Chapter 4: Visions of the night

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(The zombie (piano version) by the cranberries for this chapter)

Amilyn stirred in the sheets on the floor of the old AT-AT. Small beads of sweat fell down her face as she tried to concentrate on seeing what was happening to Poe. Or at least what happened earlier to him. Nobody could know if it happened earlier or was now.

She opened her eyes in the visions to a hallway on an imperial star Destroyer. Stormtroopers walked in an orderly line in front of her. Commanders walked by tapping on a small data pad probably filling out reports. She heard a door open behind her as she turned to her right. 

She entered the room realizing it was prison cell meant for interrogation. There was the interrogation chair and in its binds was...Poe! But she didn't run to him as she saw Kylo Ren or once was Ben Solo stand before Poe. What does he want from my father after all these years after his disappearance? She asked herself.

"I had no idea we had the best resistance pilot on board." Said Kylo Ren as the mask made his voice deeper. "Comfortable?" He asked Poe. The damn bastard asking if his prisoner was comfortable that was irritable.

"Not Really." Said Poe.

"I'm impressed. No one has been able to get out of you. What did you do with the map?" Kylo Ren asked. A chill ran up her spine as she listened in. She wasn't scared of Kylo.....she was scared for what he'd do to her friend.

Kylo reached out his hand towards Poe's forehead as Poe struggled to look away. Damn her cousin she thought to herself watching him reach to Poe's mind. She could tell Poe was in agony, but stayed silent throughout the pain seething through his body. "The Resistance will not be intimated by you." Poe spat as Kylo tried harder.

"You're friends with her." Kylo asked. There were strings of shock in his voice as he said the word her. Shock always never came easily to Ren, but this...this was news he hadn't ever wanted to hear.

"Look. I don't know who your talking about..."

"Amilyn Skywalker.....she's alive." Kylo asked. After all these years, thinking she'd died away with the rest of the young Jedi. To his disbelief she was alive and well.

"Hell yeah. She is and she is doing better than you since that day." Poe spat out. He was suffering more pain as it ran throughout his body. He can't take it  anymore thought Amilyn. Amilyn watched as she couldn't touch Poe of Kylo to stop them from this madness. 

"Where is it? And where is she?" Asked Kylo. Poe looked at kylo as he let out along scream of agony. Amilyn felt tears break into the corners of her eyes as she watched on. She reached out her hand and touched Kylo's shoulder.

He turned around to see nothing there. She loved seeing she was getting on his nerves....or what he had behind the mask. The monster he hid underneath it as it starred at nothing.

Kylo walked out of the cell the door closing behind him. Amilyn followed kylo but whispered under her breath. "I'll find you'll be safe then." She walked out the door to see Kylo talking to a red head general.

"A Beebee unit has the map. And Skywalker's daughter is alive and probably down there." Kylo told the red head.

"That's impossible! Physically she should've died off 7 years ago!"

"The pilot has seen her. It was her! Get men down there as soon as possible, Hux!" Ordered Ren. So this was Hux? A fiery, redhead general thinking everything Ren said was wrong. He would've made a fine General back at the resistance if he wasn't so keen on power and destroying the resistance.

As the General Hux walked away, Ren stood there frustrated. His blood boiled with anger and rage. How is she alive? She should've died a long time ago. He turned to where she stood and whispered, "I'll find you and finish what we started. The last Jedi will die like you Amilyn"

Ren walked off down the corridor, but as she watched it seemed as if she saw Darth Vader. She walked away, but the floor tilted and collapsed around her. She feel rolling onto her back as she the smell of fire filled her lungs. She looked as she got up to see the temple burning.

She saw her father in a cloaked brown robe and his robotic hand on Artoo. "Dad!" She called but soon she switched to another place in her mind. Rain came down on her as she watched as she saw her father sitting on a rock above a temple she'd never seen. As she looked at this version of her father.

It was a much older man. His beard was full of gray and bits of strands of light brown. He had his eyes closed as he meditated on that rock. "Where are you? I need you!" Said Amilyn yelling at him in her vision.

Suddenly, a red blade cuts in front of her. She sees Kylo Ren and what she would presume were the Knights of Ren behind him. Kylo looked up at her and lunged towards her with his lightsaber.

Amilyn gasped waking up with a start, as she sat up quickly. She looked around her to see if Rey was still sleeping. Rey was behind a good time to be woken again, as sleep seemed to come to her easily. These days were becoming hard to get by without thinking her cousin wouldn't appear out of nowhere. 

BB-8 beeped seeing she was awake and not asleep. Amilyn shushed the droid, and the next beep was much quieter. "BB-8 you could've woken up the dead with that beep if that could ever really happen." The droid beeped his apology to her

"It's alright....I had another vision....I saw Poe.....Kylo Ren knows we're here. We have to leave this morning." Amilyn told the droid. She looked at the droid who's bulb for an eye she could only make out in the darkness. The droid beeped back a question.

She looked at Rey. Rey had lead a life without a friend or family to cling on to during her times of scavenging. "Yes. Let's ask if she'd like to come in the morning." 

The droid beeped put a happy, but quiet in response. "Goodnight buddy." She said laying back down on her sheet of comfort she had on the floor. 

BB-8 shut off and left her alone in the dark. Amilyn tried to let sleep come to her. She was desperate she needed enough rest for the coming journey ahead. She knew any day now would lead up to her cousin coming closer to her and BB-8.

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