Chapter 20: Crazy Idea

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(Learn to fly by foo fighters again! 🥰  for this chapter obviously!)

Normally there was something relaxing when you traveled through hyperspace, but it had made Amilyn mused. There was rarely any fighting ever in hyperspace, even if it could ever happen. Hyperspace was for a time of reflection, rethinking, or preparing your weapons and equipment. Not this time......Not in the course of this jump. She had sat down behind Han and Finn entered the room knowing they would pull out at anytime.

Han and Chewie were in their respective seats. Amilyn asked, "I haven't asked you......but how are we getting in?"

"Any kind of defense will be geared to guard against an attack in force. They shouldn't be prepared for an attempt by a single ship to slip in. Now that would be suicide." Han explained to Amilyn and Finn.

"Encouraging." Amilyn mumbled at her uncle's explanation.

"Okay, I now I'm really encouraged. Can't they detect our ship? I mean how are we going to avoid that?" Finn asked.

"No planetary defense system can be sustained at a constant rate. It would take a lot of power. Besides, it's not.....necessary. All of their systems refresh instead of being constantly on. Theoretically, a ship could get its nose in when a shield off. Half a second later, the shield snaps back on and well there isn't anyone on that ship."

"I got that. But back to the question: How are we getting in without being cut in half by an oscillating shield?" Finn asked again.

"Easy." The way Han said it made it feel like it was simpler than anything in the whole world. "We won't be going slower than lightspeed." Amilyn looked at Han.

"We're gonna make our landing approach at lightspeed? Nobody's ever done that! At least, I've never heard of anybody do it."

"You crazy son of a gun!" Amilyn meaning Han, but his response was only a pleasant smile. Finn strapped himself in quickly. Amilyn had already strapped in knowing Han would've done something Leia would've hated this.....more than that.....she would've slapped the hell out of Han if she knew!

"We're coming up on the system. Id stay sitting down, if I were you. Chewie, get ready." Han was done speaking with his hand ready on the yoke to pull them out of hyperspace. Finn sat wide-eyed and the look on him made him wish for a soft landing. Who didn't? They'd be dead because of yet another Han's crazy ideas.Chewie groaned that he was ready, and Han studied his readouts before him. The wookie raised his hand over his yoke.

"And......" Han followed the declining fractions as they disappeared on the screen, "NOW!" Hans hand and Chewie's yanked the yokes pulling them out of hyperspace. And began reprogramming some parts of the Falcon quickly. Their speed going past any type of speed Amilyn had ever felt as she closed her eyes, and the weight of the speed pulled her back.

And just like that.....they were inside the shields.

"Alright, now did you improvise this part?" Amilyn asked her Uncle sarcastically as they approached the snowy mountains. At this point they had reached suplightspeed and were slowing down at an incredible rate. Chewie howled loudly enough for Finn to understand at least what he was saying over the alarms.

"I am pulling up!" Han yelled as he fought with the yoke going on out of control in his hands. Teh Falcon was sent plowing through thousands of trees as Han and Chewie tried to pull up. A moment later it was clear of the ground and shooting skyward....which was an unequally undesirable outcome.

"Any higher they'll see us!" Amilyn yelled at her uncle and Chewie. Of course, if the vicinity of the First Order base would be probed with tracking beacons. They could only hope Han and Chewie would find a way to put the ship down safely. Down again, they went as Chewie and Gan fought over their yokes trying to gain control while trying to level off.

They almost succeeded, but then back through the trees. Amilyn reached her hand out through the force as Hans and Chewie were struggling. She sent the Falcon skidding off the trees and by the base not too close but was directly a few miles from it. The Falcon skidded to halt and she opened her eyes.

"Don't you dare do that again." Amilyn told Han. Han looked at her smiling with a smile meaning that they had made it anyway. Because she had used the force! Instead of them dying out here and failing her Aunt Leia. She had every right to have known Han's idea, but this was the craziest one she had signed up for.

There was no movement in the forest except for the occasional light fall of snow. But those snowflakes made no sounds when they hit the ground. "That should've gone better. That wasn't supposed to be so rough. Nearly worse than that." Han admitted.

Finn tried to reassure Han. "Hey, you've just performed the improbable by doing the impossible. Not like someone had tried to do it before you. I mean, I'm not a pilot, but I've been around a lot of pilots, and I've never heard them talk about what you just did Solo. You did great."

"We're down, we're alive, we're all in one piece. I don't understand what more you two could ask for?" Amilyn told both Finn and Chewie. Hans solemn expression didn't change he instead helped Chewie up from the co pilot chair. "Was a time it wouldn't have been rough?" Finn stayed silent which was a wise choice during this situation.

(Time skip)

Thanks to all the piles and flakes of snow the patrol had missed even a trace of them. Chewie was carrying a pouch to mask their thermal signatures and detonators. Finn looked around very quickly and stopped by a small transmitting beam. Amilyn soon followed by the others took cover there. They weren't going in blind without the only guide they had who knew the base. 

"There's a flood tunnel over that ridge." Finn pointed out to them. "We can get in that way because there's no safety screened because it would defeat the tunnels purpose.

Han frowned at Finn hearing what he was saying. "You said you worked here. You never told us your specialty." Chewie roared a small comment by suggesting the same thing as Han.

"Sanitation." Finn relied quickly turning his gaze back to the base. Amilyn's eyes grew wide with anger and frustration. Sanitation was for inspecting health and nothing to do with weapons or even the base itself.

"SANITATION?" Han gaped at Finn grabbing him by the collar of his jacket. "How do you know how to even take down the shields? We've got enough stuff for the job, but we have to know where to set it! If we fail to bring down those shields, we might as well apply for the First Order!" Hans slice lowered. "Meaning you'd get everybody killed from D'Quar even Amilyn's boyfriend."

"Poe is not my boyfriend." Amilyn told him with her voice low. Now this was getting out of hand with people thinking she was more than friends with Poe. It was annoying....and it just didn't sink in well when the world was on your shoulders. The world depend now on what Finn would say next.

"I don't know how to get the shields down. I'm just here for Rey." Finn explained.

"YOU WHAT?!?!" Amilyn asked grabbing Finn by the shoulder roughly turning him around to her. "SO YOU'RE TELLING ME WE ARE FLYING INTO THIS MESS BLIND?!?!"

Han turned in a slow, frustrated circle. "Anything else you've overlooked? Anything else you've forgotten to tell us?" Chewie added on to Hans questions with a small groan. "People are counting on us! The galaxy is counting on us!"

"Solo," Finn shot back at Han, "We'll figure it out. We got here safely and Amilyn used her chosen one powers to help us . Didn't that just happen?"

"Yeah! How?"

"We'll use the force."

Finn smiled encouragingly at Han. Almost simultaneously, Han and Amilyn both rolled their eyes at Finn. The force doesn't work like a snap of a finger and here you get what you want kind of thing! How did Finn not understand it wasn't that easy?

"That's not how the force works!" Hans gaze meeting the hopeful Finn. Finn probably knew it wasn't how it worked.....but he also probably wish it did. If it did happen like that, then the world would be complete utter chaos. 

"Where's that patrol droid?" Amilyn asked Chewie.

Chewie roared something back to her, and Han looked up at the wookie with confusion. "Oh really? You're cold?" Han asked Chewie who was an alien made of fur telling Han that it was cold.

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