Chapter 17

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When the two finished talking for the day, dinner had already passed, that's why the two hungry boys went to the kitchen.

After raiding the kitchen for food and thanking the elves for their good job, which made them brust into tears even after they left, Harry accompanied Tom to the dungeons.

The way to the Slytherin's territory was quiet, because they didn't want to get caught, even with all the measures they had taken, and both of them were stuck in their heads.

Harry stopped walking when they finally arrived, he glanced over at Tom and seeing as he was still deep in his mind, Harry decided to test the waters for the first time.

Due to his magic and a better nutrition, Harry could easily pass as 15 years old, that's why he had to bend himself a bit while grabbing Tom's hand before placing a gentle kiss on his smooth and pale hand.

"Have a good night, Tom" Harry looking straight at Tom's widden eyes before swiftly and elegantly getting the hell out of there.

Harry had his heart beating furiously against his ribs while at the same time it appeared to being squeezed by a large hand.

Dumbledore was in his office thinking of how to use the dark object, that he had been alerted about in the school grounds, in Ginny's possession.

But first, he had to take this chance to go to Durselys and see why the boy wasn't as he was supposed to last year and for the little he saw this week, this year too.

He had trusted that family to make sure the boy was unlove and weak, he needed to make sure of that so the boy would be inclinded to sacrifice himself when the time was right.

Dumbledore went to the fireplace and appeared on the fireplace of the spy he had placed next to Durselys.

He hadn't heard of her for few years, but that's just because he assumed everything was going as he planned, but now it doesn't seemed like it.

The house seemed to be abandoned for years already, dust and spider webes everywhere.

He had bad feeling about this, but he went to Dursely's house.

He stood in front of the door with the number 4 on it and knocked.

The man who opened the door was one Dumbledore was unfamiliar with.

Hinding his suprise well, Dumbledore smile kindly.

"Ah, i must have made a mistake somewhere, i thought this house the Dursley's home" Dumbledore said.

"You're not wrong, it used to be their home 7 years ago" the man informed him.

"Used to?" Dumbledore asked, frowning a bit.

"Yes, it was a grand scandal. The police was called by a neighbor when they haven't seen any movements in the house for a whole week and no one coming out. Turns out, the three have been dead for a week" the man told him "According to newspaper and rumors around here, the three of them were disfigured to point it was almost impossible to recognize them"

"Oh" Dumbledore made a sad face and asked adding a bit of worry to his tone "and the culprit?"

"It was never found" the man said, shaking his head.

"Hm and the other young child that lived here, where did he went to?" Dumbledore asked.

"The Dursley only had one child" he told him.

"Thank you for the information" Dumbledore said with a small smile.

He cast an Obliviate at the man and left, bearly supressing his anger.

'If the Potter brat wasn't found by the muggle authorities, then where, in Merlin's name, is he living?!' Dumbledore now found himself in a problem.

If the boy isn't being look after the way he needs, then, the majority of his plans just went down the drain.

When Harry saw Dumbledore in a bad mood at lunch that day, couple with the fact he felt an alarm go off at his former housing arrangement, he could deduced that Dumbledore had paid a visit to the previous home of the Durleys.

"The goat's plans has been disturbed by a larger margin, yours can safely continue" Luna's dreamly voice reached him, making him smile gently at her.

"Anything i should warry of?" he asked, trusting his friend's words.

"Hmm" she ponder for a moment "Do be careful of the youngest and do not be afraid of opening your heart"

"Thanks, Luna" Harry turned to his food, eating while his mind went over his plans and Luna's words.

Harry glanced at the Grinffindor table, spotting the red headed girl among the students.

She had her head down and seemed to writing in something, a smile on her lips as she did.

'The diary!' Harry had forgotten about that for a while, with Tom alive and mostly sane, it completely slipped his mind 'Oh, fuck it, it hasn't cause any trouble yet and if it does i just have to get it and stich it back to Tom' Harry thought before he shove it to the back of his mind and focus on eating.

Although, his mind is already familiar with the lack of food, this body is not and for him to use larger amounts of energy, he needs to have a fuel for it to burn.

He dive into the food, missing the narrowed look Tom throw at Ginny.

It was just yesterday night that Harry kissed his hand, leaving Tom to be awake all night panicking slightly and questioning the reason for his existence.

Although, the two of them could be considered to be young, Harry is aware that a 65 years old man is in a 16 years old looking body, while Harry is an ancient man on a 12 years old body.

Tom is sure that Harry knows about the courtship acts in the wizard world, seeing as he has been alive for more than 2000 years.

And he is also sure that Harry knows that he is aware of it.

'What was the reason for such act?' was the question circulating on his head all night and day long.

And now he just saw Harry looking back at the Grinffidor table and search for someone.

Tom was not happy about it.


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