Part 20

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Dear Diary,

God is great— I finally got the chance to talk to Melanie. I didn't reveal my true motive for inviting her before we met up; I didn't want to overwhelm her. At the cafe, I tried to ease her nerves with funny stories, but her struggles were apparent despite her attempts to act happy. She opened up about how rough her past weeks had been, revealing that her friend Emily had spread the news about her pregnancy, causing everyone at school to gossip. Yes, she's pregnant. Quite a big shock to me too. Melanie's trust in Emily was shattered, and she was devastated by the situation. It turns out she recently found out about the pregnancy after missing her periods, and her boyfriend was pressuring her to have an abortion. I couldn't help but feel anger at his inconsiderate behavior. You see why me and Men could never share a table? I know I can't judge all men based on one man's mistakes but really, that was totally wrong of him.

Melanie shared how close she had come to ending her life the previous night due to the overwhelming stress. She feels isolated as her parents are out of town, and her big brother is unsupportive. Men's actions like these make me question their intentions. I held her, offered comfort, and assured her of my unwavering support, although I knew these words couldn't instantly fix things.

We took a cab back to my place, and I invited her to stay the night to ensure she wasn't alone. We talked, I offered advice, read Bible verses, and even baked for her. We watched a movie on my old laptop, well...the age of my laptop didn't matter; what was important was easing her mood. Before we slept, I made sure we prayed to God because He mends all broken hearts. I wanted her to understand that happiness can transcend daily struggles.

Coincidentally, Mark dropped by unexpectedly with a hamper of snacks, and I shared them with Melanie. It's in my nature to share with those I care about deeply.

So... Melanie will be staying at mine for a while to help her find solace in a change of environment. Sometimes, that's all we need. I'm glad to be able to offer her a helping hand during this challenging time. Anyways, I am traveling today and I really don't know how to feel about it.

Yours sincerely,


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