Chapter 35

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Ye Zheng closed her eyes and leaned against Andrew's head, her hands gently resting on Andrew's soft and slippery gelatinous hair.

Ye Zheng, who had just escaped, now thinks back to the scene and feels sorry for Andrew.

The two of them escaped from the huge waves. Andrew had blocked the crystal flying towards her for her, and the crystal had already opened wounds on his back. If he hadn't run away with Ye Zheng, Andrew could have gotten into the water. At this time, the water would be much calmer than the windy sea. Coupled with her can be said that Ye Zheng himself is a complete burden.

When Andrew took Ye Zheng ashore, the wound was still bleeding, but after Ye Zheng wrapped it up, its wound had stopped bleeding.

It cannot be ruled out that Ye Zheng, who has never studied the physiological structure of mermaids, happened to be bandaged properly, but Ye Zheng thought that if he hadn't been holding her, who was still a little heavy, and constantly struggling on the top of the waves, Andrew might have been injured when he dived to the bottom of the sea alone. The bleeding will start to stop slowly, instead of bleeding out continuously due to its violent movements.


Ye Zheng called its name softly over and over again, hoping that his weak voice could reach the ears of this big fish with sensitive ears.

There is nothing to be afraid of, Ye Zheng said calmly to herself. Although she was living hard, without Andrew, she could do nothing in this strange world and could not go anywhere.

Andrew grew up with her, accompanying her. He was not only a considerate helper in Ye Zheng's life, but also a pillar of Ye Zheng's soul. Without Andrew's company and troubles, she would be alone even if she stayed in a safe place. You must be going crazy with loneliness, right?

Ye Zheng had never seen Andrew look so weak, but now that Ye Zheng had escaped, she no longer thought about what would happen to the lost house, food, clothes, bows and arrows. She didn't even want to think about what was going to happen next. Do something.

At this moment, Ye Zheng even wished that the mermaid would not take care of her so much, and that it would be nice if she was the one hit by the crystal fragments.

Ye Zheng held Andrew's head and lay there for who knows how long. She closed her eyes and fell asleep unconsciously. She was a little tired.

Ye Zheng, who was not sleeping soundly, sniffed in her sleep, and then felt something cold placed around her eyes, and she flicked them gently.


Ye Zheng heard a discerning voice calling her softly in her ear.


Ye Zheng woke up immediately. She opened her eyes and found that the mermaid's wet eyes had regained their vitality and were looking at her brightly.


Ye Zheng looked at it in surprise. Although the mermaid was still lying down, it looked obviously more energetic than when it just came ashore, and it was raising its head with some difficulty.


Ye Zheng felt that her eyes, which had just shed tears, were now extremely sour. She bent down and hugged the mermaid again. There were tears in her eyes, but her voice was very happy, "It's so good..."

Ye Zheng felt that she had never been so happy before, and she even made an action that she had never done before: she Soft lips gently touched Andrew's forehead.

Her warm lips touched Andrew's cold, hard forehead. It was a completely different feeling, and Ye Zheng immediately woke up.

Was her move in excitement too abrupt? In daily interactions with mermaids, do they ever kiss their foreheads? Could Andrew have been offended?

Ye Zheng suddenly felt embarrassed. She looked at the mermaid in embarrassment and whispered uneasily: "I'm sorry...Andrew..."

The big fish did not fully understand Ye Zheng's heart that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to burrow into. , I saw it stared at Ye Zheng for a while, and then thought about it seriously. Finally, Andrew also leaned his head over and touched Ye Zheng's head with his cold mouth.

The mermaid who finished this move did not feel as entangled, embarrassed, shy and at a loss as Ye Zheng did. It looked at Ye Zheng calmly and brightly.


The mermaid gently called Ye Zheng's name again.

Ye Zheng took a breath and suddenly covered her chest. She felt that the heart in her chest was beating at an unusually high rate, and it was about to bounce out of her mouth.

Ye Zheng's eyes widened, and her head was starting to feel dizzy, as if she wanted to strike immediately and make her lose consciousness. But Ye Zheng intuitively felt that he should do something to respond to Andrew at this time.

She stared at the merman who was looking at her in confusion. The latter might be wondering what happened to "Zhengzheng". Ye Zheng only felt that something was about to come out from his head, his heart, and even every pore of his skin.

Where Andrew couldn't see, a fierce conflict was quietly happening in Ye Zheng's head. Those messy questions and thoughts were chasing Ye Zheng, asking her to give an answer.

Andrew is a mermaid.

But it works fine for me.

Andrew is not human.

But we get along very well.

Andrew was unable to speak complete human sentences.

But we can understand each other!

Andrew it's a water creature!

But it was this aquatic creature that saved me from a storm!

Andrew, Andrew, Andrew.

The name of the mermaid filled her mind as if it had substance. Ye Zheng stared at the mermaid in front of him, gasping for air unconsciously. Ye Zheng looked like this, as if the person in front of her was not the mermaid she lived with day and night and trusted wholeheartedly, but some terrifying creature that made people fear.

Andrew also raised his fins uneasily. It did not reveal its canines, but its claws tentatively touched Ye Zheng's hand.

Ye Zheng's eyes mechanically moved to the mermaid's claws covering her hands. The cold temperature on Andrew's claws was transmitted to her hands. Although it was not soft or warm enough, the temperature of its claws was so familiar and reassuring. .

Ye Zheng closed his eyes and took a long breath.

Yes, Andrew is a mermaid. He was born and raised in the sea. He can never become a human like Ye Zheng. They were two completely different species, but that didn't matter now.

She loves this mermaid.

Not a companion, not a friend, Ye Zheng fell in love with a mermaid named Andrew.

Once he figured this out, Ye Zheng's whole body relaxed, and all the previous fear and tension no longer existed.

Ye Zheng opened his clear eyes and looked at the mermaid in front of him carefully, as if he wanted to get to know this mermaid again.

Andrew, who had been watching Ye Zheng quietly, found that Ye Zheng was looking at it again. He propped up his forelimbs and rubbed forward with difficulty, "Zheng Zheng."

Ye Zheng quickly hugged Andrew and let him lean against him more comfortably. In arms.


Ye Zheng looked down at the mermaid who was leaning unceremoniously against her. Even though the mermaid was still a little heavy, Ye Zheng didn't feel uncomfortable at all while sitting against the wall of the cave.

Hearing Ye Zheng call him, Andrew raised his head and looked at her meekly with a pair of wet eyes.

Ye Zheng only felt that her palms were a little sticky, but she still made up her mind and slowly lowered her head and approached the mermaid's face.

This time, it's no longer the mermaid's forehead.

Ye Zheng's lips landed on the mermaid's right cheek like a dragonfly. Just such a light touch, it felt different from the moment when she kissed the mermaid's forehead in excitement.

She no longer had panic or embarrassment, only peace and relief.

Ye Zheng smiled at Andrew. Out of the girl's reserve and shyness, she didn't want to say it out loud to teach Andrew what "like" meant. It was the first time Ye Zheng knew what it felt like to be in love. In the end, she just silently muttered in her heart: "I like you." Her heart and lungs were filled with joy.

Andrew tilted his head and looked at her for a while, then he raised his head and imitated Ye Zheng's behavior: he held Ye Zheng's face with a pair of paws, and earnestly pressed a cool kiss on Ye Zheng's right cheek. kiss.

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