Chapter 6

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Ye Zheng ate all the lobster sent by the mermaid, and it tasted better than the first one. After eating the lobster, Ye Zheng really started to think about the next very important question: What should she do?

If jumping into the sea again would bring her back to the Caribbean—although she might still fall into the sea—then Ye Zheng would do it. But she was not sure. Ye Zheng had no way to bet his life that he had finally saved.

Ye Zheng felt that for now, it would be better for her to stay in this environment for a long time. She then thought painfully of her parents who might still be waiting for her to come home.

"No," she whispered to herself, "You have to forget this and cheer up. Everything will be fine." 

"Yes, everything will be fine." Ye Zheng silently encouraged himself, then picked up her bow. and arrows, and headed forward again.

She knew what she was looking for: a shelter that was as safe from poisonous snakes and beasts as possible, preferably sheltered from wind and rain, and with clean water nearby.

Ye Zheng was not sure how lucky she would be, but she kept walking along the coastline. She hoped to at least find an entrance to the sea, so that she would not have to go deep into the forest and would be much safer.

She didn't know how far she had walked, but in this place where day and night were stretched out, she walked from the sky full of stars to the sun - let's call that hot star the sun - hanging in the middle of the sky. central.

Ye Zheng felt that she was almost dehydrated by the steaming sun above her head. Sweat continued to flow down, wetting her clothes again and again.

Ye Zheng finally sat down under a large sap-rich tree.

Now she saw that it was no longer a tree like the coconut tree, where most of the hard leaves grew on the head. The leaves of the tree in front of her were wide and wide, with countless branches separated from the main trunk and extending in all directions.

She drank the last bit of juice from the big fruit she brought with her in big gulps, then threw the empty shell aside, closing her eyes and panting rapidly. Even though she had prepared herself in advance, it would not be easy to find a suitable place. At this moment, Ye Zheng was still shrouded in disappointment.

When she closed her eyes and focused all her attention on her ears, she heard... the sound of water.

No, it didn't sound like water, to be precise, it was more like the sound of a waterfall.

Ye Zheng thought about it and listened more carefully. Yes, it was indeed like the sound of a waterfall, not the sound of waves crashing on the coast.

Her spirit perked up again, and Ye Zheng waited until the last layer of sweat on his body had dried before getting up from the ground again.

This time Ye Zheng walked for a while, closed his eyes and listened carefully to the voice, and then walked forward in that direction again.

This time, luck favored her.

After Ye Zheng walked a long way, turned a few corners, and walked through a forest through gritted teeth, he found himself standing on the edge of a not-so-wide waterfall.

The waterfall is very high, about fifty meters, but after the river turns over from the waterfall, it only flows for about ten meters before flowing into the bay.

Ye Zheng was standing on the edge of the bay that was smashed into by the waterfall. Probably because of the erosion of the water, there were more large rocks piled up near the bay.

Ye Zheng walked slowly along the shore to the edge of the waterfall. The splashing water splashed on Ye Zheng's face, bringing a little bit of coolness to her who was thirsty and hot.

She leaned down and took a sip of water. The long-lost fresh water moistened her dry throat. The small pond formed by the waterfall is extremely clear. Ye Zheng could see many small fish swimming happily in the water, but there were no strange creatures.

Ye Zheng's heart calmed down a little. She took off her torn jeans, and then slowly put one foot into the water.

Very cool.

She quickly took off her clothes and soaked her whole body in the water. While soaking in the water, she poked her clothes and underwear with water. Then he spread them flat on the rocks heated by the sun, climbed up naked, and sat on the other side to dry himself.

After washing away his fatigue with cool water, Ye Zheng began to think about how to prepare a place for himself.

She put the half-dried clothes back on herself, and then climbed up by grabbing the ridges beside the waterfall rock wall. When Ye Zheng just observed his surroundings, he found a black shadow behind the three- to four-meter waterfall hanging above the pool. She suspected there was a cave behind.

When Ye Zheng lay on the rock and looked inside, she was pleasantly surprised to find that there was indeed a cave inside! She carefully stepped on the washed-out stones with her bare feet and moved in with difficulty.

This cave is not big, but because it is separated from a small world by the rushing water outside, it makes Ye Zheng feel safe.

But its shortcomings are also very obvious. It is very humid inside the cave. Not to mention the places that come into contact with the waterfall, the depths of the cave are also covered with moss. Moreover, the washed stones outside were too slippery, and it was easy for her to miss and fall into the pool below.

But after wandering around this cave for a few times, Ye Zheng decided to use it as her temporary residence. At least until she found the next suitable place, she hoped she could have a place to protect herself from the wind and rain.

At this moment, she heard a sound of "crash-", which made her instinctively look outside. A black figure was outside the waterfall.

Ye Zheng's feet were faster than she knew. She immediately ran to the other side and quickly drew her bow. In the flash of lightning, a big guy passed through the curtain of the waterfall, hit the slippery place hard, and then slid forward until its head hit the innermost wall of the cave. Ye Zheng heard a loud "dang" and it stopped.

Ye Zheng slowly put down the bow that was fully drawn by her, and slowly approached the big guy who was lying motionless. This was the mermaid who had given her food.

It looked like it was hit hard, and Ye Zheng didn't react at all when he approached it.

Ye Zheng put down the things in his hands, squatted next to it, and asked with some worry and uncertainty: "Hi... are you okay..." It didn't respond.

Ye Zheng carefully reached out and touched its head. Place on the stone.

Where human hair should be, what grows on its head is a slippery, gelatinous substance that looks a bit like seaweed.

Seeing that it was lifeless, Ye Zheng gently rubbed its head again and again, hoping that this would relieve its pain.

After a while, its huge tail swung, and the tail hit the cold mossy stone ground with a crisp "pop" sound. Its head buried under its arm turned around, its eyes moved, and it saw Ye Zheng.

"Are you... okay?" Ye Zheng asked hesitantly. She was not sure whether the mermaid really hit her head.

Its ears moved, and Ye Zheng discovered that it had a pair of ears that looked like fish fins and scallops.

The mermaid stretched out her paws, and held Ye Zheng's ankle with her cold paws, then stroked her instep.

Ye Zheng was a little speechless, silently patted its claws away, and then stood up holding his knees.

The mermaid looked a little disappointed. After looking at Ye Zheng blankly, she also got up and stood in front of her again. Then it turned its head this way and that, as if it was sizing up the environment of the cave.

"Isn't it great?" Ye Zheng said, regardless of whether the fish could understand it or not.

In less than two days, Ye Zheng's feeling towards it quickly changed from fear to intimacy, perhaps because she felt that this mermaid also looked like an intelligent race.

"I plan to live here temporarily. I will first find some branches to spread on the ground, and then spread some leaves and hay. If I can find them... I also plan to take a look nearby to see if I can find a suitable other place to live... "

She stopped chattering because the mermaid was obviously not paying attention to what the human in front of her was doing.

It used its fingers to pick up the rags of jeans that Ye Zheng had put aside.

Ye Zheng took off the jeans when she was doing a simple cleaning, but because she didn't want to waste them, she still took the jeans with her.

The mermaid looked at Ye Zheng's bare thighs without blinking, and then handed the denim to her.

"Thank you, thank you." Ye Zheng said inexplicably as he took the pile of cloth that couldn't fit on his body.

Fabric? She remembered that there was something soft like this in the water, like... like its hair.

"Can you find this?" she said eagerly, pointing to her top. Make a wide and long gesture.

"Soft, very wide, maybe a little dry when exposed to the sun..."

She described it according to the appearance of the kelp in the image, gesturing awkwardly. Ye Zheng thought to herself that even if the seaweed here was unwearable and looked as dry as kelp, at least she could twist them up and make a rope or something else.

In her impression, seaweed is very resilient.

She gestured continuously for a long time, and the mermaid kept looking at her with his head tilted slightly, his eyes focused.

Ye Zheng was afraid that it wouldn't understand, so he pinched the collar of his clothes and tugged: "This, this..."

Perhaps the mermaid understood, and it slowly put its paws on Ye Zheng's collar. .

Before Ye Zheng's smile spread, the mermaid imitated Ye Zheng's example and tugged on her collar...


The sound of the cloth being torn was particularly loud in the cave, Ye Zheng was dumbfounded.

She looked down sluggishly at her fair skin and slightly raised mounds that were exposed due to the torn front.

Ye Zheng closed his eyes in pain, she was stupid!

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