CHAPTER 24 - i'm dreaming

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a/n - please vote :)))

i walk into a room where i had made it into a room for spider-woman. fabricators, all that fancy technology i had built myself over months from countless hours. i pick up my web shooters, sliding them on. i rotate them around, and i hear the doorbell ring.

i close the door behind me, jogging to the door as i slide the web shooters up my arm. i open the door, seeing olivia. "come in," i say, standing to the side. olivia walks in, and we somehow end on my balcony.

i lean against the railing. "what happened to your hands?" olivia asks. "i wanna tell you something," i say, facing olivia. "oh, okay," she faces me too, both leaning our waists against the railing. i open my mouth but no words come out. i look down, feeling olivia's eyes on me. "i've been bitten," i say, closing my eyes. "so have i," olivia says. i open my eyes, still seeing olivia staring at me. "okay..." i whisper, "okay, okay okay... okay. i gotta tell you this one thing. i gotta tell you this one thing... it's about my... my hand and the cuts on my faces, alright?" olivia nods. "it's impo- i wish i could just... i can't," i motion to my mouth, branching my hand out as if i was speaking, "it's hard to say." "just say it," olivia says, looking down at my lips. i look away, "i don't know." i face back to the railing, leaning my arms on it. i take a deep sigh, heart racing. olivia furrows her eyebrows, leaning a little bit closer as she stares at me, "what... what?" i look up at her, breathing heavily. "what?" she asks again. i stare at her, shaking my head and looking back down.

"okay... then forget it," olivia says, starting to walk away. THWIP!

i shoot a web to her waist, pulling her towards me. she spins around, and i catch her waist, pulling her close as her hands go to my shoulder. she gasps, eyes widened as she searches my eyes. "you?" she mouths. i keep my mouth shut, hearing olivia's heartbeat speed up.

"oh my god..." she whispers, squeezing my shoulders before letting go. i let go of her waist. "it's... you're spider-woman," she says, running her hands through her hair. i give a small nod, scared of how she was gonna react. "no, no, i'm dreaming," she shakes her head, "you can't be her." "i am," i whisper. "y/n, are you serious?" she asks, taking my wrist. she slides my sleeve up, looking at my web shooter. "you're serious," she whispers. "i'm not lying," i say. "y/n, this is insane. you are insane. i can't believe this," she says. "yeah, neither," i exhale. "so, the bruises, the cuts, the way you have no time," she says, shaking my wrist, "is because of this?" "yes," i admit, "you're the only one who knows." "not jess? not your work friends? parents?" "no, olivia," i chuckle, "just you." "just me, okay," she takes a shaky sigh, "this is bizarre. does your hands hurt? cut?" "no," i respond, shaking my head. olivia lets go of my hand, sliding her thumb over my cut, "how'd everything start?" "should we talk inside?" i ask. "yeah, good idea," she says, turning around. i follow her as she slides open the door.

olivia sits on my bed as i sit on the chair. "so, um... remember when i told you i got bit by that spider?" i ask. "yeah," olivia responds. "and then i fell over your chair?" olivia nods. "that's half of the story," i say, "look." i get out of the chair, standing to the side of it. i place my 2 fingers on the armrest, pulling up. "oh my god," olivia gasps as i lift the chair with two fingers. "yeah," i chuckle, sitting back on the chair, "my hands got stuck to your chair, and i tried to get it off, but i fell. that's kinda how it all started." "then what?"

olivia's pov
i lean back on my arms, watching y/n pace around the room as she talks about her being spider-woman. "then i stopped this girl from getting assaulted in the alleyway and the guy held his gun at me and then another 20 guys came in, they chased me around the town and i had this cool ass rooftop chase scene- like from the movies, ya know? then i fell down the roof but landed in a boxing ring," y/n tells me. "wait, gun, did you say?" i ask. "yeah, guns," she says, "anyways, i figured out a web fluid." "a what?" "web fluid. the webs that shoot out. i made them from scientific formulas, blah blah, then i made a suit, and somehow got viral on every social media." "from that video of you fighting those thugs, i saw," i say, "everyone's seen it." "yeah, surreal," she says, "then everything happened, and this is where i... we ended up." "come here," i say, patting the spot next to me. "okay," she says.

she sits beside me, sighing as she crosses her legs. she looks at me, and i stare forward. even having her sit next to me was a relief. "i never really got the chance to say that i'm sorry," y/n says, "i know that the other half of me sort of.. consumed this half of me. i'm really sorry. you're right, that wasn't me." "i know," i say, "thank you for telling me that you're a superhero." y/n smiles, looking down, "weight's off my shoulders. i've been keeping it in for so long." "i'm glad you told me," i smile back. "oh! not sure if you got the gist of it, but i'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone," she says. i laugh, "i know, i'm not that stupid." "well..." y/n says, pulling out the word. i look over at her, and she has a smile on her face. "i'm not dumb!" i laugh. "stubborn sometimes," she laughs. "says the one that fell through a roof and fell over my chair," i tuck my hair behind my ear with a smile. "okay, that was both an accident!" "being stubborn is having a lot of accidents!" "oh, that was my first accident in years. never made a mistake before that," she exaggerates. this was the y/n i knew.

i try not to yawn, but i fail. y/n looks at me, "did you... wanna stay tonight? i don't have work tomorrow or the next day and it's almost 11, i don't want you driving home at night tired." i look at y/n. "um... i can sleep on the bed in my spare room. or the couch here. we don't have to be on the same bed," she says. "i'll stay," i nod.

"so, any questions?" y/n asks. "those glasses, are they just for work?" i ask. "the glasses give me access to my global satellite network, along with security, defense and tactical intelligence properties. but i can also identify every single person within the owner's immediate vicinity, read and respond text to my messages, see any nearby crimes... there's more, but we'd be here for hours." "what a nerd," i laugh, "what do you mean by security?" "i upgraded the security in my house." "with a new doorbell?" "access control via retinal scan." "like, eyeball?" "yeah," y/n chuckles, "i put my eye close to it and it scans it." "that's amazing," i smile, "didn't know you were this smart." "you just called me a nerd two seconds ago," she laughs, playing with the bracelet on her wrist. 

i look up at y/n, "i know. i just don't understand why you chose to be a barista." "i like my job," y/n says, "i know i could be a scientist or whatever. don't get me wrong,  but i think i like doing all this because it's not my job." "i see," i say. "yeah," y/n says. we stay silent. "um, we should get ready for bed," y/n says, getting off her bed. "yeah, okay," i say, following her. we brush our teeth, and y/n walks into her wardrobe. she walks back out, holding a pair of neatly folder pyjamas. "get changed," she says. "thank you," i say, taking it. 

y/n walks out of the bathroom in pyjamas, "so, you can take the bed, i'll sleep on the couch." i feel bad. "no, it's okay. i got the couch," i say, getting off y/n's bed. "no, i asked you to stay," y/n says, "i'll take the couch." "you're being stubborn again y/n," i chuckle, "we'll just save our breath and sleep on your bed."

y/n and i both stare at the ceiling, both in the middle of our pillows. this is weird. "uh, how much sleep do you get a day?" i ask, "well, a night." "i don't know," y/n sighs, "like, 5? if i'm lucky." "shit, y/n," i say, looking at her, "that's not okay." "i know," she says. "are you going out as spider-woman every day?" i ask. "yeah," she answers. "you need to sleep more," i say, "you shouldn't feel the need to go out every night, you're doing the cop's job for them at that point." "it's okay," y/n says. "it's not okay," i respond, "please, get more sleep. you're destroying yourself." she looks at me, frowning, "i'm sorry."

i sigh, looking away, "don't be." "i'll sleep more." "promise?" i ask. "promise," she responds. i put my pinky out, and y/n connects hers. i bring our hands down, and they lay in the middle of us. "eight hours minimum, okay?" "you got it," y/n responds.

y/n's pov
i look over at olivia, seeing her facing me, eyes closed. i focus on her heartbeat, hearing everything was slower, indicating she was asleep. i look down to our linked pinkies, looking back up at olivia. 

another a/n - the infamous tasm scene with gwen and peter :((((

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