Chapter 19: Remove

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Rey struggled to figure out a way to get the binds of her wrists and ankles. Metal against her hands for to long felt very tight despite growing up next to lots of metal. What had happened between her and Kylo Ren? She was still shackled and unable to move.....she had to find a way to escape this prison cell of interrogation chamber.

Minutes ago he was completely shocked she had dug into his memories like he was doing to her. The baffled look on his face as he stared at had scarred her brain. Whatever she had done had completely taken him by surprise. Maz had told her Luke's lightsaber had called to her.....was it because she was force-sensitive?

If she could enter his mind and push him out of hers, what else could she do? What might she be able to do with these new found powers? She wants skilled or trained like Amilyn was because Luke Skywalker was her father. The single guard by the cell could be her only way of escape. She remembered how Amilyn had used the force to allow Rey to get 15 of the rations.


The stormtrooper turned as she had called him out. He was patently unconcerned and not a little bored it seemed as he walked over to Rey. His eye's probably behind his mask stared at her as she began to try out this power of hers. "You will remove these restraints. And leave this cell, with door open."

"Excuse me? I'll tighten those restraints Scavenger scum." The stormtrooper demanded of her. Well it appeared he had not been pulled through the force to do this command. When Amilyn did it, it looked easier than shooting a gun. Well......Amilyn was the one who had trained not her.

"You will remove these restraints. And leave this cell, with the door open." She told him one more time. The trooper didn't respond leaving her in a frustrating moment of silence. Had it worked? Or was the trooper thinking she had already gone crazy?

"I will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open." The stormtrooper responded. He unlatched the binds on her hands and ankles with the control panel. She rubbed her hands because they stung a bit after struggling of trying to get out of her restraints. The trooper walked away...,she might need his gun."

"And you'll drop your weapon."

"And I'll drop my weapon." Clank! The gun hit the foot of the cell door. Rey rushed over and grabbed the gun quickly. She had done it......she had used a mind trick......the one Amilyn had used on Unkar Plutt! No time to celebrate there had to be a way to escape.

She cautiously walked out in the corridor with the troopers gun in her hands. She looked at the never ending corridor as she kept closely to the walls. She had to escape this prison was all she knew it was all she could do for right now. She had gotten farther from her prison cell that she didn't know someone had come for her.

(Kylo Ren's POV)

Ren struggled to control his emotions of rage filling him. He had been trained and educated well in the dark arts of the Dark side of the force. Now that education mattered now.....Right now, he needed every bit of it to stay calm. At the moment he didn't feel powerful after what girl had done. He felt diminished.

He strode towards her cell chamber walking down the endless hallways. Snoke wanted to see the girl for himself to see if what he had spoken was true. His emotions were boiling, his present state was contradicting with all his training.....he couldn't control it. He had reacted poorly earlier, and had been reflected by Snoke's judgement.

To add to the discomfort he had felt, the annoying Hux had to come in at the most awkward moment possible. He gritted his teeth angry with himself.....with Hux....with Snoke.....and because of the scavenger girl. It was a measure if his current weakness that Amilyn was still alive, and was the possible prophecy to put an end to the First Order. It was nothing but a waste of his physical energy and mental concentration that had been out to the test. Hux was not worthy of any attention....he was selfish, weak, and a complete bastard.

But the girl...........

Entering the cell door, knowing he had to take her to Snoke. She would be the key to Amilyn's undoing and making her vulnerable to the dark side of the force. Just like it should've seven years ago the night at the temple, but she had resisted and had lived to still tell the tale. No......he had found the interrogation chair deserted...empty....the girl was gone.

The multi-curved coppery, metal restraints that were on the girls wrists and ankles were now lifted from their place. The control panel had been pressed by someone to get her out.....she had used her powers to have made her guard open it. She was learning quick and fast what she had seen by Amilyn Skywalker. How everytime it seemed they could defeat the chosen one....Amilyn.....she had been planning her plan one step at a time before them.

Unable to contain his anger, he ignited his red, firey crossguard lightsaber. The lightsaber had thumbed to life as he had flipped the switch on the button. He launched into a series of wild swings and strikes, one's that would turn the chair into nothing but ashes. 

His rage boiled, and seethed at every swing he took at the chair. Sparks flew as he hit the chair again and again. The chairs wires were probably bursting and the metal was being cut open at every piece it had. He howled in rage as he swing again and again. Amilyn couldn't win.....she just couldn't.....neither could that despicable resistance of hers.

Hearing his howls of rage, a pair of stormtroopers crossing had come across the cell. Just at the far end of the never ending access hallway. They immediately changed course too terrified to know what was going on. What they saw within the cell as bits and pieces of hot debris flew out. They retreated fast not wanting to know what was going on.

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