Chapter 19 - Plot Twist (4)

Start from the beginning

Rising rookies who are said to be popular are definitely most cautious in their first steps and what follows. Therefore, the agency is very sensitive in judging the works at that time.

But Kang Woojin doesn’t have an agency right now.

Nevertheless, Kang Woojin is confidently picking out works with his intuition.

‘But the work he boldly picked is ‘Exorcism’, a short film that usually wouldn’t even be considered.’

For a rookie or unknown actor, a big project is always better given the chance. Kang Woojin has joined ‘Profiler Hanryang’, so he could have waited and chosen slowly after the broadcast.

‘Yet, he confidently picked ‘Exorcism’.’

Here, PD Song Man-woo stared at Kang Woojin’s unwavering eyes across from him. Of course, there’s no guarantee yet that ‘Exorcism’ will do well. But if ‘Exorcism’ really takes off.

‘That crazy acting, unique star quality, guts, and even keen intuition and instinct.’

Kang Woojin will undoubtedly grow into a great actor that no one else can reach. Soon, PD Song Man-woo couldn’t help but admire the monstrous being in front of him.

A little too much.

‘Is this guy a real cheat character?’

Then, PD Song Man-woo laughed.

“Ha ha, yeah. When I set up my production company later, I’ll have to find Woojin when choosing scripts.”

Then writer Park Eun-mi suddenly grabbed Woojin’s hands across from her. She was a bit excited.

“Woojin! What do you think will happen to our ‘Profiler Hanryang’?? Huh? Strictly speaking, we pulled Woojin in rather than Woojin choosing it.”

On the other hand, Woojin felt a little disgusted inside. Is this writer used to holding hands? Thanks to her, he subtly pulled his caught hand out and answered.

“There are two of you, isn’t it going to do well?”

“What are you talking about! Do you know how thin the ice is in drama production! Even dramas with top actors participating have flopped hard!”

Oh really? Woojin, who didn’t know much about the drama industry, thought he should calm down writer Park Eun-mi across from him. Besides, he was somewhat confident in ‘Profiler Hanryang’.

That’s why Kang Woojin’s answer was simple. It was somewhat sincere.

“I joined because I thought it would work out.”

At that moment, a sense of relief and energy came to Park Eun-mi, the author.

“…What on earth. I guess this is why people believe in religion.”


PD Song man-woo and Writer Park Eun-mi, who had been focusing on Kang Woojin, barely got back to the main point. They had called Woojin because of the script. Park Eun-mi, once again wearing her hairband, took the lead.

“Originally, the script was out up to the fourth part. But recently, we’ve revised the script from the second part? From the second to the fourth.”

“Did you say revise?”

“Yes, but we didn’t completely overhaul it, we just made some appropriate cuts focusing on the characters. So there are parts that stick out a little compared to the first part. Of course, that’s been revised too.”

In other words, there was a slight change in the overall script, and Writer Park Eun-mi, who received piles of paper from PD Song man-woo, smiled.

“No- The video of Park Dae-ri shown by Woojin. That was a complete cheat key. It gives me a lot of inspiration, you know? If you look at this part in the second part, the lines and emotions of Park Dae-ri have changed a bit……”

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