Part 17

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Dear Diary,

Today holds the promise of being a great day. I took some time this morning to pray to God about my plans for the week, seeking guidance and blessings. I'm feeling optimistic and hopeful as I set my intentions for the days ahead.

I can barely contain my excitement because the trip to the city is finally happening this week. It's been a long-awaited event, and I can't wait to explore and experience all that the city has to offer. The anticipation is growing, and I'm counting down the days with a smile.

On a different note, it's that time of the month for me, and as usual, emotions are running high. I find myself getting more emotional and easily irritated during this time. It's a rollercoaster of feelings, but I know it's just a natural part of life. Last night, my big sister called me and wished me the best for the upcoming debate competition. Her kind words moved me to tears, and I couldn't help but cry. My sister's understanding and laughter in response to my tears reminded me that she's always there for me, even when my emotions are all over the place. Being a lady isn't a walk in the park...

Speaking of relationships, I really just wish for a sweet and supportive partner. However, the men I've encountered so far seem to lack that level of sensitivity. It's almost as if the right man for me is yet to be created by God, because the ones I see around don't qualify. We are talking about men who wouldn't even understand or prioritize such emotional hormonal moments. Lol!

In the meantime, I plan to cook myself a mouthwatering meal and share it with my boys. They have a deep love for food, and their joy over a good meal never fails to warm my heart. It's these simple moments that remind me of the blessings in my life and bring a sense of contentment.

Here's to making the most of this day and finding joy in both the big and small things.

With anticipation,


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