Chapter 30

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The mermaid was still leaning on her body and tilting her head, looking at Ye Zheng without blinking, as if she was expecting Ye Zheng to praise her. It has learned the three words Ye Zheng taught it. According to Ye Zheng's past behavior, he should praise it with a smile.

Ye Zheng, who was still blaming himself for his stupidity, smiled and decisively stretched out his hand to rub the mermaid's head: "Great!" As soon as the mermaid's head shook,

Ye Zheng's hand slipped off its head, and the mermaid looked like He turned over slightly angrily. It lay down with its back to Ye Zheng, looking unhappy.

Is it because she didn't praise it in time? Ye Zheng had been thinking about things for so long that he didn't remember to praise the mermaid in time.

Ye Zheng changed his position and knelt down on the sand. He held the mermaid's back holding the fins with one hand and looked down at the mermaid. "Okay, I'm not angry anymore, huh?" The mermaid remained unmoved and said firmly

. lie on the floor. Ye Zheng could only hold the mermaid's body and shake it, and then shake it again. Ye Zheng put his mouth close to the mermaid's ear and said in a low voice: "You did really well this time. I will definitely praise you in time next time, okay?" The

girl's unique clear voice sounded in the mermaid's ears. As the sound echoed, the mermaid's raised ears moved, and her face turned around proudly, squinting at Ye Zheng's smile.

Ye Zheng looked at the mermaid with bright eyes. He moved his hand slightly and shook the mermaid's body.

The mermaid finally turned around, raised her head, and gently stretched out her tail to pat Ye Zheng. Then it helped Ye Zheng stand up again. After seeing Ye Zheng sit back on the ground, the mermaid lay on Ye Zheng's lap again.

Although there was a little awkwardness, language teaching must continue.

Since Ye Zheng doesn't understand the mermaid's language, she can't explain too abstract words directly to it. Ye Zheng feels that the pronoun "you, me, him" should be a relatively difficult word for the mermaid to understand.

After removing the word "I", she gestured to the merman to look at her, then pointed at herself with her index finger and repeated the word "Zhengzheng" repeatedly, hoping that the merman would understand that this was her name.

The mermaid stared at Ye Zheng, as if she didn't understand why the rhythm and number of words produced by Ye Zheng were different.

But the mermaid soon uttered the words "Zhengzheng" again, and this time her speech was much clearer than the last time.

Ye Zheng couldn't help but rubbed the mermaid's head and laughed happily.

The mermaid paused for a while, and then called out "Zhengzheng" in its high-pitched voice. Ye Zheng then rubbed the mermaid's head again and gave it a positive reaction.

After calling it several times, Ye Zheng lowered his head and asked it in a low voice: "Now you know that my name is Zhengzheng, what is your name?" The mermaid looked at

Ye Zheng with unclear eyes, and Ye Zheng pointed. "Zheng-zheng."

"Zheng-zheng." The mermaid quickly answered.

Then Ye Zheng pointed at the mermaid again.

The mermaid closed her mouth, raised her paw and held Ye Zheng's index finger, obviously not knowing what Ye Zheng meant.

Ye Zheng shook his head, took out his hand, and pointed at himself again, "Zheng, Zheng."

The mermaid quickly repeated, "Zheng, Zheng."

Then he looked at Ye Zheng's index finger again and fell silent. . After two miscommunications, Ye Zheng became a little anxious. She held the mermaid's paw and tried to clench its fingers into a fist. Then she stretched out one of the mermaid's fingers and pointed at herself, "Zhengzheng" ."

Ye Zheng folded the mermaid's arm back and pointed its finger at itself.

The mermaid repeated Ye Zheng's actions. It stretched out its finger and pointed at Ye Zheng quickly, "Zheng Zheng," and then pointed at itself.

The mermaid maintained this action and was silent for a long time, tapping its tail lightly on the ground, and finally said a sentence softly in a voice that was lower than its usual cry.

The mermaid's cry has always been thin and high-pitched. Now it's a bit like when humans speak, the tone and voice have dropped, and the voice comes out of the mermaid's mouth like flowing water, soft and smooth. It has to be said that when the mermaid lets loose and calls, Ye Zheng sometimes feels a little numb when he hears it. Now the mermaid's voice sounds much more pleasant and pleasant.

Seeing that Ye Zheng just looked at him without any reaction, the mermaid flicked his tail and repeated the sentence that just came out of his mouth, as if hoping that Ye Zheng would also learn to say "Zheng Zheng", and say what he said. Say it repeatedly.

Ye Zheng could only smile bitterly. The words the mermaid just said were extremely long and rhythmic. Ye Zheng didn't have much talent in language. In this brand-new language, except for the beginning of the sentence she heard for the first time, it was difficult for her to remember the pronunciation of "mermaid" at all.

Ye Zheng remained silent, and the mermaid was also a little anxious. It lifted its head from Ye Zheng's thigh and supported its body.

The mermaid held Ye Zheng's face, and looked at her with its big eyes, "Zheng Zheng."

It called her, then pointed a paw at itself, and repeated the sentence for the third time.

Ye Zheng finally said tentatively: "Anju?" She used the pronunciation of Andrew in English. Ye Zheng felt that if he forcibly found a similar word in Chinese and said it, it would sound very stiff.

Ye Zheng looked at the mermaid anxiously, worried that it would be unhappy. After all, among the long string of words it spoke, the only ones Ye Zheng could pronounce were the first few syllables.

What she didn't expect was that the mermaid seemed particularly happy when she heard Ye Zheng's pronunciation. When it gets happy, its tail taps rapidly on the ground in small increments, and the fins in front of it tremble slightly. It even stretched out its head and gently rubbed Ye Zheng's chin, then lay down contentedly, still looking at Ye Zheng with a pair of wet eyes.

Ye Zheng instinctively stretched out his hand to rub it and began to think. When she never learned what the mermaid said just now, the mermaid acted very anxious. But when she only said the first short paragraph of the sentence, using English pronunciation and an English name, the mermaid seemed very happy, not unhappy because she only learned half a sentence.

Combined with the fact that the mermaid called her name just now and pointed at himself and said a lot of words, Ye Zheng guessed that such a long sentence was just a name to the mermaid? So when Ye Zheng only read the previous verse, he seemed more intimate and the mermaid became happier? If this is the case, then a word between mermaids is really long. No wonder it can quickly accept Ye Zheng's pronunciation, and the rhythm of Ye Zheng's speech is absolutely correct. For it, Ye Zheng's own language is much simpler and boring, right?

Ye Zheng was still a little unsure and called it again in English: "Andrew?"

The mermaid responded quickly. The mermaid, who was having his head rubbed by Ye Zheng contentedly, turned his eyes from the fire to Ye Zheng's face. He patted his tail gently and deftly, and purred at Ye Zheng.

"Andrew." Ye Zheng insisted on calling it that. Maybe she would have a chance to know how to pronounce its full name in the future, but for now, she decided to name it this.

The mermaid shook its tail again to signal that he heard it, and Ye Zheng suddenly felt that the mermaid was getting closer. For Ye Zheng, who was born in modern life, a name is a very important thing. In Ye Zheng's opinion, a name will inevitably become a mark on a person, as if a name can make the people he knows more three-dimensional. .

She always called this mermaid a mermaid in her heart, and when she wanted to communicate with it, she would often say "hey" or "hey" to get it to notice her. Now, this mermaid is no longer just a mermaid, it is finally completely different from other mermaids. It is no longer "that mermaid" or "this mermaid".

It's Andrew.

"Andrew." Ye Zheng couldn't hold back and called him softly again. The name swirled on the tip of her tongue and overflowed from her mouth, carrying her joyful emotion.

The mermaid flicked her tail, raised her head and responded to her gently, "Zhengzheng".

Ye Zheng looked down at the mermaid and couldn't help but smile brightly.

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