Chapter 27 - Shooting (2)

Start from the beginning

The world of the role given by void space is becoming Kang Woojin’s possession.

Kang Woojin quickly transformed into Kim Ryu-jin, who is engraved and implanted. Suddenly, the ordinary villa in front of him looked like a haunted house of ghosts. The chill enveloping his body, the faint spreading fear, the horror mixed with his breath.

It was after seeing a body being carried away.

Kim Ryu-jin’s quiet breathing became distorted into a deflated noise. That noise began to piston. Inhalation and exhalation were speeding up. Kim Ryu-jin felt his body was heavy, as if it was nailed to the grass floor.

His body was resisting.


A short deep breath. Then, the camera that had been filming Kim Ryu-jin’s side moved to his front. The focus changed to a frontal bust shot. Hence, on the monitor that Director Shin Dong-chun and Hong Hye-yeon and others were watching, Kim Ryu-jin appeared closer. His face was filled with agony.

His facial muscles were flat, but his eye movements were quick.

Hong Hye-yeon covered her mouth with one hand as she watched Kim Ryu-jin in the monitor. It was neither admiration nor exclamation. It was awe.

‘He’s scared. But he can’t turn back. Although he’s clumsy, his curiosity is strong. After tripping, he’s even captured the character’s charm because of the lifelikeness.’

It was acting that fulfilled the director’s direction to realistically portray fear. The current Kim Ryu-jin was.

At that moment.


Kim Ryu-jin, who had been standing still, barely took a step forward. He had made a decision. The reason he worked as a ‘detective’ was that he found pleasure in ‘seeing on behalf of others.’ Surprisingly, people often confide secrets in strangers.

Especially when there is a professional relationship between them, trust is amplified

Kim Ryu-jin enjoyed looking at the hidden sides of others more than money. But this time, it was murder. He wasn’t sure exactly how, but how often can one see such a scene and situation in one’s life? That became the driving force for Kim Ryu-jin to move forward.

Becoming a ‘witness’ was a surprisingly rare experience.

Before he knew it, Kim Ryu-jin’s pace quickened.

-Thump thump.

It didn’t take long to reach the front door of the villa, and Kim Ryu-jin muttered softly as he slowly raised his hand.

“I’m going crazy, damn it. How can I endure this?”

But then.


The front door was locked. Damn. Soon, Kim Ryu-jin glanced at the camera next to him. Of course, he wasn’t looking at the camera. He was checking the movements of the wife who had driven away in a car. Fortunately, it was quiet. Instinctively, Kim Ryu-jin checked the large windows.

And then.


He found a window opening. At the same time, the smell of the inside of the villa that had been contained was inhaled into Kim Ryu-jin’s nose.

“It’s unnecessarily nice and crazy.”

It smelled good for a place where someone had died. As if the villa itself was saying it was not at fault. Kim Ryu-jin, who briefly clicked his tongue, stopped as he was about to climb over the window. Inside and outside. This window’s boundary line felt like the line between life and death. Kim Ryu-jin moistened his mouth. Because his tongue felt dry.

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