Chapter 31

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Dumbledore did very well in hidden his fury, but alas, his slightly red face and the twitching of his eyes gave him away, making it rather obvious for those with keen eyes.

With the usage of glasses by a majority of the elder goblins, they all seem to have notice it if their sharp expose teeth in an attempt of a smile, that looked far to hideous to be considered one, was anything to go by.

"This trial is only a formality to inform you of your punishment against our kin and clients" the one on the right spoke just as Dumbledore opened his mouth to wiggle his way out.

"As such, we the council, declare you, Mr Dumbledore, guilty and, as a punishment, all your money untrusted to us, regardless of the vault, will be given back to the victims, the ones whose theft counts for more than 100.000 gallions will be given the stolen amount in full along side a 20% of the total amount stolen. In addiction, for crimes against our species we declare you banned from our bank and all our branches across the world"

Dumbledore stood there, mouth wide open as the goblins basically declare him pennyless in a few sentences all because of the money he had taken out and put into the warfare.

Sure, having taken the money from Hogwarts' vault was a difficult and painful thing to do, but it was a need at the time, and is still one, due to Tom's assured comeback.

The Potter's money was also taken out all for the sake of Harry Potter, that money has all been used to invest in the child's correct path.

How can these greedy creatures not see that?

All he does is for the Greater Good of everyone.

With the ritual over and done with for the year, Harry and Tom settle on the library reading the vast collection of books that Harry had brought from all of his properties, whitch with the help of the magic, made the peaceful library grander than it original was.

The occasional letter or trip outside were the few things they done during the break until Tom's birthday arrived along side the last day of the year.

Harry had waited and waited for Tom to arrive, breakfast passed and soon after brunch and lunch, finally filled with both worry and impatience, Harry decided to go upstairs and see what's wrong.

But as he was standing up, the soft sound of footsepts coming down made him pause wait.

Slowly, Tom's figure came into view, but there was something different about him, he appeared more charming than usual, his face sharper and body leaner as he come down with more grace than he did yesterday.

It clicked then, the thing that have benn nagging him for sometime he had somehow forgotten.

He was in utter disbelief with himself for forgetting the fact that Tom also has a creature inheritance to receive on his 16th birthday.

On the other hand, just knowing that Tom is alive and well and spending time with him made him not pay much attention to that.

"When do you want to go to Gringrotts?" Harry asked, eyes trained on Tom as he sat down in front of him and started eating after an elf put food in front of him.

"I'll go after eating" Tom replied, his voice softer but deeper.

"Alright, but open your gift before you go" Harry said, sliding a punctured box towards him.

Tom raised a brow, but pulled it closer to himself before opening, making whatever was is inside let out a loud squeak of suprise and fear.

Tom glance down at the rat who was curling up in himself in one of the box's corners on top of a familiar green leather book.

It took a few seconds of searching in his memory to remember why the rat looked familiar.

"Peter" Tom called, his voice laced with darkness as he eyes the shivering rat.

Suddenly remembering something, Tom abrutlty looked up at Harry.

"Did you not said that your godfather was in Azkaban because of him? Didn't he escape it because he saw a photo of him in the Prophet after the Weasley won a lottery?" Tom asked frowning as he recalled what he was told about the previous time-line.

"Yes, right now, ironically, the safest place for him is there" Harry replied, Tom raised a brow "Dumbledore would do everything in his power to get Sirius if he ever came out due to both his lineage and his position as my godfather and connection to my parents"

"You fear that the old man uses him to get through you if he becomes free" Tom summarized.

"Yes, even if he is bit that powerful internationally, he still has a connection all over the world to use and find him, that's why i thought of giving him to you to use however you like before sending him to the aurors. Besides, the dementors have been under stric orders to not come near him since i arrived here" Harry said, relaxing back into his seat as he watch Tom gaze back at his gift and took the diary out.

"How?" Tom asked just above whisper, in anger or awe, only Tom knew, while a hand waa holding the diary, the other was gently caressing it.

"Lucious thought that giving the youngest Weasley a clearly curse item entrusted to him was a good idea" Harry said, not caring about throwing Lord Malfoy under the bus, the fact that he put his own Lord's gift in danger made the little respect he had for the man go lower.

"Really?" Tom had a dangerous edge on his voice as his knuckles turn white due to the strength he was grabbing the diary.

"Yes" Harry replied almost lazily as glance at Tom with half a smile.

"I'll need to punisssh him after i'm done with Gringrotts" he planned, gently putting the diary, that holds half of his soul, in his pocket.

"You should eat first then" Harry gestured to the food in the table as Tom, as far as he knew, hadn't eaten since yesterday's dinner.

"Very well" Tom agreed, setting aside the box and picking up what to eat.

Harry watch him, occasionally taking a sip of his tea that an elf had given him at some point in the conversation.

After having eaten, Tom didn't waste time and used the floo network to get to Diagon Alley under his Owen glamour.

As lunch time was nearing, the Alley was packed with people, making it difficult to not bump into someone walking as they do their business.

After a torturous journey, Tom finally arrived at the bank only to be left waiting for almost half an hour as the witches and wizards in line talk, one at the time, with the goblins, some were fast, while other took a while and Tom's patience was thinning.

When it finally came his turn, he almost bark out his resquest to do a inheritance test, fortunately, his self-control is excellent so he did it politely instead.

Done with all the necessary procedures, Tom looked impatiently at the paper, as if glaring would make it work faster just to please him.

Finally, the paper was passed to his hand, he skimmed over the information, noting that nothing has changed much until he reached what he was looking for.

Creature inheritance: Incubus (submissive)

Mate: Harry Potter (has yet to come to his inheritance)


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