Part 46

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Dear Diary,

Today, I'm feeling a bit upset. Mark has been discussing his plans to pursue further studies in his career, and he's even applied to a university in South Africa. While I completely understand and support the idea of personal growth and advancement, a wave of mixed emotions has been washing over me.

I'm not against the concept of moving forward in our respective paths. In fact, I'm a firm believer in growth and improvement. However, what's been bothering me is the uncertainty that comes with the potential distance between us. Will things remain the same between us after this change? It's a question that nags at me, and I can't help but feel a bit apprehensive.

To be completely honest, there's a hidden worry beneath the surface – the fear that he might not feel the same way about me once we're apart. It's an embarrassing thought, one that I hesitate to even voice. But it's there, lingering in the corners of my mind. Could distance erode the connection we've built? Will he still care for me like he does now?

These thoughts make me question whether I might be losing out on something wonderful. Mark is a good person, and we share a connection that I truly value. It's not easy to come across someone who genuinely understands and appreciates you. The thought of potentially losing that connection, even temporarily, weighs heavily on my heart.

If you were me, what would you do?

Until next time


The Unspoken Diary of a Namibian GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora