Part 10

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Dear Diary,

Today has been unbearably hot, and there's entirely no way I can keep calm. As if the heat isn't enough, Sara's friends, Tom and Samantha, have been insisting that we join them for a pool outing. I have to admit, the idea of jumping into a refreshing pool sounds tempting, especially with the mercury rising like crazy. But here's the thing, I've been observing Sara's other friends, and they all seem so social and wild, always up for partying and whatnot. It's like they live in a completely different world from mine.

I'm sitting here in my room, torn between the prospect of hanging out at the pool and diving into my books. A looming test in Computer Studies is just around the corner, and honestly, I've fallen head over heels for coding and everything related to it. It's like this subject is my soulmate; I could seriously consider marrying it! So, I'm considering using the upcoming test as an excuse to stay cocooned in my safe haven.

Speaking of distractions, Mark has been sending me texts recently. He's really got a great sense of humor, I must admit. Now I am wondering if this is his way of "fishing" – trying to reel me in with his witty charm. Not that I mind the attention, but I'm hoping he doesn't pop the question anytime soon. Saying no isn't my strong suit, and I hate how it makes people feel.

Now, circling back to the pool party dilemma, I'm left pondering whether I should seize this opportunity for some varsity fun. I can't help but think about the experiences I might be missing out on. I mean, when else am I ever going to willingly decide to go for a swim? It's not like I wake up every day with an urge to hit the water. Maybe there's something wrong with me, Diary, for being so reluctant.

Why can't I just surprise myself and decide to go for that pool party?

Yours contemplatively,


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