Chapter 1

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Harry woke up feeling cadged, which was unusual now that he was free, he moved and froze when a familiar feeling settle on his stomach.

His hand moved up almost on instinct, he turn on the lights and his mind went blank.

He was in a cupboard, but it was the one where he spent 11 years of life living in it.

His mind went overdrive, either this was his personal Hell or he was really back in the past.

He didn't know what was more absurd the first option or the second one, but it didn't matter to him, he cracked a smile, then a grin and by the end he was full on laughing.

It was the kind of laugh that makes you freeze in place, cold sweat dripping down your back, send shivers down your spin and your mind just yells at you to run but your legs are too weak to stand let alone move.

The Dursdleys woke up with that kind of laugh.

Dudley ran to his parents room as fast as he could, he jumped to the bed and the two adults immediately hugged him close.

When the laugh stopped, not a sound was heard in the whole house.


A door open slowly, followed by soft steps, each one closer to them, each one bringing a sinister foreboding.

Then, there was a whistle playing, a soft and almost relaxing melody, but if wasn't for the creepy mood in the house one would have come to enjoy it.

The steps grew closer and closer, sounding louder as it approched.

The three trembling figures froze when the door opened and a smirking Harry appeared in the door frame.

"Let's have fun, shall we?" he said, smiling lightly at them, but the dark look in his eyes told them that they won't like it one bit.

That morning not a sound was heard from the Durselys' home.

Harry walked to the bathroom drenched in blood, he took a nice, long and warm shower before going down stairs and start cooking his breakfeast.

He ate calmly, washed the plate and left the house, when he was sure he was alone and no one was looking, he apparate to a random alley of the many Diagon Alley has.

He went straight to Gringrotts to get rid of the blocks, compulsions and potions he knew he was under.

With a glamour on, he entered the bank and walked up to one of the many goblins available.

"May your gold overflow" Harry greeted.

"And may your enemies cower at your feet" the goblin replied back after getting over his shock of a small child knowing the goblins customs. "What can i help you with, young wizard?" he asked

"I wish to take an inheritance test as well as talk with the one who oversees my vaults" Harry answered.

"Very well" the goblin called another worker and made him guide Harry to the office where the one who manages his accounts works.

Harry, who was already sitting, stared at the goblin in front of him, who himself sat behind a desk.

"I have been informed that you wish to preform an inheritance test" the goblin, Griphook, began.

"Yes" Harry confirm it.

"Very well" the small creature grabbed a few papers and went through them before grabbing the right one and presenting it to Harry "Seven drops of blood" he passed a dagger along with the paper.

Harry followed what was told and prick his finger, cleaning the dagger right after, and letting his blood fall on the parchment.

The parchment glow for second but after that it revealed blood colored letters.

Name: Harry James Potter

Birth date: 31th July 1980

Mother: Lily Potter nee Evans

Father: James Potter

Godparents: Sirius Black (unavailable) Alice and Frank Long bottom (unavailable)

Godbrother: Neville Longbottom

Blood status: half-blood

Magical Core: dark inclined (blocked 70%)

Creature inheritance: unknown (blocked, by Albus Dumbledore)

Mate: unknown (mate bond blocked, by Albus Dumbledore)

Heir to:

Potter (blood, paternal)

Flamount (blood, paternal)

Grynffidor (blood, paternal)

Peverell (blood, paternal)

Evans (blood, maternal)

Black (godfather bond)

Slytherin (conquest)

Gaunt (conquest)

Blocks, potions, compulsions:

Learning ability (60% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)

Parseltongue (90% blocked)

Parselmagic (100% blocked)

Trust potion keyed to Albus Dumbledore, Hagrid, Weasley Family (by Albus Dumbledore, goes into effect in September 1st of 1991- last applied a month ago)

Hate potion keyed to Slytherin, Voldmort, Dark, Tom Riddle, (by Albus Dumbledore, goes into effect in September 1st of 1991- last applied a month ago)

Distrust potion keyed to Severus Snape, dark, Slytherin (by Albus Dumbledore, goes into effect in September 1st of 1991- last applied a month ago)

Submissive compulsion (aplied by Albus Dumbledore, last aplied- a month ago)

Obidience compulsion (by Albus Dumbledore, last aplied- a month)

Oblivious charm (by Albus Dumbledore, last aplied- a month ago)

"I want them all off" Harry barked, his anger barely restain, he had seen it how worse it got in the future and he always wonder when did they started giving him this things.

"There will be a fee of 5 gallions to pay afterwards" Griphook informed.

Harry nodded and waited as the goblin called foward one of his companions to guide him to the ritual room where he will go through the cleaning.

He took out his upper clothes and laid down on a rock bed that had many runes circulating it.

Two female goblins came foward at either side of him and started chanting.

The runes pulsed and the magic reacted, going straight through Harry's body and onto his mind and core.

Pain course through him when it reach his core and mind, he felt himself becoming freer as well as his mind more clear as the runes work to take down the harmful magic in him.

He didn't scream, he refused to do it, he had screamed enough on his first life.

When the pain finally left him, he thought a week had passed but only half an hour did.

With shaking legs, he stood up and closed his eyes, breathing deeply before opening his eyes slowly and let them pulse with magic.

Magic filled the room but just as it came, it was gone.


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