Chapter 21

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Harry looked at Tom, eyes widden in shock and suprise.

"Want?!" he asked, again, hoping his ears were deceiving him.

"Yes" Tom replied back calmly, but the hand behind his back was trembling slightly.

Harry took a deep breath, held it in for a few seconds, let it out and sat back down on the chair, only now noticing that he had stood up from it.

"You haven't given up on your goal?" Harry asked more calmly this time, sounding tired and defeated as he closed his eyes.

"No" Tom answered "I always wished to change the wizard world for the better, but because of someone's meddling in my affairs, i got side tracked and forgot about my original intention" he felt the need to explained himself, so he continued " and now that I'm back, i want to resume my plans"

"Are you sure, Tom?" Harry asked, not showing what he thinks or feels to the other, making it much more difficult for Tom to judge Harry's opinion, but based on the reaction he got, it's not a positive one. (Harry had cast a spell that makes it when he says Tom, the people around would hear Owen, because he may slip from time to time)

Tom didn't say anything, he nodded instead, nervously waiting for an answer.

"Alright" Harry said sighing "If that's what you wish, I'll support you as best as i can" he added, sending a small smile to Tom who smiled back before his mask was back in place "For now let's go eat dinner, it's already half way done with" Harry stood up and start packing up the papers and books they had brought out.

The two left the library and silencely made their way to the Great Hall.

Tom didn't think much when Harry was still accompanying him because their house's tables are next to each other, what did suprise him, however, was when Harry didn't go to seat over with Luna.

Tom hid it well and kept walking to his little circle of friends, Draco Malfoy, Daphene Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini, who all have 16 years.

The five didn't said anything when they saw Tom seating down, but their suprise was hard to hide when Harry sat at his right naturally.

The two had normally, putting food on their own plate and minding their business, Harry reading something he took from the library, while Tom engaged in a conversation with those around him, charming his way into their good side.

As dinner slowly come to an end, along side the first month of school, people started notice the celling darkening even more than it was supposed to.

As the commotion grew, everyone started to look up just as various images around England appeared showing the night sky, almost devoid of stars on some.

Suddenly, a trail of smoke appeared shooting up high into the sky right before exploding.

Beautiful fire-works with various colors filled the darken sky, its colors bright enough for the whole England to see.

Harry's eyes were not trainned on the celling as everyone else's was, his were focused on the person beside him, watching the fire-works explode on those dark brown eyes he had dreamed many time.

The sound of explosions was loud to the point of making Harry's ears ring.

Chaos, death and screams were all around Harry who hid himself under his cloak and a bunch of spells.

It happened by coincidence that Harry was there when the muggles decided to bomb a village under the assumption of magical presence.

They were not wrong, but that's just because Harry was there, otherwise, they would have bombed a village full innocent people.

Amist to the crys and pleas of what was left of the people who lived there, the army rushed over in full armor, carrying guns and a helmet to identify magic.

Even with that, they didn't stop because the higher ups wanted to get rid of this village to built luxuries for the rich.

Humans are greedy creatures, always wanting more than what they have.

And if they couldn't get it, they will destroy it.

Harry watched the wars happening and the damadge it was doing to the planet, only 5 years have passed since the existence of magic was revealed to the public and already half of it was uninhabitable.

As the surroundings grow quiet, Harry silencely watched the fallen souls being welcome to Death's realm.

"Hello, Harry" a genderless voice with chill on his tone said suddenly behind him.

"Death" was Harry's simple greeting, he had gotten used to talking to the deity because everytime he died he would be temporary transported to his servents realm "Are you finally telling how I became your master or is it another of your requests?"

"Now, i know why you weren't famous for your intelligence"

"I wasn't famous because of it in the first place" Harry said boredly.

"I'm aware" they replied back.

"Well?" Harry asked after a few seconds of silence as they watch the last of 500 souls passed through the veil.

"One must resist the wand's power, resist the call of the dead, hide from me under the cloak, fearless face me and accept my embrance" Death finally told him right before leaving.

Harry sighed tiredly, glanced around and apparate out of there.

"Who did this?" Blaise asked hinding well his amazed feeling.

Harry shrugged and turned to Tom.

"Any ideas, Owen?" he asked innocently.

"No" Tom said before quickly looking away, trying to ignore his racing heart as he stir up a conversation.

Harry smiled lightly when he saw a hint of red of the boy's neck.

'It seems i really do have a chance'


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