Part 5

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Dear Diary,

The morning began with a sense of unease, as I knew I had an important presentation ahead. Despite my best efforts, my nerves got the best of me during the presentation. The room seemed to close in, and my words stumbled as I struggled to convey my thoughts clearly.

I actually found it difficult to shake off the disappointment from the failed presentation. The weight of self-doubt seemed heavier than ever, casting a shadow over even the smallest interactions. What made today particularly worse was that it felt like a cascade of mishaps. From the morning presentation mishap to spilled coffee and a missed important call, it was as if the universe conspired to test my resilience. Yet, I'm determined not to let this setback define me.

Anyway, what would a life without bad days' mean— because they are clearly part of the human experience. I will get over this one too. Meanwhile, Sara and I will be going out for milkshakes in few hours from now. According to her, she needs to get some air. Right, I forgot to tell you. Sara and I first crossed paths during our very first varsity class in our freshman year.

I remember walking into the classroom that day, my heart racing with excitement and nervousness. The professor was going through the syllabus when I noticed her—a girl with an aura of grace and confidence, sitting a couple of rows ahead. Little did I know that our chance encounter in that class would set the stage for a friendship that would flourish over the years.

Sara has an enchanting beauty that radiates from within. Whether she's laughing with her friends or engrossed in deep thought, there's an elegance about her that's hard to miss. What truly stands out about Sara, though, is her upbringing. She's been raised with a sense of poise and manners that make her a delight to be around. It's a rarity to meet someone so well brought up, someone who carries themselves with such grace and consideration for everyone she interacts with.

Of course, like all of us, Sara has her mood swings. The only difference is that hers are quiet special, if you're not her friend you're likely to kill her because you might not have the patience I possess. I guess I got used to her like that. Also, true beauty comes from the way we treat others and the warmth we share. In Sara, I've found not just a friend, but a kindred spirit.

As I stand in front of my wardrobe that I may have probably been staring at for hours now, my eyes land on a yellow two-piece skirt and top that my high school best friend got me on my birthday. She's one of the people that have never allowed distance determine the depth of our relationship. She makes time regardless. Well, we will talk about her on another day.

Allow me to escape this boredom for a while, please.



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