Chapter 27: At last

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(Listen to god has a sense of humor by Gayle during the first half of this chapter.)

Chewbacca and Rey emerged from the Falcon first as Chewie carried Finn off the Falcon. A medical group with personnel and officers waiting for them. And escorted them to Medical Bay. An exhausted Amilyn, found herself among the cheering crowd of the Resistance. They had won the battle...but at a great cost.

Leia stood forefront of the Falcon awaiting Amilyn to come. Leia was accompanied by BB-8 and C-3PO as they watched her reach the end of the ramp. Instinctively, she headed towards her Aunt Leia knowing she'd have to tell her about Han. 

Leia wasn't looking like a general right now. She had the look of an aunt who wanted to comfort her. Leia took Amilyn's face in her hands staring into her nieces heartbroken eyes. Both were garteful for the battle was won, but both saddened by the costs of death it had caused.

"I'm sorry.... I tried but Han...." Amilyn trembled while she spoke to her aunt as tears fell down her face.

"I know." Leia said sadly. "I felt him die." Both women pulled into a bittersweet hug. Amilyn's tears came to a halt at the comfort of her aunt who knew she had tried. They had lost Han....Leia's husband....and he was my uncle thought Amilyn. A slight tear fell down Leia's face as she led them both inside.

"Amy!" Poe yelled to Amilyn. She turned to see Poe smiling though the crowd in the base. She cut through the crowd, just barely brushing against anybody. They pulled each other into an unbreakable hug for a good moment. "You're alive!" Poe exclaimed happily with his smile growing wider.

Amilyn smiled back at him.....why did something feel different when she looked into his eyes? She had stared into them a thousand times.....but why was this time different? Why did it feel like in every battle story this is were someone would be kissed right then and there? But she hugged him back as they let go of their embrace. "Missed you too."

"You should check on Finn  for me because.."

"You have pilot stuff?" Amilyn asked Poe. "And I was planning on going there anyway. Thanks for the little reminder." Poe smiled as he had to walk off from her, and she walked off to where medical bay was. Chewie exited and roared to her about what was going on, she nodded and headed in.

Rey saw Amilyn sit down beside her in medical bay as they looked at Finn who had an oxygen mask on for air support. "Amy." Rey said pulling her into another hug, which Amilyn gradually gave one back. "I've been waiting for an hour now for some news."

"Patient. We both need it for now." Amilyn said as they let go of each others warm embrace. Rey nodded brushing back a tear that had fallen from her face. Dr. Kalonia emerged from behind the medics counter bay. Rey and Amilyn looked up at the smiling doctor who had a reassuring smile.

"Your friend's going to be okay."

"Thank you." was all Rey could urge out from her voice form teh pain she was feeling. Rey had hit her head good, she almost had lost Finn forever, and watched Han die. It had been a long day for everybody involved in the battle. Amilyn though was still looking up at Dr. Kalonia to give more of an explanation.

"I don't get lightsaber wound often. It's such an old weapon. Now people these days shot with guns and blasters from long range." The doctor shrugged as she updated Finns support systems. "I suppose it doesn't matter death is death. But not for your friend. Not this time." The doctor gave back her warm smile to them both as Amilyn gave a small smile back.

(Time skip)

Amilyn, Rey, Poe, Leia, Wexley, and Admiral Statura were at the conference room for strangely gathering from the battle. A few officers and cadets were in the room, as well as BB-8 and C-3PO. Poe spoke first. "Kylo Ren said that  Beebee Ate is the last piece of the map that shows us where Luke Skywalker location is. So were the rest?"

"The First Order said they had it. That they had extracted it from the imperial archives." Rey said looking over at Poe. It seemed as if Amilyn and Poe were holding each others hand which made Rey raise an eyebrow. They weren't dating Amilyn had didn't really look like they weren't when they held hands.

"The empire?" Poe asked while string at the new girl. Maybe he had spotted the lightsaber on her belt....or maybe he had realized this was the friended they were searching for. 

Admiral Statura nodded in agreement. "It makes sense. The empire would've been searching for the Jedi temples. Because during the rise of the empire, they sought out the last few remains of Jedi that were there. Obviously missing many." 

"We are still at war with the first order," Leia pointed out, "A war won't end well until either they or we are destroyed. The next time, without Luke, we most likely might stand a very low chance with Amilyn."

Amilyn nodded in agreement as she heard a beeping behind her. She had been so intent on the conference meeting she turned to see an old friend. "R2!" She exclaimed smiling at the old white and blue droid who had resumed his life amongst them. 

The silence of the conference meeting was filled by a flurry of beeps erupting from R2-D2. His whistling and beeping hadn't been heard in almost, soon to be eight years ago. R2 had come to join the assembly meeting as he beeped excited beeps at Amilyn. 

"Slow down Artoo! What is it? I haven't seen you functioning in years! Slow down! You're giving me a data overload!" C-3PO exclaimed excited to see his old friend was finally awake. Only C-3PO knew what R2 was saying, Leia inched closer to Amilyn, Poe, and C-3PO.

"What's he saying?" Leia asked Threepio. Threepio turned around to them in excited manner.

"Artoo has the rest of the map!" C-3P0 exclaimed excitedly. R2-D2 projected a 3D image of the same stars their piece of the map had. Amilyn purposely hit her elbow sharply against Poe.

"What was that for?"Poe whispered.

"BB-8 has the last piece!" She reminded him.

"Oh , Right!" Poe said speaking up a bit from his whisper. "BB-8 show them what you got." BB-8 rolled up to R2 and projected the last piece of the map fitting it into Artoo's piece of the map. It fit perfectly completing the map.

Amilyn smiled as she retook Poe's hand and he retook hers to smiling a quick smile at her. "By the stars! You've done it Artoo!" C-3PO exclaimed excitedly. 

"Luke...." Leia whispered under her breath. 

"The coordinates are to Ach-too. Who's going on this mission?" Admiral Statura asked the room.

"I will." Amilyn responded without hesitation as Admirla the question. "I'll go with R2 and Chewie."

"I'll go too" Rey chimed in. She probably wanted to learn more about her abilities from the force. Her father would find Rey a very intriguing person.

"Amilyn, no..." Leia began but was shut down by her niece.

"You can't go because you're the general and the resistance needs their general. They don't need me right now. Rey is a Jedi in training by the time Luke agrees to train her. And his he's my father."

"Amilyn....alright." Leia responded looking into her nieces of optimism. "I'm sending you with Chewie and R2 and Rey can're right we'll need all the help we can. And if  Rey is trained fast, she can be a Jedi like you."

Amilyn smiled at her Aunt. "Thank you. I won't fail you."

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