Chapter 12: whispering

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(Rey's POV)

Rey was hurt and confused by the abruptness of Finn going to leave them. Did he not care? Did he not trust them anymore? They made a great team together, but his leaving would leave a scar on her. She walked with Amilyn to Finn who was talking to the alien crew.

"What are you doing?" Amilyn asked Finn through gritted teeth. Rey could tell she was furious at Finn. She had never trusted him, but this was the last straw of his actions that made her not trust him. Finn politely excused himself from the alien crew and followed them to a little corner where they could talk.

"So you're leaving?!? And I was beginning to TRUST YOU." Amilyn asked Finn angrily.

"You heard what Maz said we're in this fight together." Rey said to Finn very hurt by his decision.

"I'm not who you think I am. I'm not special. Not in anyway." Finn explained. Rey shook her head slowly as Amilyn stared at Finn with completely disgust of his actions.

"Finn, what are you talking about? I've watched you! I've seen you in action. I've..." Rey said not knowing what Finn had told BB-8 and Amilyn knew.

His voice tightened when he spoke the next words, "I'm not a hero. I'm not Resistance. I'm a stormtrooper." Rey was silenced by what Finn had said. He had long had he...was it this whole time......why did he keep it from them? It felt as if she was hit across the head with her own staff.

"Like all of them, I was taken from a family...that,,,that'll I never knew." He continued on, "I was raised to do one thing. Trained to do one thing. To ill the enemy which was anybody.....anybody who was a threat. But my first battle, I made a choice. I wasn't going to kill for them. So I ran. As it happens, right into you two. And when you asked if I was part of the looked at me like no one ever had. So I lied to please you because you made me feel like I wasn't some weapon to be used. But, I'm done with The First Order. I'm never going back."

Rey felt as if she couldn't hold onto anything anymore. Tears. Tears from her past, it felt as if she knew that Finn had trouble telling her and Amilyn who stayed silent throughout his story and didn't ask if it was more lies. Because this was was the truth it was in his eyes as he told them. Finn turned away from them, she grabbed his hand.

"Don't go." Rey pleaded. He meant a lot to her. He helped her escape Jakku, helped BB-8, and was there during times of danger. What would happen as he flew away? Would she finally break from losing the parents she never knew and losing Finn already?

"Take care of yourself," Finn begged Rey, "Please." He turned from them.

"You know." Amilyn finally spoke. "I started to trust you. I was starting to trust so many people again. I haven't done that since the temple burned down. I knew every student....we were all great friends...but the boy....he betrayed my trust. You felt I don't know what to think."

He stood there for a while as the words hit him like he'd just been stabbed or hit again by Rey's staff. He followed the aliens out the doorway so he could runaway. Not just from the First Order, but from her. Her heart or at least what was left of it felt shattered yet again by people leaving her behind like she was nothing. 

BB-8 had followed them and beeped a sad comment. "Yeah...Buddy....he did seem like he wouldn't, but he did anyway." Amilyn spoke to BB-8. Rey felt as if there was something calling to her or just whispering somewhere. But she starred down the stairwell as the voices grew louder.

The stairway though was dimly light, so what would anybody do in that room down there? But as the voices grew, Rey was more tempted to find what was going on. She walked down the stairs as BB-8 followed behind her making a clanking sound as he hit each step.

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