Chapter 8

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Harry took out a Pepper-up potion and down it in one glup.

He breath heavily as he made his way to the naked teen.

A robe appeared out of thin air and Harry covered Tom with it, after making sure he was alright and was only sleeping, he cast a glance Quirrel who was still groaning in pain.

With a quick oblivious and a thought, the man was send out of Hogwarts to Hogsmead where, hopefully, he will be found and move on with his life.

With that out of the way, Harry, once again, look at the teen looking man.

With short chocolate brown hair, red lips slightly parted, pale skin and aristocratic and sharp feature that made him handsome and please to the eye, the boy slept peacefully as Harry ran his fingers through the silky hair.

Harry made use of the Hogsmead weekend to escape Hogwarts grounds and make a quick trip to Diagon Alley.

Under his cloak with the Marauder's map in hand and his wand in the other, with many concealing spell on him, Harry apparate (he had master it while hocrux hunting) to the Alley.

Avoiding the people on his way, he safely arrived to the entrace of Gringrotts.

After casting a strong notice-me-not charm and taking off his cloak, he entered the goblin's bank and made his way to one of the tellers there.

"Excuse me" Harry grabbed the goblin's attention "I wish to preforme a potion and conpulsion removing ritual" he asked politely, since he was on shaking terms with the goblin nation due to his foolfish idea of robbibg their bank.

The creature gave him the nasty eye before calling a collegue of his to guide Harry to the right place.

Harry waited nervously at the office for the goblin that will be in charge of him to arrive.

When he finally did, the goblin sat down behind his desk, arranged his papers before looking at him.

"Mr. Potter, i assume?" he asked, looking over his glasses that were on the tip of his nose. Harry nodded "I have been told you wish to preform a cleansing ritual, is it true?" Harry nodded again "Can i know why?"

"I found out i was under the influence of potions and conpulsion not to long ago. I want to remove them before i change my mind and regret it later" Harry explained.

The goblin nodded, before grabbing a paper and a dagger and pass it to Harry.

"Seven drops of blood on this parchment, if you would"

Harry let his blood tain the parchment and hand it back over.

He anxiously waited for the goblin to finish reading for him to read it too.

With an even more scary face, if it was possible, the goblin Harry came to know is called Griphook due to the name being on top of his desk, hand it over him to read.

Name: Harry James Potter

Birth date: 31th July 1980

Mother: Lily Potter nee Evans

Father: James Potter

Godparents: Sirius Black (dead) Alice and Frank Long bottom (unavailable)

Godbrother: Neville Longbottom

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