehead, but held back, stopping himself just in time to look like he had lost his balance a bit.

Harry left the room, closed the door and rest his back against it letting his head fall back as a sigh escaped his lips.

'Master, everything is in place' Death's message came as abruptly as it went.

'Alright, I'll go take a look in while'

Having thought that, Harry went to his room, took a shower and went under the covers, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Harry was looking through the window, the various stars and planets were a marvelous sight to see from the space ship.

As the world war of magic vs technology progressed, the world gradually died, making harder and harder to survive.

As a result, the non-magik folk, or muggles, set their sights into space, looking for a new home in the vast cosmos for the their specie.

30 years after the start of the war, most of non-magiks' resource went into astronomy and space travel

Three years later, a planet that could sustain them was found and five years after that the first people to live there set food on their new home, Domum.

And Harry was one of the first to see it.

This planet is practically a copy of Earth, except for the shape of the continents, their position and the fact that the sky is mostly red.

Domum is the sixth planet of system, but because the star it orbits is hotter than the sun, the habitable zone covered his position, allowing liquid water to form and small living beings to thrive until the arrival of the humans.

With the state of things, Lady Magic had no choice but to stop gifting the humans on the new planet with magic, making magic enter a state of decline.

With the departure of non-magik people, the leftover magical population could finally breath in relive for a short while before trying to survive.

'It would have been best if the magiks were the ones to leave. After all, this war started with them when we wanted peace' Harry thought, glancing around and scanning Domum with his magic to get the lay out of it.

'If i could go back...'



Author's note:

Thank you, everyone, for the support shown since my last note.

I'm happy to tell you all that I'm all better for a while now.

Since it's Christmas, or whatever you celebrate on this date, I decided to gift you with this chapter followed by another one on January 1st.

Merry Christmas, everyone, and a Happy New Year!


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