!Authors Note!

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What a rollercoaster huh?! It's okay, calm down... I got tissues, chocolate and squish-mallows!

*Cue the nervous chuckles*

If you've made it this far, you're probably really pissed at me for that cliffhanger, but fear not! I'm not one of those authors that start something and then decide to discard it, making you want to hurl your device across the room.

If you know, you know. >.>

Please don't cuss me out, or break your devices... 

Fire and Ice is Book One, there is another two on the way! So rest assured, you'll be able to continue reading and find out what happens in book two soon!

I promise.

Now, i'd like to thank everyone who has stuck with this story and given it a read. I appreciate you all so much you have no idea.

It can be anxiety inducing to share things online, but at the end of the day, if all authors, indie or traditional were scared to share their work, there would be no books for us all to fall in love with.

And while this is a fan fiction, it contains a lot of original twists, turns and ideas. I've poured my heart into it, so i hope you all love it as much as i do. 

Hope to see you in Book TwoRedemption and Royalty—coming soon.

Much love Honey Bunny's,


Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now