Part 29

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Dear Diary,

Today was a big step for me. I finally mustered the courage to talk to my mom about Mark. You know how shy I can be, but I decided to overcome it. When I spoke to her, she told me that she sees me as a grown woman now and believes that I deserve a companion in life. It turns out, even my mom met my dad while she was in varsity, but that doesn't mean we will all go down the same path —does it? But I understand her point. My mom has always been one to encourage taking big steps in life, and she stressed the importance of having someone by my side.

However, she also gave me a word of caution. She warned me about how cunning some men can be and advised me to take my time before making any decisions. I feel better after our conversation, and I can see a clearer path ahead. This is why I trust my mom to guide me through situations like these.

Today, I've made up my mind to complete all my pending work and dedicate some time for myself. I want to respond to Mark and not keep him waiting. I won't bore you with my usual Mark stories, but there's something I haven't shared before. On the night of our dinner, my landlord has been giving me strange looks since he saw me getting dropped off. I can tell he's thinking something, but honestly, I don't care. For as long as I pay my rent on time. I owe him nothing.

I've also decided to get my hair done today. It's been nearly three weeks, which is quite unusual for me, unless I'm swamped with academics. Sometimes, I just need a change, you know?

That's all for today, dear diary. I'll catch up with you soon.



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