Episode 80 ''The Beginning in the End'' Part 3

Start from the beginning

Venus POV

The next day Temp and I were at the lab in Cam's workspace as we explained to her what we found about the victim as she asks, "Starved to death?" Temp nods, "Yes. Notice the demineralization, particularly in the large bones." "But his place was full of food. Not good food, but basic sustenance." I nod, "The histology report shows decrease bone mass and a mark deficiency in calcium. He starved to death." "After being hacked?" I nod, "Yes. That could take anywhere from several days to a month." "So after he was attacked, he was somehow immobilized?" "Based on insect activity, Hodgins says he was trapped under a collapsed pile of his hoardings." "Oh, that's horrible." I nod as we then see Daisy run inside very excited as she says to us, "Oh, my God! I'm so excited! I just heard the news! I could burst!" Cam asks, "What news?" "Dr. Brennan has been asked to head up the Maluku Island project! Isn't it so exciting? I just knew they were gonna ask her!" The three of us were quiet not sure what to say about it as Daisy just looked at us with excitement.

We were up on the platform as Temp brings in a machine as I explain, "The Raman spectroscope uses lasers and light diffusion to measure minute changes in chemical composition." Daisy then says, "This machine would be very useful on Maluku Islands." Temp then says, "I've already suggested it to the organizers." I nod adding, "I've even informed them that the Jeffersonian will help with providing any sort of equipment needed." Daisy then asks, "So you're both coming?" I shake my head, "No, I'm not Daisy." Temp says, "Agent Booth, Venus, and I are partners. I have to discuss it with them first." Daisy shrugs, "Well, he's probably gonna go be a big hero in Afghanistan." Temp then says, "He says he doesn't want to go." "Lance said that Booth has the psyche of a true warrior. That it's a miracle he hasn't gone back long before this. Maybe you're holding him back the same way he's holding you back." I cough a bit as Temp was looking at Daisy who looks at me as I give her a look saying that she probably shouldn't have said that as she says it out loud, "I shouldn't have said that. But sometimes my mouth just has a mouth of its own."

I try to get us back to the case as I then begin telling them, "We have to determine the precise day the victim was struck." I grab the skull setting it on a smaller pedestal as Daisy says, "Day of attack, not the day of death. Yeah. How?" I smile as Temp explains, "We want you to measure the amount of remodeling that occurred since the attack." "Oh, my God! That's genius. You have to come to Maluku. You don't want me being honored by the National Society of Anthropologists without you, do you?" "Remodeling, Ms. Wick." Temp and I leave as we were going to meet Booth.

Both, Temp and I were at the park sitting on a bench as Booth says, "So, Bones, Blueberry, here we are. What's all the mystery about?" Temp explains, "I've been offered the chance to head up the Maluku Island project." Booth nods, "Yeah, I heard. Daisy told Sweets, and Sweets told me." "Oh. I'd like to accept." I smile a bit knowing that this was going to happen as Booth then says, "Hmm. I thought you already had; you know?" "The three of us have been partners for five years, Booth. I wouldn't make a decision like this without talking to either of you." I then say, "I say do whatever you want that will make you happy Temp. I'll always support your happiness no matter what." Booth adds, "Bones, look, you don't need my permission, okay? It's cool." Temp looks at him, "You say that, but you won't look at me. You're the one that taught us the value of making eye contact." I add chuckling a bit, "Yeah, I even remember you keeping my head still for hours until I didn't break eye contact from Caroline. Saying that if I can withstand her stare than anyone else would be easy to look at." Booth then says, "And I still stand correct." Temp then asks him, "So, please?" Booth nods looking at her as he apologized, "I'm sorry. I just- I don't do really good with changes, I guess." I nod agreeing, "Change sucks doesn't it." He nods agreeing as Temp says, "You two are better than I am."

Booth then jokes, "Pyramids are better at change than you are." Temp was confused as I chuckle a bit as he then says, "It's a joke. I was being affectionate." "Ohh." Temp chuckled a bit with the both of us as I ask Booth, "Will you go back to the army?" "It's what's best for me right now. Are you going to tell Wendell where you're going?" I was silent for a bit until Temp then says, "I must apologize as well." We look at her confused as I ask, "For what?" "I didn't know that you haven't informed Wendell of your departure to the army as I may have mentioned it to him when he brought you back home last night." My eyes widen as I say, "You what? He what?" I sigh a bit looking at the ground as I shake my head as I put on a small sad smile, "It's alright Temp... It may be best if you told him instead... I don't think I would have the guts to do it myself for some reason." Booth pats my back comforting me as Temp then says, "I'll only be gone for a year." Booth nods, "Yeah, me too. So, hey, what's a year?" "It's the time it takes the Earth to make a full revolution around the sun."

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