Chapter 3: A Scavenger Girl

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The sun grew warm on Amilyn's back as it rose higher into the sky. Fire it felt like against her forehead as it blinded her walking through the ruins of old machinery wasting away. As the day continued, she grabbed at a few rations she had in her satchel. How did my father live on a different almost exact wasteland she asked herself.

The sand was kicking up between her brown leather boots. The sands smell was the only thing that filled her lungs. It was a scratchy, irritating, and course against her throat and any part of her body. The little minerals that made sand was still very much worse than having to live on a wasteland filled with machinery.

The sand had all sorts of machinery buried in the ruins of the wasteland. AT-AT's that were crumpled under a fight being knocked down. X-wings that were head first into the sand as it was dusted with sand. An Imperial Star Destroyer once made to send a tremor of fear in others. Well that didn't happen as it looked like the Detroyer was sinking into the sand and rusting away.

How much longer? How many miles till they reached the closest outpost? It was inevitable. They were lost and probably never return to Leia or Poe.

BB-8 rolled behind. He shook out the dust getting on him. If any of that sand got in him, he'd be a statue within minutes. Poe should've been here thought the droid, but suddenly a net wrapped around him. He beeped terrified and in confusion.

Amilyn turned to see the small droid in a net from a scavenger. Filthy scavengers looking for fresh parts even small droids. The droid beeped as the scavenger talked in an odd language towards it.

"Hey! Give me my droid back!" Amilyn exclaimed, activating her lightsaber to her right. The scavenger raised his staff at her, but she sliced off the top of the staff. "You better let go of my droid or there'll be nothing left of you!"

A girl came running behind her. She probably heard BB-8's beeps in a frightening way. The girl walked up and took out a small blade and began cutting the ropes. 

The scavenger raised his staff at her. The girl whipped her head Howard's towards him. "Namago ! Ta Bana contoqual." The girl said to the scavenger. The scavenger grunted at the girl.

The girl had three buns.....wait it was the girl from her vision. How was that possible? Amilyn came up and sliced off the net around BB-8 as the droid squealed happily at her. The girl loooked at her in shock at what she cut the droid with. 

The scavenger rode away on hid animal that carried his garbage. By garabage filled with parts and scarps filling up a net probably made from old used rope. "Who are you?" Asked the girl looking at Amilyn. Finally, a way to introduce herself to the scavenger girl who helped her.

"My names Amilyn. And that's BB-8." She told the girl who looked at her with still a bit of suprise. BB-8 beeped at them mentioning his antennae was bent.

"Sorry Buddy." Said Amilyn fixing his antennae. The white wire was bent over as she straightened it. She felt the girls eyes watch her. "It's not polite to not introduce yourself. I mean you helped me save my droid."

"It's Rey." Said the girl who said looking at Amilyn and the droid. "What is that weapon you have?"

"A know what that is right?" Asked Amilyn raising an eyebrow.

"I thought it was just a myth. Jedi and Sith were all made up for children." The girl told her. A myth? Is that what idiots and morons told their children out here about hero's, Jedi, and sith?

"Made up! Nobody told you the truth. Also you have a last name."

"Just Rey." Said Rey walking off. Rey obviously didn't want to bother them thinking she had nothing to do. 

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