Part 14

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Dear Diary,

As I walked between the walls on my way to class today, I noticed Ritha, one of my classmates, engaged in an animated conversation with a professor. Ritha is known for her talkative nature and boundless energy, which draws many people to her. However, today something shocking caught my attention. I watched as the professor touched her hair and played with her cheeks in a way that felt inappropriate. It left me taken aback, perhaps partly due to my own discomfort with physical contact from men. I decided to simply walk past them without saying a word. My focus on my own matters is undefeated; I'm deeply invested in my own pursuits.

Speaking of which, today marks a meeting with Mark. Not at my place, though. Did I mention he drives? Not his own car, mind you—it's his mother's car. He's keen on having a conversation during a short drive. Initially, I considered declining his offer and retreating into solitude, but Sara possesses a peculiar knack for influencing my decisions. It's as if she knows the right buttons to push. Nevertheless, her influence doesn't mean I make choices without thoughtful consideration. Ultimately, I hold the power over the decisions I make, and I ensure they align with my desires and comfort.

But anyway, she forced me into agreeing to his offer. Should anything happen to me, you're my witness.

Here's to whatever tomorrow brings, whether it's a twist or a whisper.

Yours in the ebb and flow of life,


Dear Diary,

Today has been a remarkable day – I achieved incredible grades in my practical test. I'm well aware that it's just the beginning of the semester, but I've always been one to celebrate even the smallest victories. My perspective on celebrating small wins comes from my Christian values, which have taught me to focus on being grateful rather than greedy. As a result, I've decided to treat myself to a movie later. However, there's a slight twist in my plans as I remember that I have a date with Mark.

It's amusing how my life has primarily revolved around academic commitments, and the idea of dating is still a relatively new terrain for me. The concept of balancing my personal life and studies feels like an adventure, and I'm navigating it one step at a time. While I initially planned to treat myself, I realize that I need to reschedule due to my date with Mark. Lucky him!

Speaking of rumors, I've been hearing whispers that Ritha and Mr. Professor are in a relationship. It's quite surprising, and I received confirmation from Sara, who apparently witnessed them kissing in a car. Gossip isn't something I particularly enjoy, but it seems that Sara is quite drawn to it. Her fascination with rumors persists, even in the face of my lack of interest. It's intriguing how friends can be so different from us, yet we love and accept them unconditionally. Despite our differences, I find myself getting protective when others talk negatively about Sara.

Anyway, I am quite nervous about this date with Mark and it's getting worse every time I glance at the clock. I keep getting butterflies. It's fascinating how a simple meeting can stir up such emotions within me.

I guess it's not just about meeting someone; it's about sharing a part of myself, engaging in conversations that could lead anywhere, lol. The thought of putting myself out there, of allowing someone to see a different side of me, is both thrilling and nerve-wracking.

Yet, I'm still curious about the person Mark is, about the stories he has to tell, the dreams he holds, and the experiences that have shaped him. There's something beautiful about the potential connections we can make with others, about discovering shared interests and learning from our differences.

Wish me luck.

Yours sincerely


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