Chapter 13

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Harry and Tom were both standing on the deserted 9 3/4 plataform, it was 5.30 in the morning.

The two of them had decided to arrive early to avoid the noisy and busy crowd that will appear later.

They boarded the train and chose a well kept cabin to sit in.

Facing each other, both with books on their laps, one reading while the other pretending to.

Harry was looking at Tom, it was no secret that the boy is handsome and he has the charisma to go with it.

It was no wonder many fall for his charms and started to follow him, his good looks aside, he has a big brain and an ambition goal.

'And he will be mine'

As that thought crossed his mind, a trace of possessiveness flashed in his eyes.

Before Tom could notice it, the door opened and a blonde girl with blue/grey eyes came in. She was carrying magazines on her arms and with her wand tucked behind her ear.

With a dreamy and unfocuse expression she sat down next to Harry.

"Welcome back" her voice was just as dreamy as she appeared.

"Hello, Luna" Harry smiled softly at the younger girl.

Looking at her younger again yet still the same in the future made him recall a conversations between them.

Harry was sitting on top of the Astrominy Tower. Ever since the day he fell from here and didn't die, he would come over and just think.

"It's good to see that the nargles have left you, Harry" It was Luna's unusual greeting.

"Hello, Luna" Harry smiled slightly, a rare sight nows days.

"Do not worry, Harry, those above have plans for you" she said, confusing Harry a bit but he just shrugged it off "When you talk to him remember the memories and bonds you have here"

"I don't have much of those" Harry said, glancing at her before looking back outside.

"Nothing is set on stone, Harry, not even the past" Luna said seemly changing the topic.

"Even if that's true, i don't have much to change" he said, eyes focus on the horizont.

"Not even having a shot at happiness?"

The horn sound, jolt Harry out of his mind, he glanced arround a bit, confirming that Tom was reading, eyes occasionally going to the only girl in the cabin, while the said girl was immersed in her own little world.

Harry watch the plataform getting futher and futher away, before focusing on the abandoned book resting in his lap.

'A shot at happyness, uh?' Harry glance at Tom briefly, remembering the longing and guilt pooling at his stomach 'Maybe I'll do a little more'

The trip back to Hogwarts was a quiet one, the only interruption was the candy lady knocking on their door asking if they wish to buy anything.

With their school robes already on, Harry left the train and followed the older students to the carriages, pulled by Theastrels.

He sat alone, waiting for the caariage to fill, since Tom and Luna went with the 1st years to get sort.

He ignored the three grinffidors who chose to sit with him, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom.

Harry glanced briefly at the timid lion.

'Will he grow his claws like before if he stays with them?' Harry still remember how Neville held himself with confidence after the war.

The boy managed to escape his shell and face the world with a strong will.

Harry glanced up from his book when he heard the portait of the common room open.

Neville walked in, head held high and back straight, a confidente yet friendly smile playing on his lips, making him more handsome than he already is.

He scrolled in, greeting those who greeted him with his smile and a few polite words.

Many girls blushed a bit seeing the priviously timid lion act like this.

After finally crossing the room, he sat beside Harry and gave his friendly smile.

"So, you said you wanted help with Herbology homework?" he asked.

Harry nodded, taking out hus papers and passing them to Neville who started looking over them, correcting it when he found mistakes and explaining what Harry didn't understand.

The sunday evening passed quietly like this.

"... Smith, Owen" Harry glance up, recognizing Tom's fake name.

The Hall watched as a tall boy with dark brown hair and honey eyes confidently walked to sit on the stool.

The hat was lowered and placed on his hand, hinding his dark curls.

Mumbles of the hat echoed through the Hall as everyone impatiently waited for the hat to announce the boy's house.

Finally, after a full 3 minutes, a loud 'Slytherin' was heard.

With a few polite claps directed at him, Harry being one of them, Owen went to sit on his House's table.

After a few more kids were sort, the banquet finally began and Harry started to fill his plate, only now noticing the girl with blond hair sitting on his left.

"Oh, hi, Luna, i didn't notice you there" Harry greeted, offering a small yet honest smile.

"Oh, doesn't matter, recalling the past is such a wonderful thing, yet enjoying the now is such a present (gift)" she replied with a dream smile of her while putting food on her own plate.

Harry smiled foundly at the girl, she was one of the few people who he had maintained contact with after graduating.

It was true Harry had more often than not bumped into Ron while in his auror job, thankfully, his past boss had a little insight and put Ron into desk work while Harry went out to the field.

Harry shook his head a bit and glance at Tom.

The boy was sitting among the snakes, looking exactly like one of them, a mask in place, high cheek bones and aristocratic fetures, impeccable table manners and polite words when necessary.

A true snake in a snakes den, yet the hatchlings were still not aware of it.

"You'll have to work hard to win him" Luna commented.

"I know" Harry norrwed his eyes when he saw a girl getting to close to Tom for his liking "I'm planning to" 'but i need to test the waters first and if all goes well start courting him in a year or two. Hopefully, when i get my inheritance the bound will help me'


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