Chapter 23

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Ye Zheng was really frightened by the mermaid's behavior at first.

Its teeth, claws, and fins glowed with a harsh and piercing light in the sunlight. When Ye Zheng heard the cry, the sound was still as childish as a cub's cry, but it actually made such a frightening and threatening sound.

Perhaps because the vocal cords are not fully developed, the mermaid only screamed once and did not make any sound. But it still maintains a posture ready to attack at all times, with its supported upper body still standing high, and its eyes still searching for enemies that may be hiding in the dark. Ye Zheng could see that the muscles on its body were trembling angrily, and it was scanning the surrounding environment vigilantly.

Ye Zheng suddenly no longer felt scared. She knew that the mermaid's terrifying appearance was because of her. Of course Ye Zheng knew that this was a mistake, and it was impossible for the mermaid to find the enemy it thought existed.

Ye Zheng slowly stretched out his hand tremblingly, trying to calm down the mermaid: "I...I..."

The mermaid turned her head and stared at her with fearful eyes, but she did not do anything to Ye Zheng. Threatening actions.

Ye Zheng's hand touched the mermaid's back, and she felt the mermaid's whole body tremble. She still looked ferocious, but she did not break away from Ye Zheng's touch. Ye Zheng took a small breath, then carefully leaned over to avoid its sharp fins, hugged the mermaid's neck, and gently leaned his head against the mermaid's cold cheek.

With her trembling right hand, she gently rubbed a small piece of flesh on the outside of the mermaid's neck, trying to relax its tense muscles. His left hand carefully patted the mermaid's shoulder again and again.

"I'm okay, it's okay, it's okay..." Ye Zheng whispered carefully over and over again next to the mermaid's fan-shaped ears. Even if the mermaid didn't know what she was talking about, Ye Zheng hoped that his behavior would make the mermaid understand that this was not a big deal.

Ye Zheng pressed his hands on the smooth gelatinous hair of the mermaid, resting the mermaid's head on his shoulder while continuing to comfort the mermaid in a soft voice. After a while, the mermaid let go of the paw holding Ye Zheng's ankle. It carefully placed the paw on Ye Zheng's back, then gently brought Ye Zheng over and protected Ye Zheng under it. between the arms and chest.

It's almost like a hug. The fins in front of the mermaid's body have been retracted, but the fins on its shoulders and back are still spread out. The mermaid kept his head raised as hard as he could, looking out from above Ye Zheng's shoulders.

Maybe it was because the mermaid couldn't find any trace of the enemy, or maybe because Ye Zheng kept whispering in its ear, the mermaid finally calmed down and stopped taking a vigilant posture.

Ye Zheng felt the mermaid's muscles gradually relaxing under his palms, and couldn't help but feel relieved.

Ye Zheng raised his head and gave the mermaid a comforting smile: "Don't worry... Oops!"

Before Ye Zheng could finish speaking, the mermaid had already pushed her into the stone nest and put her down. Let her lie down on the haystack.

Ye Zheng didn't expect that after the mermaid no longer suspected that an enemy was attacking her, she would start paying attention to her.

The mermaid squeezed between Ye Zheng's legs and untied Ye Zheng's underwear.

"What are you going to do?!" Ye Zheng screamed in panic, pushed the mermaid hard, and moved his body back to avoid the mermaid's movements.

Ye Zheng's strength was just a drop in the water to the mermaid, who continued his actions unmoved. When Ye Zheng tried to kick it, its two claws grasped Ye Zheng's knees and tilted her legs to both sides.

"Stop! You bastard!" Ye Zheng shouted in panic, with a cry in her voice. She pushed the mermaid's chest hard with her arms, trying to make it leave.

The mermaid was unmoved and determined to see Ye Zheng's "wound". The mermaid ignored Ye Zheng's movements. It lay down between Ye Zheng's legs and stared at that spot.

Staring at the mermaid's big, unblinking eyes, Ye Zheng felt like his whole body was about to burn up. Ye Zheng was so ashamed and angry that he wanted to faint immediately.

However, this was not the worst. Probably because of animal instinct, the mermaid slowly lowered his head and moved closer, wanting to lick Ye Zheng's "wound" that was slowly bleeding.

Ye Zheng blocked the front with his hand in time, and when the mermaid released a paw to push her hand away, he kicked out and directly hit the mermaid in the face.

"I said no!"

That feeling of shame and anger greatly affected Ye Zheng. She didn't think about anything at all, and kicked the hard part of the mermaid's face with all her strength. It was probably at the cheekbone, and her sudden force kicked the merman's entire head away from her face.

But at the same time, Ye Zheng heard a "clicking" sound from his ankle. He didn't know whether the ankle was twisted or broken. The pain that hurt the bone marrow spread, and Ye Zheng could no longer hold it up half-lifted. His upper body lay down panting.

Ye Zheng not only felt pain in her feet, but also felt wronged by being treated like this by the mermaid. She finally couldn't help but shed tears.

The moment the mermaid was kicked by Ye Zheng, it instinctively raised its dorsal fin behind it when it was attacked. However, when it turned its face angrily and looked down at her, it was shocked by Ye Zheng's tears.

The mermaid paused for a while, put away the fangs and dorsal fin that were just exposed, lowered his head and slowly approached Ye Zheng's face.

Ye Zheng's eyes were red and tears kept flowing out. When he saw the big face of the mermaid in his misty eyes, he burst into tears with a cry of "Wow--".

The mermaid swung her tail anxiously, then lowered her head and licked the corners of Ye Zheng's eyes seriously. The mermaid licked all the tears Ye Zheng had into her mouth.

Not only the corner of Ye Zheng's eyes, the mermaid stretched out awkwardly to imitate the way Ye Zheng just patted her, but the force was much lighter than usual, for fear of breaking Ye Zheng.

The mermaid's mouth seemed to have small burrs, and it tickled Ye Zheng's face slightly. Ye Zheng couldn't help turning his face away, refusing to allow the mermaid to touch her again.

The mermaid lifted her upper body with her arms in frustration and stared at Ye Zheng's expression.

Ye Zheng was crying so much that she was out of breath, especially the pain in her feet became more and more severe. After she choked, she felt her lower abdomen tighten and fluid gush out from her lower abdomen.

This was different from the little blood stain just now. The unique smell that she could smell every month suddenly filled the small stone nest heavily.

Of course the mermaid smelled it too, and looked down again, apparently wanting to take another look at Ye Zheng.

"You, go away, go away..." Ye Zheng casually grabbed the straw at hand and hit the mermaid. Her movement involved her right foot, and Ye Zheng's expression became even more painful.

"It's all your fault! Get out!"

Ye Zheng grabbed an empty conch and threw it at the mermaid's head. The conch bounced off the mermaid's head. Just when the conch was about to hit Ye Zheng's foot, the mermaid caught the conch with quick eyes and hands, and then saw Ye Zheng's already red and swollen ankle.

The mermaid paused and reached out to touch Ye Zheng's ankle.

"Ah!" Ye Zheng screamed, and the merman shivered, put down his paws and looked at Ye Zheng blankly.

Ye Zheng bit her lower lip and looked at the mermaid angrily. She felt her anger towards the fish getting stronger and stronger. She reached out and grabbed an empty conch and smashed it.

"Get out!"

The mermaid caught the conch, opened its big eyes and looked at Ye Zheng for a while, and then really moved out. It also put down the tattered seaweed curtain that had been pulled long ago.

It avoided Ye Zheng's angry face, but Ye Zheng was even sadder. It was obvious that she was already in such a difficult situation. She just told it to go away and it really went away. Why couldn't it understand what she was saying?

After the mermaid disappeared, Ye Zheng cried even harder. She couldn't control her tear glands. She just felt that she was wronged and suffered an unreasonable disaster. Gradually, Ye Zheng, who had swollen feet and was still menstruating due to illness, fell asleep while crying. Only in her sleep did she feel better.

Although she was in a dream, Ye Zheng, who was half asleep, still felt the pain in her ankle coming and going, until an unprecedented pain dragged her out of her sleep!

Ye Zheng suddenly opened his eyes and saw the figure of the mermaid lying at her feet. The mermaid was holding her injured ankle and smearing a dark substance on her red and swollen area.

It seemed to be treating Ye Zheng's ankle. Ye Zheng felt that when the cold black stuff was applied to his ankle, it was like being chopped with a knife and an axe. The pain was so painful that he lost consciousness for a moment, and then it became more severe. The pain came over me.

Ye Zheng screamed and tried to avoid the mermaid's claws. The mermaid, who would lick off Ye Zheng's tears for her, now directly pressed down on Ye Zheng's thigh. With its strength, Ye Zheng was completely unable to break away.

Ye Zheng's whole body was shaking in pain. His upper body bounced up and fell down again. She gritted her teeth, tears falling unconsciously, and cold sweat soaked the thin layer of grass under her body.

The mermaid still pressed her leg firmly. It wasn't until the pain subsided that Ye Zheng felt that the cold ankle was much better. Although the ankle still hurts from time to time, at least the pain is not unbearable.

Seeing that Ye Zheng finally calmed down, the mermaid came up to him affectionately, licked away Ye Zheng's new tears, and rubbed Ye Zheng's soft long hair like she had done before.

Ye Zheng now also knew that the mermaid was doing her best. She put away her tears, glared at the mermaid reluctantly, and sat up holding on to the uneven raised stones in the stone nest. She had just broken out in a cold sweat, and the hay straw was very uncomfortable after being soaked.

Ye Zheng was able to sit up, and the mermaid was obviously very happy. It tapped its tail on the ground, and then grabbed a piece of seaweed next to it with a little bit of sea water.

This seaweed was different from the seaweed it found to build Ye Zheng's house. It was short, and Ye Zheng could see thin whiskers surrounding its leaves. Although Ye Zheng had never seen this kind of seaweed, she always felt that its color looked familiar.

Under Ye Zheng's gaze, the mermaid stuffed the piece of seaweed into his mouth, chewed it for a while and then spit it out.

Sure enough, the dark green leaves of this seaweed had been seen before, which the mermaid used to treat the scratches on her legs.

The mermaid held the ball of chewed seaweed and wanted to stick it to Ye Zheng's place.

It was still thinking about Ye Zheng's wound.

Deserted Island Survival NotesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora