Chapter 45

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It was not until two or three days passed that the little "sequelae" left by Ye Zheng's first night gradually disappeared: the large areas of purple and blue on his body faded away, and the sore muscles gradually relaxed.

Ye Zheng regained his energy and no longer felt any discomfort in his body.

When Ye Zheng was alone and there was no mermaid to care about her, Ye Zheng also thought about it carefully, how could he get closer to Andrew in such a confusing way?

After discovering that Andrew was an adult and getting closer to Andrew, Ye Zheng thought that since they had agreed to be together forever, this day would eventually come. Ye Zheng just didn't expect it to be so soon.

Now that she thought about it from the beginning, Andrew's behavior was traceable. He started to be irritable three or four days after Ye Zheng ended his menstrual period, and then what happened next happened.

Ye Zheng pondered. Her human physiology was not very good. She vaguely remembered that a certain hormone in a person would increase greatly after menstruation is over? Could it be that the mermaid seduced Andrew after stimulating her to seduce her?

Ye Zheng was a little unsure. This idea that everything was due to hormones and animal instincts made Ye Zheng a little unhappy. But Ye Zheng then thought of Andrew's behavior when she sang, and comforted himself that it was definitely not just animal nature. In the end, Ye Zheng decided to let everything take its course and wait until he found the rules before considering anything else.

However, Ye Zheng soon discovered that the original intention of trying to discover the connection was good, but the reality was very cruel.

Ye Zheng's menstruation was irregular and only happened once every two or three months. She thought that if it was really closely related to this, then Andrew might only ask her for sex every two or three months.

She is so young and simple! Although it only happens once every two to three months, Ye Zheng simply misjudged the mermaid's enthusiasm and expectations for this matter!

After discovering that Ye Zheng had recovered, Andrew was even happier than Ye Zheng, but the next night, he sang and danced in front of Ye Zheng, trying his best to make Ye Zheng feel his passion! Then she lost control...

and it just got out of hand.

As Andrew's skills got better and better, he was able to gradually control the perfect strength, neither letting Ye Zheng get hurt nor letting Ye Zheng escape. And as the fit between Ye Zheng's body and Andrew's body became better and better, the "sequelae" that the mermaid left for her because of this incident became less and less.

It's true that Andrew is very considerate of Ye Zheng, and if Ye Zheng feels uncomfortable in any way, he will definitely not force Ye Zheng. At the beginning, Andrew would never do it a second time when there were still some traces on Ye Zheng's body. But later, after there were no such marks on Ye Zheng's body, Andrew just wanted to seduce Ye Zheng away every day!

Fortunately, after many times, Ye Zheng has developed a certain immunity to the mermaid's singing and dancing, so she can control herself and prevent herself from being tempted and indulging in Andrew's increasingly indulgent behavior.

But even if Ye Zheng only allowed it once every three to five days, Ye Zheng felt it was a bit too much. The mermaid is strong and energetic. If Andrew's wish is fulfilled every day, Ye Zheng feels that sooner or later he will suffer from premature aging.

There were not many times when Andrew succeeded, and Ye Zheng refused most of the time, although she was full of guilt when she refused. Andrew looked at her with wet eyes. He was tumbling around her, trying hard to attract Ye Zheng's attention, which made it particularly difficult for Ye Zheng to reject Andrew.

Ye Zheng could only make up for the loss of the mermaid because of the failed courtship in other ways: for example, allowing him to go to bed and hold her to sleep before going to bed, for example, handling the cooked food that Andrew wanted to eat more carefully.

With Andrew's intelligence, he quickly discovered Ye Zheng's connivance with him in other ways. I don't know if he has discovered the reason for the two. Anyway, Andrew has fully explored this point, and he just wants to hold Ye Zheng in his arms while eating!

Ye Zheng didn't know whether all mermaids had the habit of holding their spouses while eating, or whether it was only Andrew who was like this. Ye Zheng, who felt inexplicable guilt towards Andrew, let him go. And Ye Zheng soon discovered that when she sat wrapped in a fur blanket and sat in Andrew's arms, it felt particularly good to use.

Andrew has found a good way to sit up successfully and hold Ye Zheng in his arms. That is to lean on the big stone and directly let the stone support the mermaid's unsteady body. For this reason, he also dug a new fire pit next to the cave, so that he could hold him while eating and Ye Zheng could sit and cook.

In order to satisfy Andrew's growing demand for various fruits, Ye Zheng also accompanied Andrew to search the surrounding land. The types of fruits that Andrew likes to eat have also successfully increased from a rare two or three to seven or eight.

There is a fruit that looks very much like a fruit in both shape and texture, and it has become their new favorite. Every now and then, Ye Zheng would ask Andrew to carry her on his back, so he could pick up seven or eight of them and save them for a few days.

Since the two of them were completely together, Ye Zheng found that he had become particularly casual when commanding the mermaid.

When the two of them first met, she was very polite every time she took the initiative to trouble the mermaid to do something. Although maybe the mermaid at that time didn't even understand what "politeness" was, Ye Zheng was still cautious when asking for various gestures. And when Ye Zheng thought that the two of them were already companions and friends, every time Ye Zheng made a request to the mermaid, he would definitely give the mermaid something in return.

Now, Ye Zheng's attitude in this regard has become more casual. She already regards the mermaid as a real family member. Andrew no longer wakes up and goes to the sea to look for food as before, and then comes back until sunset.

Whenever Ye Zheng opened his eyes, Andrew must be waiting in the waterway beside the bed. At that time, he had already hunted once beforehand.

When Ye Zheng wakes up, he can always see the mermaid patiently waiting for her to wake up. Andrew would first ask Ye Zheng about his plans for the day. If Ye Zheng just wanted to stay on the island that day, he would go back to the sea after kissing Ye Zheng. If Ye Zheng expressed that he wanted to go somewhere else, he would take Ye Zheng away and hunt in the nearby sea. He would not take her home until Ye Zheng called him from the sea.

Andrew always waited patiently for Ye Zheng's arrangements, and he quietly changed his schedule. Ye Zheng didn't notice it at first, but when he found out, he was moved, proud and proud. This kind of casual interaction and thoughtfulness is what makes a real family, right?

On this day, Andrew and Ye Zheng both wanted to eat that kind of fruit.

Andrew carried Ye Zheng on his back and swam to a piece of land quite far away and put her down.

Ye Zheng kissed Andrew's lips with a smile, and repeated what he had said many times: "It's nearby, wait until I call you." Andrew didn't know how to smile,

but this didn't stop him from kissing Ye Zheng intimately. The girl called her name, then swam her tail and swam into the sea to look for food.

Ye Zheng hummed a song and hurriedly ran into the woods. She was thinking that her menstrual period might be coming again, so she would pick more food this time so that it would be delicious for a few days.

Probably because of the season or the fruit period, Ye Zheng didn't find the fruit she wanted in the woods near the coast. She raised her head and kept looking at the branches of the big tree, and unknowingly walked into the depths of the woods.

When Ye Zheng discovered the fruit and climbed to the tree to pick it, she heard a low roar coming from under the tree.

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