Chapter 17: Monster

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(Quick note: listen to Smells Like Teen Spirit by Malia J during this chapter.)

Rey awoke with a start as her eyes fluttered open to stare at a bright light. Her hands and legs didn't move as if they were blinded...she looked to see the binds on her hands and ankles. She had been captured by the First Order by their warrior Kylo Ren. She looked to see that Kylo Ren was watching her as he had waited for her to awaken.

"Where am I?" 

"You're my guest." Kylo Ren told Rey. Well for being his guest you don't bind your guests to an interrogation chair to be friendly. Or if you tried to kill their friends. So guest was the weird he was using? She was his guest....where were her friends?

"Where are the others?"

"You mean the murderers, traitors, and thieves you call friends?" Rey stared at him angrily and impatiently waiting for his answer, "You'll be relieved I have no idea where they are. But I could've easily have lied and said they had died." Rey looked at Kylo Ren studying him as he looked at her. How she wished she could've asked for his head or a limb at least.

"You still want to kill me." Kylo Ren said like he had read her mind. 

"That happens when you're staring at a monster with a mask." Rey spat out. Kylo Ren considered what she said and began to take off his mask. He takes it off revealing a face only at least in his 20's standing in front of her. Rey felt shocked knowing he wasn't scarred, burnt, or had the face of monster she thought he would. He could've had the face if someone she had passed near the Niima Outpost behind his dark raven hair she could see the boy Amilyn once knew. The silence broke when he once more spoke again.

"Is it true? You're just a scavenger?" He asked her. Rey stayed silent knowing that was the truth and he knew it too. "Tell me about Amilyn and the droid."

She swallowed before thinking how she would describe the droid and Amilyn. "Amilyn is a resistance fighter and a friend to me. It's a BB unit with a selenium drive and thermal hyperscan vindicator, internal self-correcting gyroscopic propulsion system, optics corrected...."

"I am familiar with droid technical specifications." Kylo Ren interrupted her clearly annoyed he didn't know what he had meant. "What I want is located memory. We are finding a navigation map. And the droid has the last piece we need. Somehow you convinced the droid and her to show it you? A simple lone scavenger. How is that?"

He was right. Amilyn was a powerful Jedi and a Resistance fighter against the First Order. She was important to everybody it seemed when Han came along. BB-8 was a droid that was Amilyn's friend Poe's droid, who had carried the map all the way to the resistance hopefully. But why would they show her? A scavenger girl who probably was to never have met them, but how did he know?

"I know you've seen the map." He repeated again, "It's what I need. At the moment, it is all I need." She maintained her silence not wanting to speak to him as he sighed. "I can take whatever I want."

Her muscles tightened when he spoke those words. "Then you don't need me to tell you anything."

"True. He rose from his seat towards her. "I would have preferred to avoid this type of getting the information out of you. Despite what you may believe, it gives me No pleasure. I will go easy on you, but I'll take what i need."

Rey struggled against her binds knowing what he had meant. He was going to read her mind through the force like he had done in the forest. She remained motionless as he put his hand out and the force flew through him as he went into her mind. Her head seethed with pain as he dug into her memory.

He spoke softly to her, "You've been so lonely. So afraid to leave ." He smiled speaking his next words knowing it would anger her, "At night desperate to sleep you imagine oceans and tree. You see islands I can see it. When you met Amilyn, you knew she was a Jedi."

She could feel a tear stream down her face from her efforts of withstand him. The force was so strong in did Amilyn defeat him? She desperately tried to lash outa t him or to strike him. But like on Takodana....her body was frozen.

"And Han Solo." Ren continued talking relentlessly. "He feels like a father to you which you've never had or would know the meaning." That made her want to kick his shin or even punch him at his comment he had made. "A dead end that vision. Let it go. I can tell you for a fact he would've disappointed you. Like surely...she did too."

No. Amilyn hadn't disappointed her when she needed help. Amilyn had wanted to help her not to simply disappear and run off from her like her parents did to her. Rage and terror reached through her mind having heard enough of his words. The rage bottled up inside her as she met his stare towards her.

"GET....OUT...OF....MY...HEAD." But it only made his hand and him lean closer as he focused and dug deeper into her memory. Enhancing her to feel completely helpless against him.

"Rey." He began making her shocked as he spoke her name. "You've seen the map. It's in there. And I will take it from you. Don't be afraid." How could she not when someone was forcefully going through the memories she had and the good ones she held dear to her? 

"I'm into you." She spat out in anger staring at him deeper into his darkening blue eyes.

"We'll see." He responded without concern of that she was trying to fight him off. Narrowing his gaze and his focus, he locked eyes with her. She met his stare, but should've probably looked away. She focused on him to as if she had broken the barrier, as she looked through his mind instead. He blinked stunned at what was happening.

"YOU." She heard herself saying, "you're afraid. That you will never be as strong as Darth Vader!" He pulled his hand away from her quickly stepping back a bit....confused, rattled by what she had done. She was surprised at what she had seen in those few seconds of seeing his mind. The doors opened as he left her in the room alone.

"Sir the Supreme Leader."

"I already know." Kylo Ren calmly barked at the trooper. As he grabbed his helmet, and walked off down thousands of corridors. Rey sat back calm,y recounting what had just happened. She had used the force....not like how Amilyn could....but she had done it! So Maz was right.....and so was Amilyn who had tried to stop her from running. Feeling encouraged she thought she should test this power of hers.

(Kylo Ren's POV)

"The scavenger girl RESISTED YOU?!?" Kylo Rens pitch black hair mopped in front of his face with his helmet off towards Snoke. He had seen what the girl could do...and it seemed A,Ilya had given her a chance to see these abilities.

"She is strong with the force! Untrained, but she doesn't know how strong she is.....Amilyn must've showed her how to use it!"

"And the droid?" Ren hesitates realizing they should've taken the droid.

"Ren thought it would be no longer of use to us." Hux said who was standing beside him. "The weapon will be ready to fire again soon enough."

"The Resistance must be destroyed as well as Skywalkers daughter."

"Sir we have found their location and will fire as soon as possible." Hux assured Snoke.

"Good. Prepare the weapon then." Hux marched off as Kylo Ren spoke again to Snoke.

"I can get the map out her head! I just need your guidance."

"If Skywalkers daughter already showed her a little bit to use her powers. Bring her to me."

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