Chapter 22

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Halloween or better Samhain was approching fast and with it, costumes and pranks became more frequent on that week.

Tom was strange that whole week, his friends and Harry took notice of that when he looked unfocus on classes and that's telling something because Tom would never show it even if he was bored to death.

So, the fact that his friend group could tell something was going on was no wonder.

Tom was worried and guilty, with the Samhain coming closer and closer, the memories of that night became clearer to the point where he couldn't eat much or sleep well due to guilt of killing his friend's parents.

He doesn't regret killing them, no, it was war, that's why killing your enemy was acceptable, the problem is, he was the one who killed Harry's parents, his best friend and possible crush.

Yup, Tom finally admited to himself having a possible crush after having a rather embarassing dream with the younger one, who isn't actually that young, when older.

That's why he is feeling guilty lately and can't look at Harry without hearing his mother's pleas and his father's voice shouting spell and throwing them at him.

In his opinion, a bit dumb for the so-called best dualer of the Light, but that's besides the point.

Feeling guilty and not knowing what to do, because, suprisingly, those two are the kills he only regrets, Tom decided to treat as a project he must complete.

What do you do when you have a project? You investigate about the topic and that's how Tom spent his free time that week, stuck in the library trying to figure out a lead on how to apologize to someone whose parents you killed.

Obviously, it was a tough, but Tom found the answer, as he always does, on a muggle book he had bought after seeing a store advertising muggle books on the Daily Prophet.

According to his research, as long as he shows his sincerity and a gift, he may have a chance of being forgiven.

If that doesn't work, he should lock him up and never allow him freedom until he is forgiven, but Tom had a hunch that this last wouldn't work.

Now, with sunday coming closer and closer, Tom used trip to Hogsmead to roam around, after giving an excuse to his friends, and look for something that Harry may like as an apology gift.

He spent his whole morning looking around, only finding a book collection that Harry may like, but could have already read before.

He bought it either way, he has the money to do so, he also bought a couple of expensive and rare potion ingridients knowing that Harry would sometimes experiment with potion just so he wouldn't be bored, making them explode more often than not.

As lunch came closer and Tom was running out of ideas, he decided to call it over and headed over to The Three Broomsticks where he met his group of friends already eating.

"Hello, Owen" Daphenie greeted him with a charming smile, Pansy followed her example while the boys greeted him simply.

"Where have you been the whole morning?" Draco asked, curious about it "We didn't see you around" he added.

The others look at Owen waiting an answer, but at the same time not expecting much from him, already aware that he is very private about his life and that lately he has been going more often to the library.

"I have been looking for a gift" Owen told them in hopes of being advised about it.

"Ohh, a gift for whom?" Daphenie asked.

"What kind of gift?" Pansy fired right after.

"An apology one" Owem said truthfully while ignoring the first question he was asked about it.

"Oh, what did you got?" Daphenie asked, not all upset about being ignored.

"A rare book colections and rare potion ingridients" Owem answered, hoping to receive feedback about them from his friends.

"Hmm, not bad. Are they a girl?" Pansy asked, her eyes already comveting the ideas running on her head if he answer yes.

Owen shook his head.

"Oh" the Parkinson heirness made a disappointed sound, before regaining her spirits and looking at Tom with a serious face.

"Alright, three things he likes" she ordered.

The others watched slightly taken aback when Owen answered without missing a beat.

"Books, explosions and stars" was his answer.

"So, you have two of three covered" Blaise pointed it out

"That's more than enough. If he doesn't forgive you, he isn't worth it" Draco said slightly uninterested on the conversation taking place.

"What did you do wrong to apologize in the first place?" Daphenie asked, sending Draco a glare when he didn't hear the whole thing.

Owen assumed that telling about mudering the parents of the one he wishes to apology to about it was something he shouldn't say.

"I lost his pet and he got killed" Owen said vagually, lying through his teeth without as much as a blink.

"Then, why don't you buy a new one?" Draco asked with raised brown as if telling wasn't it obvious?

"Why don't i loss your peacocks and buy you new ones too?" Daphenie asked ominously, her eyes narrowing as she glared at the blond.

"Nevermind" Draco supressed a shiver, girls were scary, he instead turned to Owen "So, a gift?"

Daphenie rolled her eyes at the blunt attempt of changing the topic, but let it slide to focus on the problem at hand.

"Hmm" Pansy hummed thoughtfully, trying to come up with something else to help out "I'm blank" she said, throwing her hands up.

"Thanks anyways" Owen said.

Blaise suddenly snapped his fingers a smile on his lips.

"A map" he said simply.

Owen's eyes widden slightly as his mind immediately took the idea in and started working on it.

"Thanks, Blaise" Owen said right before standing up and leaving to but the things he need to make the star map.


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