Chapter 25: Crumbling

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Poe Dameron saw something as he looked back at the base. He could see the interior of the oscillator.....someone was giving them a clear shot at the target. Amilyn. Poe smiled realizing she had giving his squadron a clear shot. "All units, this is black leader. Target structural integrity has been breached! I repeat Target integrity has been breached! Our friends down there have given us an opening. Hit it hard, give it everything you got!"

Poe knew it was a small opening that Amilyn had given them. One opportunity, maybe. Given the way the fight was escalating probably a last one. Swinging around he lead what was left of his squadron to the opening. They broke off from their defensive attack going into the small opening. A few blasts missed and hit the remaining intact walls as Poe flew through the fire.

He winced back as he turned his craft left and into a spin avoiding the fire. He burst out from the fire as he shot with all he had at the core. Gradually it felt as if in slow motion as it began to collapse behind him. Gouts of flames began to erupt as he pulled up reaching above the base and below entering out of the planet's atmosphere.

Poe let out a yell of triumph from the stress that had built up on him. The rest of the squadron followed him as they went skyward into the planets atmosphere before it hit the surface of the galaxy. BB-8 emitted a series of steady streams of excited beeps. "All teams, nice job! General. Targets been destroyed!"

Leia's warm voice filled his ears as she spoke through the com. Her message now was unexpected. "Good! Now retreat immediately! The planet could be unstable. Get out of there." That's when it hit Poe....he couldn't leave knowing Amilyn might not come back in time and he.....he couldn't bare the thought of Leia knowing before him or even losing her.

Poe didn't hesitate to reply. "If we retreat, we are leaving our friends behind. Even Amilyn." Leia must've expected that reply because she had responded quickly to it.

"Poe, outside of those of us here, your group is all that remains of the Resistance that's capable of putting up a fight. If you stay behind we lose you." 

"General with all do respect. I can't bare the thought of losing my best friend, Amilyn down there. We're not leaving our friends behind. Team who's with me?"

"I'm with you black leader." Blue three reported as the others whooped or hollered their response.

"We're all with you Poe. You know that." Snap told him. The concurring yelps fro, the other team members still shouted through the com as they waited to see the Falcon appear hopefully soon. 

"Then let's do some good and find them."

(Amilyn's POV)

Chewie was probably on the Falcon already since he had a better chance of getting there faster. Amilyn looked behind a few times to see the base crumbling down. Maybe even the planet if Chewie didn't find them. What was she going to tell Leia? What was she going to say what happens to....Han?

Amilyn felt crazed, heartbroken by the thought of her uncles death. His own son had killed him, just when they thought he was coming back. She was trying hard to control the anger, the rage she was feeling hard as she followed after Rey and Finn. " sure you okay."

"Yeah." She briefly said before sensing a presence close by not able to detect it just yet. She stilled hit her tracking beacon for Chewie to find them. She wasn't about to die......not like she had just watched Han. She had to survive like she had before. For Leia. For Poe. For her father. For Rey. For Finn. For her late uncle Han.

The dark snowy forest was covered with bare trees and frosted, white snow covered the ground. "Come on." Finn called to Rey and Amilyn as they ran through the barren forest. Where were they running to? They were running anywhere from the base and from the First Order until Chewie could meet up with them.

A sound of a lightsaber ignited as they ran and halted to a stop seeing Kylo Ren. Amilyn couldn't help, but stare angrily at him. "Stop." Kylo Ren huffed. It had been hard for him to turn with the injury he had gotten from Chewie's blast earlier.

Rey took out her blaster willingly with every inch of her body aiming for his head. Kylo Ren reached out through the force freezing Rey in her spot. He flung her against a nearby tree, and Rey went flying, smashing into a tree feeling hurt and dazed. "Rey!" Amilyn and Finn said simultaneously running over to her.

"You know Rey has powers.....can you try to wake her up?" Finn asked Amilyn still concerned over Rey. Ren's blade still crackled and glowed red behind them.

"I could try, you can't go up against him." Amilyn said looking into Finn's eyes. Maz had seen a man who wanted to run hours ago, but now Amilyn saw the eyes of a man who wants to fight for his friends safety. "Alright....just...don't die."

"Traitor!" Kylo Ren yelled at Finn.

Finn nodded reaching for Luke Skywalkers lightsaber and activated. The blue blade glowed and hummed to life in front of Ren. Ren looked at the sight of the blade pausing before reacting.

"That weapon....belongs to me."

"Come and get it." Finn snarled his reply. Their blades crackled against each other after their blades hit each other.

"I'm going to kill you for it." Kylo Ren said swinging his lightsaber to the left to be surprised Finn was able to even block that hit. Amilyn turned back to Rey who was in the mist of being unconscious or conscious. 

Amilyn put her hand on Rey's head, and she pulled through the force to wake Rey up. She could hear the crackling from Finn's and Ren's against every strike hit. Rey's eyes began to flutter open seeing Amilyn above her. "Amy?"

Amilyn smiled helping Rey up to her feet. Rey stumbled a bit from the small injury she had gotten just seconds ago. "My head....hurts."

"Yeah. That must hurt." Amilyn said looking up to see Finn was struggling against Ren who was using his strength to his advantage. Amilyn handed Rey her the tracking beacon. "Rey. I'm going to need you to help me to get Chewie..."

She trailed of hearing Finn's scream of agony. Amilyn turned her head sharply to see what was happening. Ren landed a blow to Finn' chest sending her fathers lightsaber a few feet from both her and Rey, and a few feet from Ren. "Finn." Rey was able to urge out of her mouth.

It wasn't over just yet. "Rey....I need you to use the force." Amilyn said as Rey was regaining her strength. 


"My fathers lightsaber called to I need you to be able to get it away from Ren." Amilyn explained to Rey.

"Okay. How do I....."

"Reach your hand out. And hear the lightsaber call to you." Amilyn told Rey. Rey stretched her hand out feeling the force flow through her. Ren also had his hand stretched out to her fathers lightsaber which could easily confuse the lightsaber. Rey closed her eyes and the lightsaber started rattling from side to side.

The lightsaber lifted up sending into a series of spiral circles whipping past Ren. He ducked his head out the way watching it go to Rey. The lightsaber flew into Rey's opened palm and a small smile hinted across her face. Kylo Ren lunged at Rey ready to give the killing blow only to be stopped by the force of Amilyn's white blade against his blade. She kicked him in the shin making him take a few steps back.

"This fight is ours not theirs, Ren. Rey get Finn and get Chewie over here."

"But Amy...."

"Now!" Amilyn ordered watching Rey run over to Finn who still lay on the ground unconscious. Amilyn looked to Ren who was seething at even the sight of her. She had her other lightsaber still attached to her belt as they circled around each other. Ren realized the white lightsaber was the crystal she had purified from his old saber.

"It is you." Ren spat out.

"Missed me?" She asked sarcastically.

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