CHAPTER 151 - cheese!

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a/n - please vote! three chapters left to vote on this story forever!!!

"thank you," i scrunch my face up as jada puts the glasses on me. i fix it, looking at liv. she puts a pack of oreos in the cart, smiling at me. 

we walk out of the grocery store, and i ignore the paparazzi flashes. jada digs her head into olivia's neck. 

olivia opens jada's door and buckles her in as i put the bags in the trunk. i close the trunk as olivia closes jada's door. i jog past her, opening her door. olivia looks at me with a soft smile, "thank you." "no problem," i say, closing the door once olivia was in. 

we start to drive back home, sighing. "it's nice that jada's thought is to not look at the light," olivia says, "even thought it doesn't harm her, it's good that she doesn't look at it." "and i hate that," i say, "she shouldn't have to do that. there shouldn't be fifteen cameras flashing at us for money when we go grocery shopping. i know we should be used to it, but we should've have to be." i stop at a red light, sighing as i lean back.

olivia leans over, kissing my cheek, "i know, love. but... there's nothing we can do to change it." "doesn't mean it doesn't make me pissed," i say. "i know," olivia says, "we just have to live with it. i know that it won't change anything, and it makes me mad too, but there's nothing we can do." i look over at olivia, and she gives me a small smile. i move my hand to her lap, and she intertwines it with hers.

i hold jada as she holds the wooden spoon, mixing the pot of spaghetti slowly. "hungry?" i ask. "yep," jada nods. "okay," i smile.

i place jada in the high chair, and get the food. "wait," olivia says, "i wanna plate it nicely for my story." i ask, "you haven't done that in forever.. like, what, before we had jada?" "yeah," olivia chuckles, getting back onto tradition."

olivia leans into me, getting all of us and the food in the picture. "say cheese!" olivia grins. "cheeeese!" jada grins. i laugh, and olivia takes the picture.

i watch jada pick up the pasta with her hands, shoving it in her mouth. i smile, looking at liv. "see this?" i ask as she watches jada, "she eats like we don't feed her the best meals every day." olivia laughs with a quick nod, "i know right? like, she ate better than me at her age." 

i hand jada her sippy bottle, and she takes a few gulps before putting it on the high chair table. 

"y/n?" olivia whispers as she lays on top of me in bed. "yeah?" i say. "you know how... we agreed we'd end it if either of us died?" olivia asks. "yeah." "we can't anymore," she says, "with jada." "yeah, i know," i say, "i don't... really wanna think about either of us dying right now. or ever." "okay," olivia whispers, "i'm sorry."

"don't be," i say, "i just... feel really full with life right now. i've already got everything achieved, i think." "me too," olivia says. "you know... i always think to myself how lucky i was to meet you, know you and love you," i say, "there's a 0.001 percent chance of meeting you... and we ended up together. we were made for each other, liv. in-" "every universe," olivia chuckles, "you're so good with your words, y/n. that alone just makes me feel so safe with you." i smile wrapping my arms under olivia's shirt. "thank you, liv," i say, "i try my hardest."

olivia lets out a quiet laugh, "you're so cheesy." "now you say it?" i ask, chuckling, "a little late." "i know..." olivia says, "but i love it."

i pick up my phone, taking a bite of my sandwich. i smile, accepting the facetime from liv. "hey pretty," i say. "hi! how's work?" olivia asks. "pretty good, almost finished my break," i say, "how's home?" "great," olivia says, "jada and i are just gonna leave to come and have dinner there." "alright, see you soon." "bye, i love you!"

i smile widely as liv comes in, pushing jada in stroller. olivia smiles, and so does jada once she sees me. "hey, pretty girls," i grin once olivia stops in front of me. 

i take jada out of the stroller, holding her. "hi, baby!" i exclaim, kissing her cheek twice. "hi mommy," jada smiles. i place her in the restaurant's high chair, sitting liv down. "let me know when you're ready to order, babe," i smile at olivia. "okay," olivia smiles. i press my lips against hers for a second, pecking it again and saying 'bye' to jada as i walk back to the counter.

as i take another table's order, i look over at olivia's table. i smile, seeing jada and liv talking to jess. "is that your family?" the lady in front of me asks. "it is," i say, looking at her. "such a pretty baby," she smiles, keeping her eyes on jada, "probably the most beautiful baby i've seen for her age. she's going to grow up beautiful." "she is, isn't she?" i say, "got it from her other mom." 

i walk to olivia's table. "what can i get you guys?" i smile, looking at olivia. olivia tells me her order, and i look at jada. "anything for you?" i ask. "she's sharing with me, y/n," olivia laughs. "i'd hope so," i look at olivia, "gonna make her watch you eat." olivia smiles, "i'll do just that."

i put a food bib on jada after i place olivia food in front of her. olivia helps me put food onto jada's plate. "that all?" i ask. "yeah," olivia says, "i'll give her more if she finishes it." "okay," i smile, "if you're still hungry, let me know."

i walk back over to olivia's table, looking at jada. of course, she had food all over her mouth. "savour it while you can," olivia sighs to me. "yeah, i know," i chuckle, looking at liv, "how was the food? are you full?" "amazing, and yes," she says, "i'm gonna grab a drink and pay for everything at the front." "i already paid for the meal." "y/n," olivia stands up, "seriously?" "yes," i chuckle. "you didn't have to," olivia says, "but thank you."

i watch jada as olivia goes to order her drink. "hungry, baby?" i ask. "no," jada shakes her head. "okay," i smile, picking up her water, "water?" i bring it to her mouth, but jada moves it away. "thats okay," i say, placing it back down.

i clean jada up before picking her up. i hold her and put her in the stroller, buckling her up. olivia comes back with her drink. "i'll see you later at home, okay?" i say to jada, "bye, jada." "bye," jada waves to me. i kiss her cheek, before standing up and looking at liv. "see you at home, olive," i say, "i love you." "i love you," olivia smiles, pecking my lips, "have a good day at work."

i walk into the house, smiling as liv walks to me. "hi," she wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me in for a hug, "how was work?" "great," i say, hugging olivia tight, "jada sleeping?" "she is," olivia says, pulling away and kissing me.

olivia and i sit on the couch, and olivia watches netflix on the tv as i scroll through the pictures on my camera.  "look at this," i say, turning my laptop to liv to show her a picture i took of us in paris. olivia smiles, "we look so cute." "little did we know we'd have a literal baby," i say. "i know," olivia lays her head on my shoulder, wrapping her arms around my arm and continuing to watch tv as i scroll through the pictures.

a/n - in honor of 1989 tv here's another chapter!! thoughts on 1989 tv?!?!

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