Episode 60 "The Critic in the Cabernet" Part 1

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Venus POV

Sweets hands me a drink as he we are doing an exercise with Temp and Booth first. Sweets goes to the window as he opens the curtains a bit as he says, "It's quite simple. Whatever Agent Booth says, you respond with whatever word or phrase pops into your head. And vice versa." He then sits back in his seat facing us as Temp says, "Well, that's ridiculous. I can't properly respond without careful thought." Booth adds, "Can't we just make it a drinking game?" Sweets shakes his head, "No. This is a valuable psychological tool, Agent Booth. When you respond viscerally, we can get to the root of your emotional issues and figure out what binds you two together as partners." Booth and I then say, "Donuts." We smile and give each other a fist bump as Sweet asks, "Beg your pardon?" Booth says, "Donuts. Glazed donuts. I see 'em right there." Temp then adds, "Because you had no breakfast. You're hungry." I add, "We're starving." "Yeah." Sweets then says, "No, that's not the proper response." Temp looks at him, "Of course it is. I'm explaining why they said 'donuts." "The point of the exercise is not to explain, but to respond. Okay? Children can do this." "Because it's childish."

I try not to laugh as I drink my water as Sweets gives me a really look as I avoid his eyes. He sighs but continues, "Can we just try it, please? Just the two of you for right now." Booth sighs, "All right, okay, fine, here we go. Are you ready?" Temp looks at him as I sit back nodding. Booth begins, "Hunger." "Sex." I had wide eyes as Booth says, "Whoa." Temp then says, "Horse." "Cowboy." "Child." "Baby." "Booth." I just look between the two of them entertained as I drink my water more as Booth asks, "What, what do you think, I'm a baby?" "Your father." "Oh. Mother." "Birth." "Happy." "Sperm." "Sperm? Isn't this getting a little weird?" We look at Sweets as he shakes my head, "No, keep going." I nod agreeing still continuing to drink my water as Booth says, "Okay. Egg." "I want a baby." I choke and spit my water out as Booth says, "Whoa!" I cough as Temp says, "Horse." "Wait. Whoa, whoa, wait a minute." I nod trying to catch my breath as Sweets hands me a napkin and tells Temp, "Yeah, we can stop here." I choke out looking at Temp, "What?" She smiles, "I actually found that quite interesting." Booth and I say at the same time, "You want to have a baby?" She looks at us nodding, "Yes I do. I just- I just realized it. I should have a progeny. It's selfish of me not to." Sweets asks, "Selfish?" "Yes."

I then say, "I need to prepare myself! We need diapers, bibs, clothing, we don't even have the baby furniture, or the apartment baby proofed yet!" Booth stops me by putting his hand over my mouth as he says to Temp, "Don't you need a, you know, guy to...?" "Just sperm. You'd be a very good donor, potentially." We all looked shock as Booth says, "Me?" "But you need to be tested, of course." We were all shocked as Booth phone rings as he picks it up as Temp asks, "What, is something wrong?" Booth nods, "Yeah. Okay. You don't just go around asking for people's sperm." He then answers the phone, "Yeah. No, I wasn't talking to you. Uh... Right. Yeah, okay. On our way." He ends the call as he tells us, "We got a case." I was still in the state of shock as they both stand up as Sweets says, "Uh, wait, perhaps we should discuss this." Booth looks down at me still seeing me seated as he pulls me up and guides me to the door as Temp says to Sweets, "I'm not conflicted, if that's what you're concerned about. I've made a reasonable choice." Booth says, "In two seconds over some stupid game." Sweets looks at him, "This is a well-researched therapeutic technique, Agent Booth." "Oh, really? This happens all the time- patients asking for sperm?" "Yeah- no, well, not this specifically. Which is why I think some discussion is in order."

Temp then says to us, "Shouldn't we go? Don't we have a case?" I nod as Booth pushes me out the door with them as he nods, "Yeah. You're right. We gotta get going. Right." He turns to Sweets, "This is all your fault." He closes the door as we all go to the car. After a bit we finally made it to the crime scene as Temp says, "You're the one who's always touting parenthood, implying that my life is incomplete because I don't have a child." "I know, but this is kind of sudden. You even shocked Blueberry so much that you got her to stop talking." They look at me as I was in deep thought as Temp says, "Hmm, perhaps you don't want to help me." "Of course, I do." "So, you'll do it?" "I'll think about it." "What? I don't understand. It's a simple request. I'm sure you engage in masturba..." Booth stops her, "Whoa! Whoa!" I finally speak out, "Horse..." They look at me confused as he then says to Temp, "Enough. Okay, we'll talk about it later." "Well, I'm not asking for you to be involved. All I want is your sperm." We then stop in front of Marcus as Booth tried to play it off laughing, "That's a good one. 'All I want is your sperm.' I never heard that joke before." Marucs looks at me as I shake my head as to say don't even ask. He nods as Temp says, "I don't understand." "Yeah. Okay. All right." He looks back at Marcus, "Just close your mouth and point us to the body, okay?" He nods, "The barrel's over here."

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