Chapter 55 - Countdown (5)

Beginne am Anfang

Choi Sung-gun, who was a little flustered, came to his senses.

“Please, come this way!”

The place Choi Sung-gun led them was the CEO’s office, and Kang Woojin courteously gestured to the CEO’s office to Director Kyotaro. Soon, Director Kyotaro and the interpreter were sitting in the CEO’s office, opposite Choi Sung-gun and Kang Woojin. The rest of Director Kyotaro’s team were waiting outside.

At that time.


Choi Sung-gun whispered to Kang Woojin.

“Why did Director Kyotaro suddenly come?”

“I’m not sure either.”

“Did he come because of Hye-yeon? Anyway, you should stay too. You’re better than that professional interpreter.”

Well, for Woojin, it wasn’t bad. Because learning Japanese in a day was fun.

At that point.

“It’s my first time like this, but it’s good.”

Across the table, Director Kyotaro, full of gray hair, laughed and spoke in Japanese.

“It’s great that the actor can speak Japanese and there’s no awkwardness in the conversation. It was always uncomfortable when I came to Korea. Will you interpret directly, Mr. Kang Woojin?”

Woojin nodded slightly in response to the question.

“Yes, I can.”

“I was disappointed that we only had a brief conversation at the ‘Mise-en-scène Film Festival’. And it’s also a waste about Woojin’s current position. With that remarkable skill, now only receiving a short film award. In my opinion, you have the skill to receive an award at a major film festival.”

“···Thank you.”

“Even though the acting scene in Korea has high hurdles… it’s unfortunate that Woojin is stuck in short films.”

What is this old man talking about? Woojin remained expressionless and silent.


“How long did you stay in Japan?”

“It’s difficult for me to say due to certain circumstances.”

“Ah, I see. I’m sorry.”

At this time, Choi Sung-gun, who was listening to the conversation with blinking eyes, intervened.

“I’m sorry. Director, did you come here because of the actress Hong Hye-yeon?”

Woojin immediately interpreted, and Director Kyotaro slowly shook his head.

“Hong Hye-yeon is a famous actress in Japan as well. She’s a great actress. Her performance in ‘Exorcism’ was impressive. But I came here today because of actor Kang Woojin.”

Me? He came for me? Why? It seemed like the situation was getting out of hand unexpectedly. Sure enough.

“Woojin, what do you think about making a debut in Japan?”

Director Kyotaro suddenly asked a question with a serious expression. Woojin maintained a poker face, but inside he was shocked.

‘Are you crazy? It’s only been two months since I started acting, what do you mean by going to Japan?’

He was not pretending, but genuinely speechless. However, his profound expression seemed to Director Kyotaro as contemplation.

“It’s natural to have concerns. Do you have any confirmed works?”

The Mistaken Genius Actor 🧑🏻‍🎤Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt