Chapter 73

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Sitting on the beach, Alex basked in the breeze hitting her skin while the sun charged her up. She could taste the salt in the air, and smell the oceans freedom. There was a reason why they said the vast expanse was beautiful and dangerous at the same time. It could lull you in and drown you in its depths or it could free you of all your worries. 

Most days she would spend time alone sitting out by the ocean, whispering her worries while the water skimmed her feet. Somehow it made her feel lighter. As if the ocean took half the weight off her shoulders.

The past month brought Bucky and Alex closer to each other again. Healing their spirits and making things seem as normal as they could get. It began feeling as if they weren't the most wanted criminals in the world, but just two people on vacation in Spain. Enjoying all its wonderful culture has to offer.

With concealment spells casted over them, it gave them the freedom to explore the city without being noticed. Dining with the locals and checking out the gorgeous markets. Everyday held something new. 

While all of that was nice, Alex still faced a problem, and she'd used up so many excuses over the time they'd been there. It was starting to weigh down on her. The secret she kept.

Whenever it came to taking a dip in the ocean, she refused and excused herself, watching Bucky enjoy it instead. Alex craved to fully submerge herself in the salty sea. Feel the waves rock her balance to and fro. But she couldn't because if she did, then he'd find out about the scars pretty quickly.

Somehow, she managed to hide them with her clothing choices, wearing kimono's over tank tops or summer dresses. It gave some form of protection. She'd also used magical bindings placed over her back if the fabric was too light or white.

They spent most nights together, holding hands or snuggled up to each other. It was the only way either of them could sleep peacefully without nightmares. Though, the nightmares seemed to have faded to an extent.

She savoured every moment he smiled, or laughed, and in return he did the same with her. Things were finally looking up for a change, and her soul felt like there was a possibility they could truly make it out, relationship in tact. 

"Hey beautiful," His velvety voice caressed her ears.

Alex turned her gaze and smiled when she saw Bucky come to a stop by her side, hand out in offering. He pulled her up straight into his arms, slid a hand along the side of her neck, then gave her a sweet kiss. She smiled into it.

"Whispering to the ocean again?" He asked and she poked his nose.

"What i have with the ocean is private, Sergeant, you should know better than to try and come between it," Alex teased and he chuckled.

She gasped when he picked her up by her waist and spun around and around, making her laugh. Alex gripped his shoulders as he raised her up high and the breeze kissed her face, sending her hair flowing backwards. It'd grown a few inches longer since they arrived. Slowly he brought her down and their noses brushed against each other.

"You have no idea how much i've missed seeing you like this," He said, kissing her forehead, then claimed her lips.

Alex inched back and caressed his jawline with her fingers. The evening sun casted a warm orange glow over them, bringing out his gorgeous features. Everyday she'd gaze into his blue eyes, occasionally whispering how much she loved the warmth in them, and in return he'd hold her as close as possible.

Hand in hand they walked along the shoreline where the sand was more solid, and Alex felt a cheeky mood coming in. Using magic she made the water splash him, then laughed when he gasped, looking at her with his mouth in the perfect O shape. She watched his lips form a smirk, and his eyes take on a devilish glimmer.

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now