Chapter 56 - Torrent (1)

Start from the beginning

At this, Kim Dae-young’s colleagues exclaimed.

“Wow, that’s crazy. Is he practicing smiling right now?”

“He’s like a psychopath. So creepy. The actor is really good at acting, right? Well, he must be good since he was cast in that drama.”

“Really amazing. Look at that. Each smile feels a little different, right? The expressions are all different too.”

“He seems like an emotionless psychopath.”

His colleagues brushed their arms. Some of them had goosebumps. However, Kim Dae-young, who was watching his friend on TV, was just appreciating Park Dae-ri’s acting.

‘Was such acting… possible? It’s a completely different character from ‘Exorcism’, but I don’t see any similarities.’

In his eyes, ‘Kim Ryu-jin’ and ‘Park Dae-ri’ seemed like two completely different characters played by different actors.

[“I stepped on dog shit.”]

To that extent, his friend’s acting differentiated each character.

[“Ah, there it is. The son of a bitch.”]

Before they knew it, Kim Dae-young and his colleagues were engrossed in ‘Profiler Hanryang’. More precisely, in Park Dae-ri’s brilliant performance.

“…..Is it because he acts so well? It’s so immersive?”

“I know, right? Who is that actor? Will he come up if I search?”

Soon, Kim Dae-young quietly answered his colleagues who were showing interest in the actor who played Park Dae-ri.

“Kang Woojin. That actor’s name is Kang Woojin.”

“Huh?? Dae-young, you know him?”

At that moment.

“Wow! Look at that!”

One of the colleagues pointed at the TV. The reason was simple.

“Wow- Look how natural the CG (Computer Graphic) is, are they expressing the character’s perspective? It’s amazing!”

The current scene showed a distorted fairy tale world through Park Dae-ri’s eyes. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, navy, and purple. But the colors were unnatural. A bit of gradient was added. The ordinary world turned into a weird fairy tale world, and this special effect made Park Dae-ri’s character even more intense.

And then, Park Dae-ri lifted up a dog that had shitted, painted in yellow.

[“You’re cute. Fluffy. Makes me want to pop you.”]

His colleagues swallowed their saliva.

“No way. Is he going to kill that puppy??”

“Maybe they colored it because it’s too cruel.”

“Look, I guess the red firework is to express the blood bursting.”

“Ah- take it away, don’t do it!”

However, Park Dae-ri on TV disappeared with a smile and a dog in his hand, and Kim Dae-young, who had been watching up to this point, smirked and picked up his phone.

He logged into a group chat with his close friends.

-Dae-young: Hey Kang Woojin, you bastard! If I ever meet you again, I’ll beat you up.

What’s funny is that Kang Woojin, who never usually replied, was the quickest to respond.

-Woojin: Are you watching SBC, my friend?

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