Part 28

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Dear Diary,

It's been days since my last entry. My world has been full of emotions, and I've been navigating through it all, one step at a time. Paying tribute to Eliza at her funeral was a heavy but necessary task, one that went beyond being a class representative – it was a duty borne of sisterhood. My heart aches for her family, and I pray that they find strength in these trying times. It's saddening how swiftly someone can pass away, only to fade from memory shortly after. Or how you can be talking to me today not knowing you will be taking pictures at my graze tomorrow.

Mark's absence has been eating me up both in my heart and thoughts. It's as if a missing piece has been taken from the puzzle of my daily routine. I confided in Sara about this, and as expected, she told me to follow my heart. It's both a simple and complicated answer, isn't it? Then came Mark's text, explaining that he'll give me time to think about what I truly want, as he doesn't want to waste either of our time. His words struck a chord within me, leaving me feeling uncertain and conflicted. That was his last text, since then he's been super mute.

I told my mother about everything. I need her wise advice more than ever. It's as though life has decided to open itself up to me in the most intricate and perplexing ways. I have never been this confused before. Last time my confusion was this deep was when I didn't know which course to take in varsity because I didn't know where my passion actually laid.

On the other side of the story, Melanie has returned. Her baby bump has begun to show, and she's back with a renewed sense of happiness. I urged her to talk to her boyfriend, encouraging them to raise the child together, irrespective of the status of their relationship. It's heartening to know that he's stepping up, showering her with love and support.

Acknowledging that their situation might have strayed from God's way, I've come to realize that a child is indeed a blessing. We all make mistakes, but it's in learning from them and taking responsibility that we grow and find redemption.

Back to me, I will have to give my darling mom a call then I would see what to do with my life. Keep me in your prayers.

Yours in reflection,


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