Part 13

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Dear Diary,

I must apologize for skipping yesterday's entry. The day was quite a hectic one and I found myself caught up in its chaos. Time slipped away from me, and before I knew it, it was time to rest my weary head. I promise, it wasn't intentional; I didn't mean to neglect you.

I apologize for not giving you the attention you deserve yesterday. You deserved at least a goodnight kiss, and I promise to make it up to you.


Today holds its own adventure. I'm headed to watch soccer with Junior and his friends. Did I ever tell you that Junior and Sam just bought their car from Forex Trading? Impressive, right? I love it for them. They are really doing good. And also, Junior actually once had feelings for me...However, my heart never actually felt the same way. Sometimes, no matter how great someone is, if the connection isn't there, it just isn't. It's a bittersweet truth, and it's something we both have come to terms with.

But it truly brings me joy to see that Junior has found happiness elsewhere. He's now dating a lovely girl from campus, and their relationship seems to be blossoming. I can't help but notice the caring gestures he still extends towards me, and I sense that his girlfriend might feel a twinge of insecurity at times. I've picked up on the dynamics from both what I hear from her friends and my own observations. She's a remarkable woman, involved in the leadership council. My admiration for her is genuine, even though I maintain my distance. I've never been one to forge connections solely based on association with friends in relationships. Authenticity matters too much to me.

Speaking of today, Junior continues to encourage me to step out of my comfort zone and engage more with the world. So, I'm donning my trusty sunhat to shield my precious skin.

In any case, my dear diary, I want you to know that even on days I'm silent, your presence is never far from my thoughts.

Until the next entry, toodles.


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