Chapter 33

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Ye Zheng looked at Andrew silently. Andrew curled up his tail and looked up at Ye Zheng, as if waiting for Ye Zheng to praise him for what he said well.

One person and the other fish looked at each other for a while, and Andrew looked at Ye Zheng calmly with unblinking eyes. Ye Zheng sighed and suddenly said, "Actually, you don't have to lie."

"Lie" is also a new word.

Ye Zheng went on to explain: "It didn't sound nice just now. Andrew said it sounded nice, which is lying." "

So, you can say it doesn't sound nice." Ye Zheng lowered his voice and said to the merman sincerely.

"It doesn't sound good." Andrew responded immediately without hesitation, as if he was waiting for Ye Zheng to say that.


"Actually," Ye Zheng was silent for a while and said with difficulty, "This time you don't have to..."

Ye Zheng looked at the mermaid who was tilting his head and looking at her in confusion. , she originally wanted to say not to be so honest, but after thinking about it, she had to explain "honesty" again, and maybe the mermaid would change her words without sincerity again. So Ye Zheng couldn't help but swallow the next words.

She was going crazy inside and didn't know what to say. The reasoning was that she told Andrew not to lie but to force his words to sound nice, but his reaction was too quick this time. Compared to how it had been coquettishly for a long time before saying "it sounds good", it was even more impatient to say "it doesn't sound good" this time, which greatly hurt Ye Zheng who felt good about himself at first.

Ye Zheng wisely stopped her words. She felt that if she continued to dwell on Andrew's answer, she would look even more stupid. She decided to forget Andrew's second answer immediately, and then turned to the previous question: "What about you, do you want to learn to sing? Or do you actually already know how to sing?" Andrew looked a bit like he was being tricked by Ye Zheng

. It was confused. When it memorized the words Ye Zheng said, it was relatively fast. When it imitated Ye Zheng's pronunciation, it relied entirely on interest. It was a little difficult to hear Ye Zheng speak a complete sentence.

Andrew caught the words "you" and "sing". He thought about it seriously and shook his tail unhappily, "No."

So far, Ye Zheng had never heard Andrew sing. When he heard the simple word "no", Ye Zheng didn't ask any more questions. The mermaid's ability to understand Ye Zheng's language gradually developed. Ye Zheng felt that the mermaid still had its own biological habits, especially its vocal system, which was also maturing step by step.

Ye Zheng felt that he understood Andrew's unhappiness: after all, he was not fully grown up yet, so he definitely wanted to sing but couldn't.

Ye Zheng nodded understandingly and decided not to mention the "sad thing" about the mermaid again. She thoughtfully stuffed a piece of dried fish to Andrew and let him chew it by himself. She herself continued to write with charcoal on the big leaf, while the mermaid continued to lie on her lap, watching intently.

Andrew was much more interested in the shape of the words used by Ye Zheng than the pronunciation. Ye Zheng also thinks this is a good thing. She guesses that mermaids live in the sea. The sea water is corrosive and light-proof. The mermaid race should only rely on sounds and sound waves to communicate and spread news. They should have no writing.

Andrew's interest in words is somewhat Earth-like. In the eyes of a large number of people, foreign language writing can always improve one's character, just like not learning French in the Middle Ages could not show nobility. In modern society, non-Chinese-speaking foreigners like to tattoo Chinese characters in various fonts on themselves. Even " "Beef Noodles" tattooed on the body can make people who don't understand Chinese feel superior.

Ye Zheng's handwriting is quite good. Her Chinese characters are slender and powerful, and her cursive English is also stylish, which is very consistent with the aesthetics of a mermaid. Especially Chinese, which has many strokes, and English, which has many letters. The more complex it is, the more Andrew likes it. But compared to Chinese, Andrew still prefers to read English cursive characters.

Andrew once proudly hung the leaf on which Ye Zheng had written the English word "beautiful" on his chest. Ye Zheng tied it to the fin on his chest with a small straw rope. Unfortunately, after entering the water, the words written on the leaves were washed away by the sea water, and the leaves also fell off.

Andrew was unhappy for a long time, and Ye Zheng finally had to hold his paw and use his sharp nails to write again on the harder shell. Touching the curved notches on the shell, Andrew happily took the shell to the sea to show off.

The longer Ye Zheng spends time with this big fish, the more he understands the mermaid's habits.

They are quite different from the images of mermaids and mermaids in fairy tales or myths. In the past, Ye Zheng could only imagine what a mermaid should look like when reading novels or movies, but only now, the image of a mermaid is vivid and vivid. Andrew is a big and ferocious beast, but he is greedy and stinky, and he especially likes to show off his collection to others of his kind - perhaps in the world of mermaids, collection is also something worthy of showing off one's strength.

Those things that Ye Zheng thinks are beautiful but not special can always make Andrew happily collect them. Ye Zheng can always feel Andrew's pride every time he goes back to the sea to show his collection to his companions.

The only bad thing is that after Andrew shows off his collection, he likes to send those shells and coral crosses ashore for Ye Zheng to keep. I don't know how it developed this habit. Ye Zheng also knew that mermaids don't like to go ashore, and Andrew is really a special case. However, Ye Zheng felt that Andrew putting the collection on the shore could be regarded as a sign of his trust in her, so she put away his things for him every time.

But the problem now is that the small stone nest given to her by the mermaid can no longer hold the mermaid's collection.

The stone nest was very small, and it was just right for Ye Zheng and Andrew to sleep in it at first. But when Ye Zheng and Andrew were growing, Ye Zheng grew taller and Andrew grew faster. Andrew, who is about to be two meters tall, has long stopped squeezing into the stone nest with Ye Zheng, but even so, the stone nest is no longer enough for Ye Zheng.

The stone nest had to be used not only for her to lie down and grow taller, but also to store hay and Andrew's collection. The originally small space seemed even smaller, and Ye Zheng's hands and feet were no longer enough.

In the past few days, whenever Ye Zheng couldn't do anything while sleeping, she always thought of mentioning the nest change to Andrew. But when she woke up in the morning and was busy all day, Ye Zheng would often forget it. And by the time she was about to close her eyes and sleep, Andrew had already returned to the sea.

This time, Ye Zheng only remembered this when he saw Andrew imitating Ye Zheng's strokes, clumsily scratching the conch shell and stuffing the conch under the haystack.

She pushed the mermaid, letting Andrew look at her, and then pointed to the small stone nest: "This, do you want to change it?"

Andrew followed Ye Zheng's line of sight, probably not understanding what Ye Zheng meant yet. It put down the things in its paws, poked its head around the entrance of the stone nest, and then began to crawl inside, as if trying to squeeze its larger body into it.

"Wait a minute, that's not what I mean." Ye Zheng quickly grabbed the mermaid who was trying to squeeze in. She was afraid that the mermaid that could no longer turn around would get stuck. "Small, I mean it is too small." Ye Zheng waited until the

mermaid After crawling out with difficulty, he got in again. She curled up in the stone nest and let the fish look at her. Andrew looked at Ye Zheng at the entrance of Shiwo, touched her feet, and then pulled her.


Ye Zheng crawled out, "Understood?"

Andrew nodded: "For Zhengzheng." The answer was concise, clear and very generous.

Ye Zheng was satisfied. She touched the mermaid's head and saw that it was still looking at her expectantly. Ye Zheng felt that it needed a bigger praise, so he got down and gently touched its tail with the instep of his feet. tip. The tip of its tail has grown a larger yarn than before, making it silkier and smoother. Andrew, who had the tip of his tail touched by Ye Zheng, happily shook his heavy tail and lay back on Ye Zheng's lap with some joy.

The next day, Andrew indeed brought a bigger nest. This nest not only allowed Ye Zheng to stretch his hands and feet, but also allowed Ye Zheng to stand up and walk five or six steps in the nest.

Ye Zheng looked at the "nest" in front of him in awe.

It was the skeleton of a huge sea creature. It looked like the sternum and spine were complete, and the surface was covered with a thick layer of seaweed.

Andrew and several of his kin brought the fish skeleton from the sea. Standing in front of this skeleton, Ye Zheng could almost imagine how big this sea creature must have been when it was alive.

But the problem now is that Andrew's friends refused to go ashore, and after Andrew pushed the skeleton up, he was unable to do anything with the heavy frame.

Ye Zheng stood on the beach and watched Andrew in a daze at the skeleton. He saw it standing up and working on the skeleton for a while, and then the standing skeleton fell down with a crash.

It seems that it intends to spread out the nest made of bones and then build it up again.

Ye Zheng didn't expect that this skeleton was actually tied up, and that the mermaid actually knew architecture! Andrew once again refreshed Ye Zheng's understanding of mermaids.

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