Chapter 9

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Memories flooded in from the open gates of Alex's mind, unbeknownst to the others she was absorbing all the emotions that came near her. Her empathy abilities sucking it all up like a sponge.

Alex didn't know she was doing it as she was so deep into her unconsciousness, it only added to the agony stirring within. As each memory surfaced she remembered things.

Back in her home world of Alicante, she is known to be a powerful being with a mixed bloodline.

Half human, half angel. Some would call her a Nephilim, but she wasn't like the rest of her kind because she had active magic. Special beyond what words can be spoken. Alex was a prophecy come to life.

She's the daughter of the queen, it made her a princess by birthright, and she was hunted by people who wanted to use her gifts as a weapon against their own kin.

Warriors just like her but they had different thoughts and viewpoints. They wanted to overthrow the system and rule in a sadistic dark way, killing off every race in existence within their world that was not angel blooded.

Once their leader, Valentine, knew of her and the prophecy attached, he wanted to use her as a weapon for their cause. They called themselves the Forsaken. Alex's gifts and abilities, her blood a source of power on its own. It became his obsession ever since she was born.

When Alex was ten years old, her mother Charlotte applied runes on her for protection. In Alicante, every child went through the process, Alex's ceremony was a little different due to her being special. But the Runes held magical properties that bound to their host, advancing their abilities and protecting them.

Charlotte, a warrior herself and queen of Alicante had her own magical abilities. It was how she'd passed them down to her daughter. The woman came from a longline of fighters that fought demons and protected humanity. They called themselves, Shadowhunter's.

Alex's father was an engineer, a high level creator of weapons and machinery, he helped the warriors in battle with advanced technology. Having his own fighting abilities, the man was quite gifted in nature too.

Charlotte and Howard had fallen fast and hard in love with each other, sadly the man was murdered trying to protect his daughter and wife from an invasion of demons after Alex's birth. He died protecting his family, it was an honourable death yet it brought so much pain.

Alex never knew her father, Valentine had torn that away from her, and Charlotte never spoke about him. He'd been like a ghost story in her life. There were never any photos and pictures because Charlotte claimed it was just too painful.

When Alex reached five years old, she began her training. She learned how to use her magic, how to fight, and how to protect herself. She was paired with a young boy that Charlotte had taken in after his parents were brutally murdered by Valentine. That boy came to be known as Jace, and together they became best friends, practically inseparable.

As the years went on, she grew into a young woman with so much on her shoulders. Alex became a strong and skilled warrior just like her mother, her power stronger than anything in existence. But despite that, they still ran and lived in safe houses as they battled the forsaken.

The runes Charlotte placed on her created an illusion, rendering Alex untraceable to the forsaken. It allowed them to live under the radar for quite some time, but it only lasted for so long before Valentine cracked the code with dark magic and sent men to track them down.

Alex fought alongside her people, striking down as many forsaken that came at her, but many of her people perished in sickening ways. She witnessed so much death from a young age and delivered it too that it became but second nature to her. Her life was bathed in blood and nothing else. 

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