Chapter 48 - Projection (6)

Start from the beginning

“Okay, I’ll explain everything, so calm down. You’re gonna kill someone.”

Kang Woojin looked around. He saw a spot with wooden benches nearby. Woojin pointed to it with his index finger.

“Let’s sit down for now.”

The trio of buddies seemed to agree and started walking.


Kang Woojin, who arrived at the bench first, sat down. His friends were approaching. But punishment had to be served. Kim Dae-young put Woojin in a headlock, Lee Kyung-sung jabbed at Woojin’s side, and Na Hyeong-gu grabbed him by the collar and shook him.

It was a near-ridiculous punishment.

After about 3 minutes, Kang Woojin, who was nearly beaten to death, was barely let go by his friends. Kang Woojin sprawled out on the bench. Sitting next to him, Kim Dae-young sighed and asked.

“So? Explain yourself, you crazy bastard.”

Lee Kyung-sung and Na Hyeong-gu also sat on the next bench, nodding. Soon, Kang Woojin rubbed his neck and ribs and muttered.

“First of all, the protagonist of the movie you guys saw. That’s me.”

“······Ah, f*ck. It’s more unbelievable to hear it directly from you.”

“I’m starting to find it interesting? It feels like the protagonist of the movie we watched earlier is moving right in front of us.”

“It’s the same person, you idiot.”

Kim Dae-young, while scratching his face here, asked Woojin.

“How long has it been since you quit your job? And now you suddenly act? Even making a short film? Does that make any sense in reality?”

Yes, it doesn’t make sense. Kang Woojin also admitted it to himself. Anyway, Woojin couldn’t explain everything to his friends. Whether it’s about his concept, the void space or overall situation in the entertainment industry, etc. After all, there’s no chance his friends would enter the entertainment industry.

So, Kang Woojin only needed to say what was necessary.

“No, there- What is it. There were some circumstances. Anyway. In short, I found out I can act pretty well.”


“What kind of nonsense is that?”

“This guy hasn’t been hit enough.”

Perplexed by his friend’s responses, Woojin continued his explanation, fixing his gaze on the imposing Kim Dae-young.

“The first time I realized I might have a talent for acting was the day of the ‘Super Actor’ audition I went to with you, Kim Dae-young. I thought I might have some talent for acting. So, I started to have an interest in scripts and scenarios. You know what happened after that.”

“I lent you the ‘Exorcism’ scenario.”

“Yes. I read it and found it interesting. I auditioned after some practice. The director said I did well and asked to work together, so we made a movie.”

Kang Woojin pointed his thumb behind him.

“That’s the one that was screened as the main film at today’s film festival. End of story.”


Silence flowed between the close friends. They were just staring at Kang Woojin. But Kang Woojin was calm. Except for what he didn’t say, he didn’t lie. Then the chubby Lee Kyung-sung opened his mouth again.

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