Chapter 23: Into the Core

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Poe had been waiting for the signal for a while, but hadn't expected Amilyn who was given the order by Leia to tell him. "Roger, base. Blue squad, Red squad follow my lead."

"Copy, black leader," Wexley replied as they approached the planet.

"Dropping out of lightspeed." Pilot Zolo Ziff reported. Poe pulled down on his toke and flicking a switch above him pulling him out of lightspeed. The other X-wings followed closely behind him as they jumped out of lightspeed. Flying last stars and darkness as he approached the planet. BB-8 beeped onto the screen: 

Don't die. Otherwise your girlfriend would be deeply affected....or is the word know what, know what I mean.

"For the last time Buddy, Me and Amilyn aren't're right though she'd be affected deeply by my death in your words. Which isn't going to happen." Poe told BB-8 smiling still that BB-8 didn't hold back on calling Amilyn his girlfriend. Amilyn..........She's my best friend.....I can't lose her.....and she can't lose me Poe thought as BB-8 responded on the data pad in front of him:

You two make a good team......I have a bad feeling about this mission.

"Don't worry, Buddy. We'll make it out. We always do, and....yeah, me and her do make a good team." Poe replied turning his attention back to the planet. A snowy planet, nobody remembers when they are learning the history of planets. Planet history was quite a bore though when you could explore and experience them yourselves.

"Almost in range!" Poe sent his X-wing into a steep dive, he knew this one attack where failure could not be an option. With entire Resistance depending on him and Amilyn and to those who weren't with them. One way or the another the First Order weapon had to be completely destroyed......not partially......not just a scratch....straight, dead on.

"Hit the target dead center as many times as possible with as many runs as we can. Let's light it up!" Poe told the X-wing pilots through the com. He let loose of the X-wings full complement of armament. Bursts of destructive bursts of blasts came from Wexley's canons. Veteran pilot Nein Nunb was there too, firing as many shots as he could. Poe vowed silently under his breath he would make it for the Resistance....and Amilyn.

Tie-Fighters started appearing everywhere behind their X-wings. Near,y colliding with an oncoming Tie-Fighter, flew past it with full force towards the target. "Cover each other! There's a lot of these bastards. But it just means more targets. Don't let these thugs scare you."

"Blue three, you got one on your tail! Pull up and give us a view." Snap called out through the com.

"Copy that!" Blue three replied. Yanking back the X-wings yoke, exposing the area in her wake to Poe's firing. He fired his canons shooting down the attacker into flaming fragments.

"I owe you one!" Blu three told Poe.

"Yeah you owe me another attack run. Stay close, all teams! Follow me in!" Poe ordered through the com. Despite the swerving, diving Tie-fighters seemed to have swarmed around their X-wings. Series of miss shots of fire and smoke billowing in all directions, as they pulled away, Poe looked at the oscillator. They hadn't even made a dent!

"We're not making even a dent." Wexley remarked looking at it from his left side. Poe flicked his attention back to his attendant monitor to the rest of the squadrons. "What's that thing made of?"

"We've got company." Poe shouted into the com as it seemed thousands of more Tie-Figheyrs were coming. BB-8 beeped and it appeared on his screen reading:

Those Bastards!

"Yeah Buddy!" Poe yelled barely dodging the thousands of Tie- Fighters and blasting off their canons. He had barely stayed in one piece. Other members weren't so lucky, as the others found multiple Tie-Fighters hemmed above them. As X-wings fell down, Poe realized this was a suicide mission for many others like him.....but he wouldn't stop fighting now.

(Leia's POV)

"We weren't prepared for that General. Our pilots will be annihilated." Admiral Statura told the general. His face was mixed with lost confidence and stress that was on his face. Leia 's shoulders lowered and she messed with the ring Amilyn had given her 5 years ago.

This ring was special in Chiss religions and jewelry given to the leaders. The ring meant love, harmony, hope, and courage Amilyn had told her about the ring. The ring was made from besker and bits of golden ivory metals. It was smooth around her finger, but the beauty of it was the small stones of silver placed in the middle that made it a symbol of Hope.

Hope. That's all everybody needed right now was a spark of hope.....somewhere out there in the galaxy was that spark of hope. She wished Amilyn was here to tell her what she thought she should do, but Amilyn was with Han infiltrating the base unknown. She needed Amilyn, Han, and......Luke.

Luke had divorced himself from the world in its time of need it seemed. Whatever Luke was doing, it showed he wasn't coming anytime soon.....not even for his own daughter, Amilyn. Luke didn't realize how much she needed him, and how much Amilyn needed him. Amilyn maybe the chosen one, but she still hasn't completed her last training which Leia never knew what it was.

"General." C-3PO asked Leia, "Are you quite alright?"

"I'm  alright Threepio. It's just......had to think of another way to get into the oscillator....."

" you copy?" Leia's comlink started talking. The voice was Amilyn's talking through the comlink. Leia grabbed it from the conference table as it vibrated against her hand as she pressed the button.


"Yeah it's me. Han just found out we need to blow up the oscillator on the inside before you started shooting, it would've been nice to know if Finn had known. But do I have your permission to...." Amilyn spoke through the com.

"You don't need my permission to do that. Do it. Because your friend is leading the squadron in and they will be annihilated if you don't make....they'll be gone."

"Copy that, Leia." Amilyn said turning off her com on her end. Leia gave a sigh of relief to the news Amilyn had given her. All Han and Amilyn had to do was blow up the inside with detonators and then Poe could lead the squadron inside to blow up the core. The first attack run was turning into a suicide run by the nanoseconds that past. Amilyn had to get those charges in quickly if she wanted to survive again.

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