He wasn't the most gentle person and has big enough that he could probably crack my spine if he hit me hard enough.

The man tugged me out of the room quickly and I struggled to keep up. How does he walk so fast?

We emerged into a large hallway -still dimly lit if you were wondering- and turned to the left. After a moment of being dragged, we reached another metal door that had to be unlocked with a pin code.

He pressed a couple of buttons, I couldn't tell which ones, then there was a beeping noise and a click of the door unlocking. He turned the knob and opened the door to reveal this medium sized room with a disgusting king sized bed and an equally disgusting couch, as well as four other men. I recognized three of them from my actual kidnapping but the other one was a new face. they were all doing some sort of smirk and wide disgusting grins.

"Boss, he really is a nice one" The new face commented, the other nodded making noises of approval. I looked around wide-eyed, scared, and confused. What is going on?

The boss guy pushed me and I fell onto the dirty bed causing me to cringe in disgust.

"Let's have some fun"

They started rubbing their hands on my body and caressing my skin. Every touch felt like piercing needles and bees stinging my body. The places they touched burned like wildfire and I didn't think it could get any worse.

That was before they started taking off items of clothing.

No no no I don't want this. I'm only fourteen years old! This is not how I want this to happen! I tried to fight back but that just seemed to make them want me more.

It wasn't how I assumed my first time would have been; rough and forced- with strangers- people I've never met before.

I feel so dirty.

It came to my mind that I would never be able to lose my virginity to a guy that I trusted and loved.

It didn't occur to me that I was crying and screaming until the men finished and I was left there lying on the bed, exhausted, crying, used, and wanting to die as the men exited.


I woke up to see the school nurse looking at me with a sad expression. I could feel my erratic breathing and my pounding heartbeat that was threatening to break down the walls of my chest.

"I tried calling your mom and brother but neither of them can come to pick you up. There's only one more period of school left if you would like to go back to class..?" She asked quietly. I just nodded, trying to calm myself from the horrible memories that plagued my mind.

I wish I was stronger. Stronger willed, stronger physique, stronger everything. All I want is to be normal and not the weird kid in the school.

I've always heard that senior year is the worst when I was in middle school, but I didn't think it would be this bad, but that was a different school and a different state, before my kidnapping. I miss those days when I had more than one friend and I expressed my feelings. When I was on the track team... when I was normal.

Nothing could go wrong if I just go back for the last hour, I mean it's not like Mitch is in that class.

So she wrote me a pass and sent me on my way {fresh prince anyone?}

My last class is art which is a class I actually enjoy. Art helps me stay calm; it's like the inner turmoil of my mind shuts down when I draw, and its much better than suffering multiple panic attacks all of the time.

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