Chapter 20

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Half an hour later, the lab was destroyed, and Harry made sure all the data was deleted, Luna also made sure no one would remember what happened or have any evidence of who did it and how it was done.

Four hours passed just like that, some places were close to each other, that helped them to reduce the time they needed to spent on trips.

By the time they return to Hogwarts, it was already 3 o'clock in the morning and everyone was asleep.

The four of them said their goodbyes and seperate, each one returning to their own bedroom.

"Did it help?" Luna asked quietly as they made their way to the Ravenclaw Tower.

"Yes" Harry replied back, holding in a yawn that threatened to escape.

It was true, it did help him take his mind off Tom and leave him tired enough to sleep through the night and not staying up overthinking things.

"Thanks, Luna, i needed that" Harry said, smiling gently at the young girl before saying good night and going up to his dorm.

Tom didn't sleep that night, he laid in bed restlessly turning around, trying to fall asleep, but nothing worked.

His mind went overdrive thinking about all possible situations Harry had with Ginny, the girl he had glance at during lunch yesterday.

It was relatively easy to find out about her and her family.

Ginny Weasley, the youngest and only daughter of the Weasley family, first year at Hogwarts and spoiled rotten by her family.

By the rumors he had heard going around, he assumed that Ginny had a crush on Harry, at least during the first few days, after that, she could be seen all by herself with her nose stuck on a book, smiling at it as she writes.

It was strange really, but Tom didn't care about that, no, what he cared about was the fact that Harry had look at her the day after kissing his hand.

Tom is well aware of what this means in the wizard world.

It's either one of the two: greeting a Lady from a status higher than yours, or a courship gesture.

And Tom was pretty sure it was the second options, especially because he could feel Harry glance at him every ten seconds if Tom is in his sight.

The two haven't talk for two days since that night, mostly because they have classes and homework to do, but Tom has been waiting for an opportunity to talk with him for a while now and it finally presented itself after Transfiguration class.

The students have already left, but Harry was still sitting with his things out, staring at nothing.

Tom purposely slow down on tiding up his things, just so he could talk with Harry alone.

"Potter" Tom called when Prof. McGonagall left as well as everyone else.

But Harry didn't turn like Tom expected him, so he called again.

"Harry" he said with a more soft voice.

This time, Harry did turn and stared at Tom, mentally preparing himself for words of rejection.

He could deal with it, he had already delt with it before, he could go through it again, right?

"Are you going to the library after the class are over?" Tom asked.

Harry nodded a bit dumbly.

"Good, I'll se you there, then" he informed before leaving.

It took a few seconds for Harry to realized that he hadn't been rejected and that Tom still wanted to hang out.

'Doesn't it mean i have chance to go further with him in the future?' that thought alone was enough to left Harry smiling for the rest of the day.

When lessons were finally over for the day, Harry went to the library where he quickly got rid of his homework and focused on his plans for the future instead.

Various runes and calculations were spread in those papers, but for anyone else it would appear as books on 7th year subjects.

Harry was so focused in his project that he didn't noticed when Tom sat in front of him and glanced at books.

"Already going over next year's curriculum?" he asked, making Harry almost jump started off his seat.

"Hmm? Oh, yhea" Harry replied after remembering the illusion he had put on his papers.

"Need help?" Tom asked, taking out his homework and preparing to put it aside if Harry says yes.

Harry was about to deny the help offered, but when he saw the slightly espectation on those brown eyes amist at the blank face Tom had, he decided against it.

"Sure. Being old makes me forget some things" Harry said smiling as he put aside his plans and quickly change the papers to 7th year books.

Half an hour into the study, Harry let out a frustrated groans as he laid his head down on the table.

"Come on, old man, it's not that hard" Tom said, smirking.

Harry threw a half-heartly gare before sighing miserably.

"This is sooo boring and easy" Harry complained "Besides, compared to what i have seen, this is trash"

"You know, for someone as old as you, you sure act like a kid" Tom pointed seriously, but Harry could see the amusment hidden behind that mask.

"I do not"

"Yes, you do"

"I do not"

Tom raised a brow this time, waiting for Harry to get it.

"Okay, maybe a little" Harry consented, laying his head back to the table "You traveled around for a while after finishing your studies, right?" Harry asked, just to be sure.

Tom nodded, not even asking how Harry knew about it.

"Yes, i did" either way, Tom confirmed it.

"Then, are you aware of what the rest of the magical world thinks about England"

"Of course i am" Tom replied with his superiority complex tone. (Is that a thing?)

"Then you know why i find it boring and easy. Come on, what we learn here at Hogwarts doesn't even cound as half of what other schools teach" Harry complained.

"I'm aware" Tom said, shuffling the papers and putting them on his bag "That's also one of the reasons why i want to take over the Ministry" he said casually, but Harry noticed a hint of nervousness on his tone.



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