Chapter 72

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Bucky awoke to the distinct sounds of a dozen footsteps coming up the stair levels. Followed by voices issuing commands and civilians being evacuated from their homes. He sat up and swore under his breath, then reached over to tap Alex's shoulder. 

When she woke, he placed two fingers against her lips to stop her from talking. Bucky pointed to his ears in gesture for her to listen. When she did, her eyes widened and they both moved, following their escape plan. Alex grabbed their backpacks, tossing one over to him while she secured the strap on hers.

Their time in Bucharest was up.

"We're going to have to use the balcony. The building next door has a lower roof level." Bucky whispered.

Alex nodded, and as they crouch walked to the living area, suddenly two smoke grenades crashed through the window. Bucky caught one and threw it back before it could explode, while Alex kicked the second one into the corner of the room. 

Grey smoke began to fill up the space. She ran to the balcony door, pulling it open, and looked back in time to see Bucky flip the table over and send it flying towards the front entrance. Stopping the authorities from coming in.

Together they stepped out onto the balcony, and looked around. The distance to the neighbouring rooftop was at least two metres away. A fair distance to jump.

Bucky looked back inside then grabbed her hand and pulled her with him. It was clear they needed a launch strip. Taking the hint, Alex squeezed his hand and they both ran, using the balcony ledge to launch up, and over. Landing into a roll on the lower rooftop.

Alex pushed up and glanced back to see agents swarming the little apartment. She followed Bucky across to the edge, and watched him jump down a few levels. When she glanced over, he was waving at her from the landing.

"Come on, jump!" He urged, and she scoffed.

Alex's vision narrowed like a tunnel. A sharp ringing began in her ears and a panic crawled into her chest. Beating, pounding against her consciousness. She'd never been afraid of heights before. A regular daredevil. That was until she was dropped off a six story the ptsd was a bitch.

"Come on, he says... Jump, he says," She muttered, sarcasm in full swing.

"Alex jump! I'll catch you."

She cracked a nervous laugh, but the spark of a bullet hitting the concrete beside her foot woke her up. Now was not the time to have a panic attack.

A groan of frustration crossed with a whimper came out of her as she stepped onto the ledge. Alex took a deep breath, shut her eyes and forced her feet to step off. Mid jump she opened her eyes and stuck the landing, but it was right on the edge, making her stumble backwards.

Every single cell in her body screamed, her eyes widened and breath caught in her lungs. The image flashed in her vision but strong hands shot out and grabbed her arms, pulling her into his embrace. The tremble in her entire body did not go unnoticed.

"I told you i'd catch you," he rasped against her head, and her heart was pounding against her ribcage. Alex tilted her face up to look at him, barely being able to breathe. Warm blue eyes looked back at her.

"Th-thanks..." She stuttered, and he nodded, clasping her chin with such tenderness.

"One more jump, doll, then we run, okay,"

Alex glanced down and wished she hadn't. It wasn't that far like the distance from the actual roof, but it was still daunting. She felt his hand slip into hers, fingers entwining.

"Together." He stated. It was one word, but there was such protectiveness in his eyes.

Together, they jumped, sliding down the wall and sticking their landing with precise agility. Bucky did not let go of her hand as they ran and jumped into a giant circumference opening in the road. It led to an underground pass-way. Agents were closing in on them, sirens blazing, bullets flying, and cars swerving to avoid the chaos.

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt