Chapter 10: Escape the Rathtars

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(Quick note: listen to Learn to Fly by Foo Fighter during this chapter.)

"I got a bad feeling about this." Han said after seeing the lights go off and on. Chewy roared back his complaint.

"This was not my plan." Amilyn said a bit embarrassed Finn told Rey to cut the green wire. A roaring sound started coming from another room. But it wasn't Chewie's....

It was a Rathtars.

The gangs looked around confused. Then out of no where one of the Guavian Death Gangs soldiers was lifted in the air by a scarlet red tentacle. It flung him around as if he weighed nothing. The soldier yelled in fear as it flung him around the room.

"Well at least they're getting off our backs." Amilyn reassured herself, "Run!" She said as Han, Chewie, and BB-8 followed behind her as the Rathtars closed in on the gangs.

(Rey's POV)

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT WAS THE BLUE WIRE AND NOT THE GREEN ONE?" Rey asked furiously at Finn. He had said to cut the green wire to shut the doors so the gangs couldn't kill Han. But instead they'd cut the one that sent some monstrous beasts out. Or least that's what everyone's told her about these beasts.

"Look I forgot what she said I had to improvise..."

"YOUR MAKING ME GET EVERYONE KILLED!" Rey furiously said to Finn. It was good to kill the gangs, but it could definitely kill Amilyn and the others.

"Look, I'm sorry!" Finn said as he and Rey ran down the corridor. The cell door was open from one rathtar had been. They froze there hearing the screams of people growing closer. A chill ran down Rey's spine. This how'd she die surrounded by morons and a smartass droid she thought to herself.

"Do you have a plan?" She asked Finn.

"We could die any second! And I have nothing!" Finn said fearful of the beasts. Suddenly, a beast crashed through the doors. They sprinted down the corridor as it came closer to them

"This was a mistake." Finn yelled to Rey.

"HUGE!" Rey agreed. "What do they look like?" 

Two Guavian death gang members run in front of them and one of them gets grabbed by the tentacle. The beats revealed its ugly face with teeth right in the middle. You could barely see the blood drip down from a meal they've just had.

"LIKE THAT!" Finn said turning to the left. "LETS GO THE OTHER WAY." They ran the other way as the two Rathtars from either side met up with each other. They turned separate ways looking for Rey and Finn. They climb up a ladder, they breathe heavily as they stand up.

"That....was...a" Finn breathed out.

"Too...close" Rey breathed out. They get up and walk. The corridors up here seemed like they hadn't been hit by the Rathtars yet. But there was supposed to be one up here. Finns body was slammed to the ground as soon as the thought crossed her mind.

"REY!" Finn yelled as it dragged him away.

"FINN!" She shouts as she runs after them. The Rathtar turned a corner faster than Rey. Rey halted to a stop there could've been three ways they could've gone. North, right, and left...UGH! So many ways and not enough time for Finn to have a living chance.

"REY!" She could her him echoing against the walls. She remembered the control pad was near her. She rushed to see all cameras everywhere up on this section of the ship. Her eyes lit up seeing Finn on one screen.

She looks to see the button that controls the doors. She waited till the tentacle holding Finn didn't make it through the door. She hit the button hard and it slammed shut on the tentacle holding Finn.

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