Part 16

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Dear Diary,

Today's newspaper brought shocking news that has left me in utter disbelief and sadness. I learned that one of my high school mates had taken his own life by hanging himself. It's devastating to think about, especially because I remember him as the cheerful guy, always full of life back then. I'm left wondering what could have possibly gone wrong, what kind of pain he must have been carrying. And what's even more heartbreaking is that he's just one of many. In the past few weeks alone, there have been 10 other cases of suicide recorded. It's a disturbing trend that shows something deeply troubling is affecting the youth.

This situation really highlights the need for prayers, interventions, and awareness. People often take matters like these lightly until it hits close to home. These tragic events serve as a somber reminder that we need to be more compassionate, attentive, and supportive of those around us. Mental health is crucial, and we need to be there for one another.

In the midst of the sadness, I've decided to make up for my movie night tonight. I'm planning to call Sara over. She's been persistent lately, always asking for updates about Mark. Speaking of which, I've been pondering about the uncertainties surrounding my interactions with Mark. Why am I still entertaining him up-to now?

Since it's Friday, I'm looking forward to recharging this weekend to prepare for the upcoming week. Interestingly, my sibling-parent meeting, which was initially scheduled for tomorrow, got postponed. I can't help but feel relieved about it because this weekend, I'm prioritizing self-care and doing things that bring me joy.

With a heavy heart,


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