Part 11

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Dear Diary,

You do know how much I dislike wearing bikinis and the idea of being in a pool full of people, right? Allow me to tell you what happened yesterday.

As the sun shone brightly in the sky, the pool area was buzzing with laughter, music, and the scent of sunscreen. I put on the bikini that I had bought reluctantly, hoping that it would somehow boost my confidence. The water glistened invitingly, and the atmosphere was contagious, drawing everyone into the festive spirit.

Initially, everything was going well. I found myself gradually relaxing, enjoying the cool water on my skin, and even managing to engage in some light-hearted conversations with my friends. The poolside was adorned with colorful floaties The anxiety I felt earlier began to ebb away, a little.

However, the mood took an unfortunate turn when a random guy I had never seen before decided to cross the boundaries of personal space. I was standing near the edge of the pool, lost in thought, when suddenly I felt an unwelcome arm around my waist and a hand resting on my bum. Shocked and appalled, I turned around to find the stranger smirking at me. My heart raced, anger surged through my veins, and a deep sense of violation washed over me. What the heavens!

My frustration and anger boiled over, and I confronted the guy, making it clear that his behavior was completely unacceptable. I could feel my voice quivering with anger as I demanded an explanation for his audacity. The nerve of someone to invade my personal space without any consent was beyond words.

You see why I hate wearing bikinis and participating in pool parties because who does that? Men!

I walked away from the pool, my mind about to lose its cool. The joyful atmosphere that had enveloped me earlier seemed distant, replaced by discomfort. Sara, noticing my distress, came over to console me, but the incident had already cast a shadow over the day. With a heavy heart, I gathered my belongings and made the decision to leave the party. I couldn't bear the thought of being in an environment where my personal boundaries were not respected. It was a difficult decision, but my mental well-being came first.

Just when I thought the day couldn't get any worse, a silver lining emerged. My big sister, who had been away, sent me some money along with a heartfelt note.

Do you still find me boring for staying home rather then going out to meet some ill mannered men?

Enough about that, Saturday has arrived, and I'm determined to prepare my spirit for church tomorrow. Yesterday's drama is something I've decided to leave in the past. Holding onto negative emotions won't do me any good, and I'm determined to focus on positivity and growth.

Also, I did confide in Mark about yesterday's incident, because he texts me like every day now. It's strange how I've found a level of comfort with someone I barely know. I can't help but question why I'm suddenly opening up to him.

But hey, I've always been cautious around men, especially after what happened yesterday. The fact that I'm letting my guard down with Mark is something I need to be cautious about. I shouldn't become too comfortable too quickly. It's important to maintain healthy boundaries and not let past experiences cloud my judgment.

I need to remind myself that just because someone seems friendly and understanding doesn't mean I should let my guard down completely.

Allow me to end here tonight.

Until tomorrow,


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